anyone want to lose alot of weight or have n want to share i



  • Hi I have just started properly today, please add me, thanks

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  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Hey Kate, im Kate too! Oh geeze to be 17-18 again... at 17 i was y lightest at 160, i was NEVER lighter then that. Joined the Navy and maintined that weight... and now 9 years later, OMG, i weigh roughly 218? I swear its a battle that sucks and i wish i knew i quick fix, but not to quick cause then itll come back.... add me if youd like... im not so motivational where ill be on ya all day every day but im here going through the same so... ttys :)
  • kunocorp
    kunocorp Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Tyresse, I'm 26 and trying to get to my high school weight of 180-205. I used to wrestle and was in great shape, but once I went away for college I met a girl and gained a freshman hundred (over doing it at it's finest). Luckily she liked big teddy bears so i got used to the weight. 3 girlfriends later and I decided I want to be in shape, for myself more than anything else, I started eating better about a week ago and have steadily lost weight. I weigh myself every morning when I wake up, after I pee, and have have a lower number everyday this week. about 8 pounds so far, and although my body isn't changing shape yet, I feel pretty good about this very simple diet. The only concern I'm having is I want to quit smoking, but I'm afraid that I will put on weight if I do. Good luck in your journey, you will always have this community to support and encourage you whenever you need it. :)