There is no silver bullet or magic pill - it takes work



  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Bump...Need this ..
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I dunno, I didn't think the title was too harsh, if people took it harshly, they aren't ready to get started.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I just want to point out that you can lose weight easily even without any major exercise routine. Alot of people thing that cardio is the best choice when its really not low impact raises your metabolism more then any cardio program does considering cardio benefits are only short term. More muscle from strength training means your metabolism is burning more 24/7. It's not hard to lose weight it just takes self discipline and desire to achieve a goal. Good Luck

    Working out is working out. If that means high cardio, great. If it means you are lifting weight, great. It always trumps sitting on your *kitten* doing nothing.

    And yes you can lose weight without exercise, and often you will look like a deflated tire. Most people want to also look good, and barring superior genetics, this will more than likely require a workout regimen of some sort.

    I'm not talking about strictly raising my metabolism, I'm talking the whole thing. Cardio is how you burn fat, lifting weights is how you strengthen your body, which will raise your metabolism yes. If all you are doing is low impact, you aren't really burning fat. You're getting stronger, and you may be building muscle underneath the fat suit, but the fat suit is more than likely still going to be there.

    I agree in general but diet is key for losing weight. Although I'm a big advocate of exercise and lifting. Lifting does burn calories and you don't necessarily have to do high heart rate activties burn calories. Hiking is a good example.
  • Couldn't agree more!!! reading this motivates me more to reach my goal!:smile: big thanks!
  • Thank you!

    Thank you!

    The truth will set me free!
  • suchick
    suchick Posts: 13 Member
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    No Excuses!
  • smalyk
    smalyk Posts: 5
    You said it! And after you put the required effort in, you will find not only do you crave the exercise, but you notice all the other benefits of doing it (feeling happier, less stress, more choices in nice clothing and everything seems to look better no matter what you put on, people admiring you for doing what just comes naturally now, and best of all - it is actually fun when you choose the right activity for you!). It happens with the food too. I can't eat high fat food now (my body reminds me it makes me feel awful) and the sugar crash is just not worth overindulging in sugary stuff. And when my portion sizes are more modest, my stomach doesn't hurt after a meal/snack etc because I didn't overstretch it. And the whole time you were working on your new habits, you learn you can reward yourself in ways that are much better for you than eating the junky stuff to excess. I'm nearly done losing and ready for maintenance now, and I've been saving up pennies for the exercise I've been doing to get a sexy new leather jacket once I hit goal weight! Now THAT's a reward!

    Hang in there everyone. Some days are tough. Some are easier. In the end, you'll learn some pretty amazing things about what you are truly made of as you do this journey. It is really worth it.
  • Bells5001
    Bells5001 Posts: 75 Member
    So true! I'm famous for dieting for 2 weeks and then falling off the wagon. One of my on-line friends wrote "it's a slow steady loss" I say that over and over when I want to give up or give in. I'm slowly loosing and I'm past 2 weeks!
  • very good post. and very true. Thank you for saying it the way it is.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    amen. very well said. Nothing worth having is easy. I made that lifestyle change and now I don't even have to think about it so much. I want to eat healthy, I want to exercise. I want to be healthy.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "How'd you lose all your weight?" I'd be rich...tmost of the people who ask don't want to hear "eat healthier, eat a little less (but don't starve yourself!), move a little more, sweat a little more, make better choices." They keep expecting me to say it's some fad diet or drug.
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Love it!!
  • davejlee
    davejlee Posts: 43 Member
  • I love your bluntness and I totally agree with all you have written.
  • Absolutely agree!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    Great post. I totally agree. Whenever I see friends that haven't seen me in a while they all want to know what secret diet I did to lose my weight and get so fit. When I tell them it was 5 days a week at the gym for an hour each time, counting every calorie I ate, and eating healthy foods they look like someone stepped on their puppy or something. They are so disappointed because they wanted me to tell them about what magic pill I took. IT DOESN'T EXIST!
  • amen. sick of being fat
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member

    That was one frickin' hilarious video. So true.