What to eat on a cruise?

My DH and i are going on a 5 day cruise the end of January. Of course I am on a diet and watching what I eat. Since November 1st I have successfully lost 12 LBS. I am now down to 130 from 142. What do you suggest I look for on the menu to eat and what should I avoid? I also plan on having my spinning instructor burn a CD for me to work out to every morning. I am still am however afraid of gaining everything back that I have lost. Tips and suggestions would be appreciated.


  • the one I just went on over christmas break was a Royal Caribbean one..... my advice is when you're eating lunch and breaktfast be careful at the buffet! Go to the healthy section, on my cruise there was a section just for salads... as for dinner, just try not to order desert, and only have one piece of bread? The food is so good, so you have to enjoy yourself. And for a warning when I came back I gained 10 pounds at first, but it was mostly all water weight except for like 3 pounds, so dont weigh yourself when you first return. I also ate A LOT. So I'm sure if you control yourself at the buffets you'll do just fine (:
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I am going on one at the end of February and I have been on one before. I plan on eating like I do at home with the exception of cocktails. Breakfast will just be my normal fruit or yogurt and coffee. I will make a salad for lunch and for dinner I will just stick to the meat and veg!!!

    There is a track around my ship so I will be going for a run daily =) That should help keep me in check and allow me to have more food cause afterall you seriously feel like u are eating the whole time!
  • u can eat healthy. u know what to eat; and if you delight ur self n something u want to eat, just dont go too far off. ive been on four cruises. preparing 4 number 5. u can also go to the computer room and log n 2 MFP. they have a lot of fruit, veg, baked and sea foods. just live and have fun. enjoy the sun and the water is very spritual. well it was 2 me.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! :)

    My advice is the exact opposite...You're going on a CRUISE!! How often does THAT happen? One of the best things about cruises is the food, so I recommend enjoying yourself. Don't stuff yourself, don't have two desserts, etc. but relax and have fun. Simply stop eating when you hit that satisfied feeling.

    I went on a 7 day cruise last year and honestly severely overate BUT I got in a good solid 1 hour workout each morning (hard cardio), and at the end of the week, I had only put on a single pound. I also took the stairs ALWAYS; pretend the elevators don't exist (unless your luggage is too heavy, of course).

    Oh! And eat slowly, savouring each bite. Cruises are aalll about pleasure, so indulge, but truly enjoy every aspect. You'll be back to the "real world" in 5 days as it is.

    Have fun! :)
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Eat anything and everything that doesn't eat you first.

    You'll be doing a ton of walking...the elevators are slow so take the stairs everywhere and you wont' do too much damage. You'll be back to your regular weight within a week. It'll all be sodium bloat.
  • I've been on 10 cruises and each company I've been on has a "spa cuisine" that is notated in the menu. On every cruise I have been on I did TONS of walking and climbing stairs on the ship in addition to watersports on the ports of call so I ditched my diet for the week and kept at the gym workouts. Running while on the cruise is difficult because there are A LOT of casual walkers and its usually on the top of the ship so there is more motion and I end up looking like a drunk runner. Most of all, HAVE FUN!!! (If you go on Carnival don't miss the warm chocolate melting cake I seriously have dreams about this dessert. Sorry, I'm a food person!!)
  • stephaniev07
    stephaniev07 Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry I agree too, if it was me going on a cruise, I would ditch the eating healthy because like other posters have said how often do you get to do a cruise! I would continue exercising and take the stairs as stated above, but I would enjoy myself to the fullest extent. Don't over eat just thoroughly enjoy what you do. :) Have a ton of fun!
  • stick with the salad bar!!!! Maybe a turkey sandwich....or better yet eat lean at home a month before and eat as you wish on the cruise!