How often can I work out my chest muscles?

I am on operation boob lift. I want to work all of the chest muscles that I can because I want to see results as soon as possible.

Can I lift every day? Or do I have to wait a day in between?

Maybe I can do one set of lifts one day, and another set of lifts the next???

How long do you think it will take me to see some results?

Honestly, I know nothing about lifting weights and I need some serious help! I have to help my girls before they become irreversible..

Thanks in advance!


  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Never work the same muscle group every day. No more often then every other day, preferably with a 3 day alternation between muscles groups at least. The muscle needs time to repair itself from the small tears caused during exercise. Good luck!
  • hornedone
    hornedone Posts: 57 Member
    I try not to directly work the same body part no more than twice a week.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    I agree with above, general rule of thumb is 48-72 hours of rest for a muscle group. The speed of your results will be dependent mainly upon your diet. As far as what exercises in particular will help "the girls" I'm not sure.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    it takes 24 hrs for muscles to rest and repair. i work the same muscle group several times a week. there is no problem with that. I used to believe that bro science of not working the same muscle more than once a week..blah blah. didnt see any growth. Then I wised up. amount of chest exercises will 'lift' your breasts. breasts are made of different tissue than muscle.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    it takes 24 hrs for muscles to rest and repair. i work the same muscle group several times a week. there is no problem with that. I used to believe that bro science of not working the same muscle more than once a week..blah blah. didnt see any growth. Then I wised up. amount of chest exercises will 'lift' your breasts. breasts are made of different tissue than muscle.
    24 hours would mean that if I hit the muscle on Mon. at 7am then I could hit it the next day on Tues. at 7am, that's too soon. Anything more than 3x a week for a muscle group is overkill. Not to mention the other factors such as age, sleep, caloric intake etc..
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Options amount of chest exercises will 'lift' your breasts. breasts are made of different tissue than muscle.

    But it does tone the muscle underneath the breast tissue, and that does help with the appearance of the breasts themselves.
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Depends on the type of training you are doing.

    Powerlifters and body builders typically have rest days to allow recovery because they are lifting to failure and at high loads. This places high amounts of stress on the body and during the recovery phase is where the growth happens.

    If you are doing typically bodyweight type exercises you can probably get away with a lot more. For example gymnasts tend to train most days of the week as they are never really tearing their body down to the same extent and hence they can recover quicker.