Advice needed.. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??

Hi im new here..

Today im over what my intake is supposed to be, and ive still yet to eat my evening meal..

Today is one of my no exercise days, not sure what ive done wrong.. (might be the chips i ate.. lol)
but should i go and do a 20min walk to take on an extra 100+ eating cals or just have a fruit diet for dinner and leave it at that..

I started out at 1200cal, then reworked my exercising routine and it put me up to 1400+ im now at 1340 without exercising and im only just going under that.. (ie last night i was under by 93cals..) i have stalled at the weight going down but when i was on the 1200, i seemed to be loosing..

WHat am i doing wrong..



  • biologic
    if you are stalled on losing weight, either exercise more and/or eat less.

    if you are hungry all the time makes sure you add fiber to your diet (fiber makes you full) and drink more water.
  • skigirl13
    skigirl13 Posts: 2 Member

    It helps alot if you start out with a reasonable target meal plan.

    I usually start recording my food intake (honestly) for a few days before I start the diet.

    Then you need to reduce your daily intake by at least 500 kcal per day to lose a pound a week.

    On top of that it is recommended that we all do 60 min exercise per day to help with weight loss, but that might be walking - you don't have to kill yourself!!

    It isn't sensible to have a fruit will end up just eating later!

    What does help is to plan all your meals for the day, so that you can check you haven't gone over before you start.

    I find a bag of any salad leaves, carrots, red peppers and cucumber are handy things to have as a snack if you are struggling.

    Oh, and you don't get many chips in a calorie controlled portion......about 10!!!

    Hope this helps
  • anon86_x
    anon86_x Posts: 26 Member
    Its only one day allow it...If you can go for a walk or something to work off some extra calories do it, but dont worry too much. eat something sensible for dinner and tommorow is another day.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    if you are hungry all the time makes sure you add fiber to your diet (fiber makes you full) and drink more water.

    o_O Fiber may give you a short-term feeling of fullness...but it pushes food through your system more quickly and actually makes you absorb less as it passes through your body. So in the long run, fiber makes you more hungry. Protein is the slowest-digesting macronutrient, and widely regarded as the best for appetite control in the long term.

    To the OP: The only two things you can do to create a calorie deficit are to eat less and to exercise more. If you are currently trending over your calories for the day, exercise enough to earn more calories. You can't go back and un-eat what you've already eaten, so you've got to move forward.
  • masijoda
    definitely do the walk to give you the extra allowance if you just have the fruit for your evening meal it may feel like a chore/punishment instead of enjoying what your doing.As far as the weight loss is concerned if your exercising your developing muscle tone which is heavier than fat. Good luck you will find your level
  • Merleygirl61
    Thanks guys..

    I tending to eat healthly.. (my diary is open) and eating lots of salads..

    my prob was today i chose to eat 2 rounds of sandwiches for lunch instead of the normal one.. Which put me way over..

    But like you say .. its only one day.. and yep i am drinking heaps.. sometimes drowning in water.. (if you know what i mean..)

    Will just eat a salad for dinner, and no protien since i got that a lunch..
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I wouldn't skip the protein - an egg or a small piece of chicken doesn't have a lot of calories, but it'll help you feel fuller.

    It's one day, you've already identified what happened (double sandwich) and know how not to repeat that, so a good lesson learned!
  • missfluffyuk
    Your diary may be open to friends only, it is not open to the public.
  • imcubed01
    imcubed01 Posts: 12 Member
    maybe 1400 calories is not the right goal for you. That is the lowest I would ever go. Maybe you need be eating more but depending on how much you are exercising.

    It could put you in starvation mode and you will end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

    Recheck your goals and maybe you need to up the anti a little, but eat healthy foods. Potato chips on occasion are not a bad thing but there are other alternatives that can give you the same effect and reduce the craving. I am a potato chip person, but have found that edamane quenches the urge...

    I had to bump to 1600 calories which is still over 500 calorie deficit of my normal metabolism plus what I lose in exercise.

    Yes a walk will never hurt, or do some other things such as house cleaning etc. These are exercises you do not consider working out....
  • biologic
    if you are hungry all the time makes sure you add fiber to your diet (fiber makes you full) and drink more water.

    o_O Fiber may give you a short-term feeling of fullness...but it pushes food through your system more quickly and actually makes you absorb less as it passes through your body. So in the long run, fiber makes you more hungry. Protein is the slowest-digesting macronutrient, and widely regarded as the best for appetite control in the long term.

    To the OP: The only two things you can do to create a calorie deficit are to eat less and to exercise more. If you are currently trending over your calories for the day, exercise enough to earn more calories. You can't go back and un-eat what you've already eaten, so you've got to move forward.

    come on dude
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    If you open your diary we might be able to offer some advice on what you are eating??
  • BellydanceBliss
    i agree with skigirl you have to plan those meals...change up the types of foods you are eating. Like for example...I love all beans all legumes. I will cook them ahead of time and put in refrigerator for a few meals. Then I can just grab etc. When I hit a plateau I change what I eat totally and the exercise if I am exercising.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    If you have enough calories left for a fruit dinner (eg apple and an orange = around 150 cals) then you have enough left for a chicken salad which will fill you up more.

    I think it's about choices not amounts.
  • Merleygirl61
    Thanks guys..

    Ive now had a yummy dinner of a beetroot salad (from the Weigh it up site) and added a egg for the protien bit..

    Upon reflection i think ive pretty much stayed with a healthy diet since starting to log 2 weeks ago..

    As yet have not entered tonights meal will do when ive finished this post..

    Im hoping that the scales will be definately different tomorrow...
