Brand new to weight loss after near death experience.


My name is Andy, I am 26 years old and more motivated that I have ever been in my entire life to lose weight than anything before. I was just released after a 6 day stay in the hospital for something totally unrelated to weight, Salmonella in my blood. It almost killed me, I had an appiphone and realized I don't wanna die before im 40 and the rate im going I will. I have no idea what I weigh. im going to assume 400 lbs. I am a HEAVY coke drinker, at least 2-3 12 packs a week, GONE. thrown out, opened and drained full cans last night, replacing it with WATER. i threw out all the cookies chips pop and bought things like Almonds, Salmon chicken fruit veggies, I started a fitness routine today that includes a proper bedtime and sleep time. Am I on the right path? any advice for a new person to losing weight? PS I need community, I need support, I would love to make some friends on here and I will GLADLY support you as well. please friend me or msg me or whatever it is that you do on this website =) Am I on the right track so far?


  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    P.S I LOVE swimming, Today i went for a 2 mile walk and swam for 30 minutes, according to MFP i burned 3 quarters of my weekly goal in calories, doesent seem right. it also says im putting my body into starvation, 2:30 pm and ive only had 800 calories is that normal?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    P.S I LOVE swimming, Today i went for a 2 mile walk and swam for 30 minutes, according to MFP i burned 3 quarters of my weekly goal in calories, doesent seem right. it also says im putting my body into starvation, 2:30 pm and ive only had 800 calories is that normal?

    When you enter your food into your diary, have you clicked COMPLETE THIS ENTRY?

    If you have it assumes that's your day finished with, so maybe you've clicked completed when you haven't really finishe dthe day, if you know what I mean.

    You just add the food and it is saved, you don't need to click complete until the end of the day.

    Good luck, you sound very motivated.
  • well good for you!! I am only 24 but weigh around 285! I didnt have a big eye opener like u did, but I did kind of just decide over night im not living like this anymore. I overeat, eat junk food, and drink too make cokes/sweet tea and no water. I am replacing it with water and every once in a while a sweet tea, NO more cokes. No more overeating. And lots of exercise at home. I dont have extra money to buy special diets or go to expensive gyms but I can do it.. SO CAN YOU!! Good luck! I am new here too.
  • MontanaSara
    MontanaSara Posts: 15 Member
    Sounds like you have a good start. This site is a good place to get lots of info and support. As for your calories you want to eat at least 1200 a day to stay out of starvation mode. I have only eaten 700 today but I save most of mine for dinner. Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey!!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Hi, Andy! It sounds like you are off to a great start! I bet that wee one in your pic will thank you one day for taking up a healthier lifestyle. I hope you find this place to be a positive support for you in your goals! :happy:
  • PhatAndy
    PhatAndy Posts: 285
    Thanks for all the kind words and support. I am on disability so I have all the time in the world to commit to my weight loss, no better time than now.
  • :smile: Andy,Hope you feel better ,Im so happy that you threw the coke away you are on you way to getting healthy ,I stopped drinking soda and lost 42 pounds .I got mad becuase i was dxed with sleep apnea and now have to sleep with a machine at night .I also have fibromyalgia .I decided after all the the health problems i made up my mind to take care of myself .My husband only weighs 150 and i was tipping the scale at 302 i still have along way to go but i will not give up on meI also learned alot about me and my past that was bothering me so i also learned if i was going to get healthy i had to put it behind me .I also started doing tai chi and yoga ,also meditation .I would say to my self im going to lose weight and i owe it to my loved ones to get healthy.Just believe in yourself and when you go to put the food that you know you should not eat think about what the impact it will have on you and your body.One more tip i measured all my food and read labels you would be surprised of the seving sizes and calorie content .After you measure your food for awhile it will be easier just to eye the portions.I also took vitamins and drank lots of water .I hope this helps you some and take care and be good to you !!!! kind Regards Gerrie
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    HI Andy! Good luck to you on your goals!! You can do it!! This site is awesome and very support! If you need more encouragement. I am here every single day! Add me as a friend!
  • Hi Andy, well done to you, take every day as it comes. You are on the right track.
    Were all here for the same reason, to become healther and enjoy life.
    The fact that you have realised this is more than half the battle. I wish you lots of good wishes and support. I am on here every day, your very welcome to add me. We can all do this together good days and bad x
  • YES! You are on the right track! You came to the right place for the support you will be needing as well! I wish you the best of luck on your journey! Feel free to send me a friend request! :)
  • Shielamg
    Shielamg Posts: 4 Member
    Very happy for you. Sometimes it take a wake up call to get us on the right track. Your first week will be the hardest as this is your "getting over the addiction" phase. Keep telling yourself you can do it, because you can. You might get really crabby, have cravings, headaches and such, but when you get pass this phase you will fill really good. Try not to look at changeing the way you eat as dieting, it is a new way to live life. Making better choices, because if it is a diet, you will eventually end up where you started. So I chanllenge you to look at this as a life change. Better things are ahead for you. Riding bikes with that sweet little girl of yours, coaching her teams and generally being a part of her life and not just a bystander. Good luck to you and I wish you the very best!!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You've made a great start. And you've come to the right place for community.

  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    One of the worst things you can do is starve yourself.

    If your body is used to 4000 calories a day and you go down to 1000 you are going to crash and burn HARD, sooner rather than later.

    1500 is the ABSOLUTE minimum you should consume in one day. For your size probably more. Your body just will not get the nutrients it needs on less, especially if you are working out.

    Just fill out your goals and choose 2 pounds per week and see what MFP gives you as a goal.
    Then EAT that amount every day. That is a GOAL to REACH, not a number to see how far under you can go. If you choose 2 pounds per week (which is the fastest you can safely lose without a doctor's supervision) then that goal number ALREADY includes a 1000 calorie deficit.

    Example: if you need 2800 to maintain your current weight and choose to lose 2 pounds per week, your goal will be 1800 a day. You have to EAT the 1800 to be on track with that 2 pound a week loss.

    As for eating back what you've first it not AS important, but if you burn a LOT eat some so you don't feel tired and weak and hungry. Once you are closer to "normal" weight range, you need to start eating more, but you can worry about that later.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    It sounds like you are off to a great start! Throwing the pop and junk out was the best first step you could have taken! You will find as you go along that you'll learn a lot and find ways to tweak your plan (both exercise and nutrition.) Just keep at it and there are a lot of really educated and helpful people on this site. You can friend me if you like and welcome to MFP and a new you!