I'm a newbie

Hello to all! My name is Dawn and I'm 33. I was recommended to this site by my best friend of over 25 years. My goal to start is to lose 60 lbs. I can't wait to share success stories, recipes and friendship with you all. Looking for new people to be-friend.


  • jmcghee6
    jmcghee6 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Dawn. My name is Jeff and I just happened to find this site. I want to lose 60lbs myself. Good luck to you and reaching your goal weight.
  • Thanks Jeff!!! Good luck to you as well...so far this site is awesome!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hi. I just joined this site a few days ago. this site is great, very addictive though! I also need to lose 60lbs. feel free to add me. The more we encourage, advise, support etc the better we will be. We can do this, we have to!! x
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the site too - wanting to lose 35-40 lbs! Feel free to add me - the more friends, the more motivation! Good luck!
  • jmcghee6
    jmcghee6 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm really loving this site. I find myself on this site more than I am on Facebook.
  • Hi Dawn, I am a newbie too. 37 years old. Hoping to get another 30 to 40 pounds off. Seems like a great place to be. :happy: Feel free to friend me - Ingrid
    HLAMODEI Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Dawn...my name is Heather & I'm new to MFP too! I am 40 and also looking to lose about 60 lbs...Feel free to friend request me...I welcome new MFP friends and mutual encouragement and support! Best of Luck with the program!
  • Hey there! Welcome to MFP! If you'd like to add a friend, feel free to add me! =)

    Good luck!!!
  • billiebanyas
    billiebanyas Posts: 7 Member
    Hi :) Im Billie. Im 34. I joined last year and managed to lose 50 lbs. Then fell off the wagon.. But, Im back again and ready to lose another 50! Feel free to add me!
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey Dawn! My name is Kim! I am 42 and have lost 92 pounds (gained 25 pounds back though) so 60 is definitely possible! :)) Good luck to you. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need that extra support. I am a great cheerleader! :)) YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Hi Dawn, welcome! I also recently joined, and this is an amazing site to have. I have been doing fabulous with it because everyone here is so positive. We are all trying to accomplish the same thing, healthier thinner lives! Feel free to add me, I love making new friends, and having a great support system! :)
  • SportsFan41
    SportsFan41 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi...I just joined the beginning of January and I am excited about my journey. I am 43 and am separated with two children. Due to my impending divorce, I wanted to revamp myself; depression leed to serious weight gain. I have been exercising 4-5 times a week with my brother and I can honestly say, I look forward to it because of the way I feel afterwards. I'm ready for the new me!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • linfo12
    linfo12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, I’m Lindsey. I’ve been a member of MFP for a while now but just recently started to track again and today is my first day on the boards. I’ve lost about 65lbs and wanna lose about 65lbs more. I’m currently training for my first 10k and then hopefully a half marathon by the end of the year. Looking for new friends, encouragers, advice, and anything else helpful. Wishing everyone success in their goals!!
  • AliR105
    AliR105 Posts: 30 Member
    its insanely addictive. its like facebook but for weightloss lol xxx
  • Hello all. I'm a newbie also; just joined a few days ago. Let's just say I'm a middle age female who never had a weight problem before, but now I need to lose 20 lbs. I love this site. I never enjoyed 'journaling' so I'd always quit doing it after about a week. But this site makes it sooo easy to record and track food and activity that I'm sure I'll stick with it. I love how it keeps a running total of calories and how I can print out a hard copy of my report if I want to.
  • It is like facebook for weight loss! I'm new- I joined at the beginning of December. I'm already down 15 pounds- through a lot of hard work and support from MFP. Please add me as a friend- I love seeing everyone's progress and support!
  • Hi Dawn I am Ingrid. Found this site this week. Hoping to lose about 40 pounds and then see from there. Feel free to add me
  • cinderkitty84
    cinderkitty84 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I am Jessica I am 27, and I did lose 60lbs, but have gained 15 back.. I got too comfortable again and started working back in an office environment! Feel free to add me!
  • BlueStar1989
    BlueStar1989 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • Hi this is excellent site I've been a member on and off for awhile.. now I'm back bc I've gained most of my weight back--but determined to make a lifestyle change! Ive never got a chance to mingle & talk to the members but this time I hope to be more social so feel free to add me fellow members!