My first week on here

hi I'm Lisa from the uk, this is my first week on here and I am loving it.
I Really struggle to lose weight have 70 odd pounds to lose, but so excited that I lost six pounds in my first week. I have pcos so that six pound loss has made my day.
Looking for motivational friends for support and to give support to. Add me and we can all do this together.

Good luck all xxx


  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey Lisa!!! Good luck!! Feel free to add me if you like. Always around for motivation and support. You can do it, girl :)
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210
    Add me if you wish too

    Good luck on your journey hun x
  • Congrats on the 6 lbs! I also have PCOS although I'm at an age not worrying about having kids. Still have hormone issues, lol. Best of luck to you and happy to join you on this journey.
  • Hello everyone,
    My name is Karla and This is day 4. I have just started so I haven't weighed myself yet. I plan to do that once a week. I really like the tracker its just great! I have 30 lbs to go! I have also started running with my husband the coach potato to 5K plan. We are in week 3. Look forward to sharing my progress with you.

    Congrats on the 6 lb loss. That's terrific!

    Good luck Too!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jswayze67
    jswayze67 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, well done on your first week - I don't have my first weigh in until Monday - I've been really good so fingers crossed!! I have 4 stone (56lb) to lose. Got to go out for a meal tomorrow night tho, grandma-in-law's 80th Birthday - guess who got the task of making the Birthday cake? Aye, me lol - so one choccy Birthday cake later and I didn't even lick the bowl!! Good luck on the rest of your journey hun x
  • holly1007
    holly1007 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    I'm new here too, just a week now. Great work on the 6lbs!
    Feel free to add me if you like and hope we can help support one another on our weight loss journey.

  • I am new here too, feel free to add me also! I have been dieting the second time around to get ready for a trip to Mexico in March 2012! Would love to wear a bikkini too! How do I add people to my friend group so I can make a support group? Thanks!

  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi...and welcome!

    Congrats on the 6 pounds, especially with PCOS. I know, I've been there.

    I'm always accepting requests for new friends...the more the better. Anyone who would like to can add me :)
  • Thanks guys for your wonderful words, think I have added you all but am doing this on my phone so sorry if I missed anyone. Please add me f I have missed you x
  • I am new here too, feel free to add me also! I have been dieting the second time around to get ready for a trip to Mexico in March 2012! Would love to wear a bikkini too! How do I add people to my friend group so I can make a support group? Thanks!

  • I am new here too, feel free to add me also! I have been dieting the second time around to get ready for a trip to Mexico in March 2012! Would love to wear a bikkini too! How do I add people to my friend group so I can make a support group? Thanks!

    Hi ya, if you click on the persons name or photograph, you will then see a add friend box click on this and you will then request them as a friend x