
My friend has booked us both in for a colonic next week and to be honest I'm a little scared as I have never had one, has anyone had one before?

They say if u have IBS it's great to cleanse and if u suffer with head aches which I do.


  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Okay, I LOVE Colonic's. If done correctly and you do not have a monster hemorrhoid, you should be fine. A couple things that are important to know. Do not drink alcohol for 2 to 3 days after. You are also going to feel like a million bucks after, have you ever seen a dog take a poo and then kick his legs back and start running around, that is pretty much what you will feel like. It is important that you relax and not over do it as you will discover some very painful gas.

    I suffered from IBS for years and was taking all kinds of CRAP the drs were prescribing me. It was not until I talked to a homeopathic nutritionist that I learned that I had low stomach acid that was causing my not to be able to digest my food. The simple solution was going to GNC (or any heath food store) and getting a supplement called Betadine HCL. The one at GNC has 200 mg with digestive enzymes. There is one at the heath food store that has 500 mg and then you can also purchase the enzymes separately. Its all according to what works for your body.

    I suffered for 10 freaking years from that stuff and am kinda peeved that not one doctor in 10 years suggested that I actually fix the problem instead of treat the symptoms with drugs. Google "low hcl" and see if you can identify with any of the symptoms.

    Let me know what you thought about the colonic.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    And here's the other side of the story... :laugh:

    I had one and I HATED IT!! Afterwards I felt like every bit of goodness had been stripped out of my stomach, it was horrid.

    The person doing it did tell my friend that she would only need one every couple of months to keep her on track, but when I had mine I was told that I would need one at least every month for the next 6 or so months to sort my insides out.

    Would I have one again, no - i'd need to know that it was really REALLY doing me some good to do it again!.
  • shelley7890
    shelley7890 Posts: 47 Member
    I get headaches not really an IBS sufferer I just saw it was good for that. My mate has it and I'm the one with headaches so this is why she booked us both in for it. I heard u can lose weight having it too but do u put it straight back on when u eat?
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    And here's the other side of the story... :laugh:

    I had one and I HATED IT!! Afterwards I felt like every bit of goodness had been stripped out of my stomach, it was horrid.

    The person doing it did tell my friend that she would only need one every couple of months to keep her on track, but when I had mine I was told that I would need one at least every month for the next 6 or so months to sort my insides out.

    Would I have one again, no - i'd need to know that it was really REALLY doing me some good to do it again!.

    Can you explain to me a little more of what happened? Did you feel that way immediately getting off the table? Do you have digestive issues? Did you drink any alcohol or exercise after?

    Just wondering, I like to hear of other peoples experiences.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Can you explain to me a little more of what happened? Did you feel that way immediately getting off the table? Do you have digestive issues? Did you drink any alcohol or exercise after?

    Just wondering, I like to hear of other peoples experiences.

    I am assuming it was just your average colonic.... having it done was quite painful, but I think this is normal (cramping when being filled) It was afterwards, my stomach just didn't feel right, the only way I can describe it is that it felt like my insides had been kinds stripped, which I guess they had!

    I do have digestive issues, definitely when it comes to going to the bathroom (you get my drift :laugh:) and over the last few years I have realised that I can't seem to eat any type of beans any more - I loved Kidney Beans, Baked Beans, and more recently the Japanese Edamame Beans but my body can't tolerate them and the pain I get is just not worth it. I then tried cutting my portion size but still no joy, so now I just steer clear of them completely.

    Maybe it's something I should have stuck with and done a full course, but the cramping and the feeling afterwards were not nice and I don't know if I would feel any better in the long run?!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I have IBS never had a colonic and never will! All I did was change my diet and the IBS is "under control" without meds! I no longer have symptoms by simply changing my diet to low fat foods, low carb intake and lots of water, fruits and veggies!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Any weight you lose from it is just going to be whatever you poop out. Since you normally have some fecal matter in your body, it's not weight you're going to keep off.

    I generally think of that part of my body as 'exit only' unless there's something that needs to be done by an actual medical professional (colonoscopy, etc). I also see in a link I just found that they generally suggest you take probiotic supplements to replace the good bacteria in your system - I don't think that routinely stripping the good bacteria away such that you need to replace them would really be all that good for your system. Seems like it would set you up in a cycle where you'd have problems and figure you need another treatment, go get the treatment, get the poo out and feel better, strip away bacteria, have more problems go back again etc. IDK. I'm personally quite skeptical of any real benefits. I'm not really big on having machines pump things in and out of my body unless there is an actual medical neccessity. Our bodies work quite wonderfully on their own (usually) if we take care of them. And webmd says it's not really needed:
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I also see in a link I just found that they generally suggest you take probiotic supplements to replace the good bacteria in your system - I don't think that routinely stripping the good bacteria away such that you need to replace them would really be all that good for your system. Seems like it would set you up in a cycle where you'd have problems and figure you need another treatment, go get the treatment, get the poo out and feel better, strip away bacteria, have more problems go back again etc.

    Yes, they sold me a very expensive bottle of Probiotic Capsules that I should be taking...I haven't, maybe I should seeing as I paid for them! :smile:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Mine broke loose a piece of hard fecal matter which was as big as a softball. It was a good experience but I do not have them regularly. I lost 10 lbs, but like someone said, it was all poop.

    I would also suggest a digestive enzyme to help with the beans issue, they really do a good job.

    To the person who said they had control of their ibs with diet, who diagnosed you with IBS? Exercising 2 hours a day and being 100% vegetarian did not work for me, I have to use a dietary supplement.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I would also suggest a digestive enzyme to help with the beans issue, they really do a good job.

    Thanks, I will have a look at the Health Food shop :smile: