How do you do it?

When you see the scale not moving or even going up in weight how do you keep focused and not get to down on yourself. Here for the past 2 weeks its been a rough time in life. I have been so stressed with finances b/c my husband is out of a job and we just don't have the healthiest foods in the house right now b/c we can't afford to buy anything else. I have gone up a few ounces and am afraid to even step on the scale this sunday. Not only am i stressed and have been going over on calories I'm also on my period which doesn't help with weight either. I want to stay motivated but am getting so discouraged honestly.


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I personally know that it I keep working hard, the weight will come off. I have hit plateaus and it helps when I have a higher calorie day like 200-400 over maintenance, but still stay in my weekly allowance. I also zigzag my calores, which seems to help as I am right at goal weight, but would like to lose a few more pounds.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i cant see your diary to give u suggestions .. but i been at this for 2 yrs now consistantly .. i been battling weight most my life and used to get frustrated like you.. this time around i waved the white flag and said ok ill do whatever i gotta do.. one thing u need is patience..last year i didnt lose weight for months ... what i figured out was i was losing body fat and gaining muscle . i actually lost a size in clothing without losing a lb and i lost 8 % body fat too. next thing is to figure out a way to eat healthier on your pretty good with figuring that stuff out so if you want to friend me ill talk to u on email ..good luck and keep moving forward. dont give up!!
  • Emme727
    Emme727 Posts: 92 Member
    I gained weight when I joined (partially due to the fact that I was drastically under eating). Now my weight has plateaued. I have yo-yo'd between the same 3-4 pounds for the last 5-6 weeks. It is frustrating, However, I see a huge change in my body. My thighs have muscle mass and my butt is firm and higher. :smile: I went from barely being able to do a push-up to being able to 10 and I am now running 3 miles. I am focusing on these strengths rather than the needle on the scale.

    At times, I do get terribly frustrated, but then I remind myself of what has changed.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    For me, I just know that getting frustrated isn't going to change a damn thing. No matter how I feel about it, I know all it takes is just putting in the time & work... How I feel about it isn't going to do a thing but make me feel bad, and that's counter-productive.
  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    In your situation, I would probably switch from trying to lose weight to aiming for maintenance. It sounds like you have a lot of stress going on and you have to take that into consideration. Taking care of yourself involves more than just losing weight. This is all about health, right? Take care of your head if that's the part with the problem. The pounds can wait.