Feel myself obsessing about food

I don't know WHAT my problem is! I've been doing so well lately (4.4 lbs in 2 weeks), but today I find myself completely obsessed with thoughts of food--bad food. I'm going through my day and doing what I need to do, but I just can't shake it. I ate some cookies earlier (it really hurt to log those in MFP), but that just made me want more! I get sooo frustrated with myself when I get like this. It's like I'm sabotaging myself. Does anyone else do this? Think I'm going to try getting some fresh air to see if that helps. :(


  • beachlovinmom
    beachlovinmom Posts: 5 Member
    Oh heavens yes! Why does it have to be soooo hard sometimes just to ignore the food that's calling you and just walk away? I like to eat and I have been in your shoes many times.
  • maluprincess
    First amazing job with the weight loss!! And don't worry you're not alone! There's some days, even in the 3 mile drive back from the gym, that I crave something easy, salty and greasyness from one of the 4 fast food places I see and it feels like it takes a lot to keep driving home. I've found some techniques that work for me maybe they'll work for you too!

    I try to go with a 95-5 rule. Make good decisions about food 95% of the time and let myself enjoy the other 5%. In no way does that 5% mean i can eat that 1700 calorie chocolate chip sundae. But I'll choose a small piece or dark chocolate, fun size candy bar or a 100 calorie mini ice cream sandwich (watch the fat grams though, almost fell for that one once). That way it doesn't feel like a diet and that I had to give up the things I enjoyed once in a while.

    Btw I fixed my craving problems by taking a different route home on the days my lazyness kicks in, sure I have to go 25 mph. But the temptation is far less when it's not in plain view.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I give myself one day a week, usually saturdays as my "off" day...I eat what I want...this is the day that I will have ice cream, or chocolate, cookies, wine, etc...this way I don't obsess thru the week because I know when I get to Saturday I will have it...

    This is about lifestyle change and living...to say that you will never touch a sweet or candy, etc ever again is unreasonable...if you allow yourself to have a treat you will stop obsessing about it as much.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Have you been depriving yourself of foods you enjoy?
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    Before you eat it, log it into your diary, see how it effects it, and possibly, you won't want it anymore. But I do see where you're coming from. I have really crazy cookie-like cravings. I have alternatives so I won't absolutely KILL my day or my mood. If I crave something, I usually log it before, and I usually don't want it after I see what it does to my diary.
  • Rachel122810
    Rachel122810 Posts: 35 Member
    Today I have been obsessing about Wing stop with french fries and ranch!! So you are not alone. I think the one day a week cheat day is a good idea. That way you are not completely giving up the type of foods that you like. But just be careful to not go to the extreme and eat 3000+ calories in one day!! Good Luck!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. I tend to be my own worst critic! lol I've been working out, which I LOVE, and all in all I feel great, but some days are HARD, and man oh man, this is one of those days! Thank you all for your support. It's nice to know everyone struggles from time to time. Looking forward to a fresh start tomorrow! :)
    Don't beat yourself up,,,everyone feels obsessed or we wouldn't be doing this. remember your eyes are in the front of your head not in the back...so you can look forward not behind. As long as you get right back on the plan tomorrow or even tonight! Good luck
  • sassygamma
    sassygamma Posts: 84 Member
    I think we all have those days, i know as i am walking around the store i pick up every piece of candy and check the labels. There are days i just want to eat something so bad, like today i really wanted a ice cream cone from Mc Donalds, my daughter said NO, lol but i find if i chew the desert gum it helps really any gum.. But don't beat yourself up we all do it..
  • Hoover8it
    Hoover8it Posts: 107 Member
    Yes tomorrow is new day:):smile:
  • KylieBarstow
    I highly recommend you check out the dessert recipes at Skinnytaste.com

    They are all very easy to make and most very low in calories.

    Last week my mother in law and I made the pumpkin cheesecake frosting cupcakes and I swear they were the best cupcakes I had ever had. Couldn't believe they were only 120 calories a piece. Plus much more satisfying to me than a small candybar with the same amount of calories. Next on my list of things to make is the chocolate chocolate chip banana muffins. 170 calories. A little on the high end, but planning on using those as snacks or a breakfast on the go instead of a "dessert."

    One more piece of advice I have is to allow yourself to indulge once in a while. You will go insane by not giving in to your cravings. I regularly eat 90 calories fiber brownies. They instantly stop that time of the month chocolate craving, low in calories, and high in fiber. Honestly what more can you ask for? :)

    Anyway as I said, Skinnytaste.com Use it. It's amazing.
  • Blueeyed1985
    Blueeyed1985 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same issues, particularly feeling tempted today! I'm not even really hungry and I'm thinking about all the foods I used to binge on. I've been doing this for about 2 weeks or so now and this is usually when I fall off the wagon. Not letting it happen this time!
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    Remember to ask yourself one very important question: IS the very small amount of pleasure you will receive from the cookies more important to you than your physical/emotional goals?
  • jaya3758
    been doing it last 2 days, I went over cals yesterday and would have today as well, so i went out with my dog for a long walk and bought 180 cals followed later by 40 minutes of p90x kenpo which bought about 380. Now Im sat couching out with the bad foods i love so much, thing is I can't spend all of my earned cals now, cos Im full so Im guessing my stomach is shrinking?? maybe yours is too?
  • MemphisMaven
    MemphisMaven Posts: 19 Member
    I highly recommend you check out the dessert recipes at Skinnytaste.com

    Thanks for the recommendation!!!