What difference will it make.....

When you have reached your goals??

And you can't cheat and say "I will be more confident" because that isnt an end in itself eg what will you be able to do differently if you DO have more confidence??

For me, I will be healthier and thus able to be more active with my friends and children, and do things without being so mindful of my heart issues. Doing more with my children will hopefully teach them to enjoy being active and adopting healthy habits that will give them a long healthy life.

Confidence for me will mean being more outgoing socially and enjoying more time with my friends.

And maybe asking the cute guy at work out.....!!

For me seeing beyond the number on the scales/size on the label etc allows me to picture what life will be like and what I will be doing and enjoying in the future, which keeps me motivated.


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have very nearly reached my goal and I feel much better physically. I have lupus (joint disease) and having less weight to carry around makes me feel much more energetic. I've also noticed that I don't need as much medication, which is always a good thing.
  • beckyyoungers
    I have a whole list written up and posted on my bathroom door. I won't list it all out here, but here are some...

    - I will fit into the pre-baby clothes that are hanging in my closet
    - I will inevitably have more energy
    - I pole dance for fitness/fun and inversions and climbs will be easier at a lower weight, or so I've heard from other dancers who have shed pounds
    - I will be more likely to get out and be active in the summer if I feel like I look nice in my shorts and tank tops
    - swimsuit season!! Need I say more?
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm already enjoying the feeling of being slim, off medications, more energy, etc. The big goal is not having to wait for my husband when he goes out to smoke a cigarette or smelling his clothes when he comes back in. The deal is: I lose the weight, he loses the cigarettes. It won't be long!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Confidence is a small part of it for me!!!

    I will be able to better keep up with my children!!
    I will be able to feel better about myself in my own skin!!
    I will have a better chance of believing my husband when he tells me I'm beautiful!!
    I will feel more beautiful!!
    I will feel a huge sense of accomplishment that I was able to do this!!!
    I will be able to feel that I'm not the "fat" child in the family!!
    I will know for a fact (even though I do know it now) that all the things my mom said about me being fat aren't true!!!
    I will feel like I deserve the gorgeous man that God led me to to be my husband!!!
  • dictations
    I'll have a bunch more endurance and be in more ''fit'' condition, HUGE bonus.
    Oh, and no layer of fat poking through the stomach area of tight clothes. FABULOUS.
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Being healthy in general and knowing that I'm adding years to my life by losing this weight, eating better and exercising. That's a big one for me. But in addition to that, being able to consider myself "athletic" for the first time in my life!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    This is an interesting question....

    I honestly don't know if I will see very many differences until I'm a senior citizen. I am doing this to avoid diabetes, and that usually sets in my family around age 60 or so, and I'm not even 30 until next month...

    In the short term, I will probably fit into smaller clothes and hopefully have more of a sex drive. I am already feeling more energetic and less out of breath, but that has a lot of factors going on with my hormones, not just with weight loss. It's like I had to get the energy before the weight loss could happen, and now the energy and the weight loss feed off of each other.

    I am certain that others will perceive me differently, but in that regard, I'd almost rather stay overweight. I kind of like being noticed only for my personality. I don't particularly like being noticed for my body. I've been thin before and the objectification that I felt at the time was highly annoying. I can only imagine that being hit on as a married woman would feel more awkward than it did when I was a teen. (Of course, it's not awkward when the hubs chases me, but if other men do, I'd probably be irritated with it.)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'll be able to run further, faster, and more comfortably.
  • missfluffyuk
    I am honestly less interested in losing weight, and more interested in developing a different lifestyle. I want to be able to be more active & spontenous, and to find some new friends. I want to be able to buy new clothes & have them look good on me, rather than being "that girl nobody wants to talk to because she wears funny clothes". I want to be able to walk up the hill at my university without having an asthma attack!

    I'm also hoping that (and sorry if this is TMI) shedding my extra weight will increase my libido, since it's dropped dramatically this past year -- and I'm guessing it's because I've gained weight and no longer feel comfortable in my birthday suit.
  • fuzzimama
    I'll stop worrying about being overweight. My Mum died of cancer last year, and although of course we can never know, it seems likely that her obesity was a factor (although I never thought of her as 'obese' until very recently when I really understood what it was, I thought she was just a bit overweight). She was only 60. Because I started my family a lot later than my Mum, the idea of dying at 60 terrifies me, as my youngest will be barely in her twenties (in comparison to me being almost in my forties).

    I've always been pretty fit, so from that perspective it won't make a huge difference for me, but being an 'apple' shape I do really worry about the extra girth, so I am really looking forward to reaching and maintaining goal and relaxing about that aspect of my health.
  • biologic
    once i hit my goal, i'm confident that i can fight a land war in Asia.