Let's hear from the MUSICIANS in here!

I work full time, but outside of work I play in two bands. Right now I'm singing and playing keys. In the past I've played bass, guitar, drums, sax, violin/fiddle, and cello & harp a LONG time ago... I'm a singer/songwriter, I've been in a few original rock/hard rock bands and one punk band. Music is in my blood.

I will have more confidence playing live after I lose this weight, and I'm sure it will help with with the success of my bands, too. Let's face it, people expect musicians (especially the ladies) to be HOT!

Tell me about your musical endeavors.


  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Music is in my blood, too! I'm a classically trained musician - have a degree in flute performance and have played both piano and organ since I was 6. I work in another field. There are just too many flautists out there and think I should have chosen bassoon! I do still enjoy practicing and playing, but don't get to do it as much as I like.

    Ironically, I think knowing how to practice has helped me with my weight loss. I started running almost 2yrs ago and it requires the same focus and concentration as practicing does. If only I had known that years ago...

    I should say I also enjoy live music A LOT and used to go to a lot of shows. Haven't been doing that as much lately - the booze doesn't fit in my new lifestyle. :)

    Good luck to you!
  • 72MonteCarla
    72MonteCarla Posts: 169 Member
    Funny you should say bassoon... I played that a long time ago, too! (So long ago, apparently, that I forgot!) I work in a different field, too. Scientist by day, rocker by night!

    I also used to go see live music all the time, but I have quit drinking - at least for a while - to get a jump start on weight loss. When I drink, I tend to eat really bad foods. I do the same the day after drinking. So it's not just the empty calories of booze that have contributed to my being overweight, it's also the junk food feast that inevitably follows the drinking... No more of that!!!
  • Hello. My name is Brianna. I've joined because a friend of mine roped me into it, but this looks like a good idea so I think I'm going to stick with it.

    Anyway. I'm a musician too. I mainly play alto saxophone (I'm adding tenor to the list now) and guitar. I'm also working on learning mandolin and violin, and if I'm lucky clarinet too. I also know a teeny tiny bit of piano.

    I'm glad you put this post up. Right now I'm a freshman in college.
  • bohdanko
    bohdanko Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a musician, too, of sorts. I majored in music in college (oboe - close to bassoon!) but have played the piano since I was 5 and added in organ about 20 years ago. I also sing. I'm a full-time mom and part-time medical transcriptionist, but I also have 10 piano students. Right now, I don't do a whole lot with my music besides the teaching and playing for a community chorus as a once-a-month (or more) sub. In the past, I've sung with a couple of major choral groups. I also play (piano or organ) for the occasional wedding, funeral, and lots of church things. I definitely want to do more with it, but it's more a time issue for me than anything else. Still, music plays a huge role in my life and, actually, a big role in my weight loss as well.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    YEAH! Finally a place Ill feel like Ive got something in common!

    I am a bassoon player from New Hampshire
    I perform with an Adult Community Band, Adult Community Orchestra as their first chair bassoonist.

    If all goes well with this most recent job interview, Ill be able to re-join another band thats about an hour away as their solo bassoonist (cant wait to rejoin them!)

    I am also well versed with clarinet, bari-sax, flute, mallet percussion and piano.
  • xlpavenged7x
    xlpavenged7x Posts: 56 Member
    Hey I've never seen a topic like this! This is AWESOME! Anyway, music is part of my life majorly. For my High School Marching Band I was the Drum Major for 3 years, during the marching season I also played the flute, and during the concert season I played bassoon. In my spare time I taught myself how to play the piano! Gotta love being multi instrumental :happy:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    ***puts on her best Sophia Loren..

    ...you mean...... Im......not ALONE in this world???? There are other bassoonists ......like ...me??????

  • insights2
    insights2 Posts: 52 Member
    Both bassoonists and oboists! I'm an oboe player- majored in music in college- and still play fairly frequently, though I make my living as a psychologist.
  • Great idea! So nice to read about all of you. I'm a musician too, and would love to have some fellow-musician friends on MFP!

    I'm a classically trained singer specializing in early music (Renaissance and Baroque.) I'm lucky to have an active career right now, but the photographs/videos of my performances were what finally prompted me to make changes. I want to love these photos, to be proud of the moments that they capture, but I literally didn't recognize myself in the most recent video, and it completely eclipsed what was initially a wonderful concert experience.

    Anyway, I'm already feeling better in rehearsals after almost two weeks with MFP. I have more energy, more motivation, and can't wait to feel even better in the coming months!
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    You people and your silly woodwinds! hahaha The tuba is my weapon of choice. I started on the trombone, but had to switch when a 7th grade bicycle accident left me with a slightly deformed upper lip. I have also played guitar since I was 10, and now my 8 year old son is learning.

    Funny thing, whether it was playing out or going to watch someone else, I never involved alcohol. I always wanted a clear memory of what I played or watched. I guess I wasn't much of a real punk rock guitar god! haha Anyway, thanks for starting this thread. It's funny how many of us have music in common.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    You people and your silly woodwinds! hahaha The tuba is my weapon of choice. I started on the trombone, but had to switch when a 7th grade bicycle accident left me with a slightly deformed upper lip. I have also played guitar since I was 10, and now my 8 year old son is learning.

    Funny thing, whether it was playing out or going to watch someone else, I never involved alcohol. I always wanted a clear memory of what I played or watched. I guess I wasn't much of a real punk rock guitar god! haha Anyway, thanks for starting this thread. It's funny how many of us have music in common.

    No one here is calling anyone else silly.... I dont think that was necessary.... Us people and our silly woodwinds actually had to work much harder at a multicomplex instrument when it requires the learning of multiple alternate fingerings, and for us double-reeders, to learn how to go from one reed to two reeds is an extreme challenge... And, most of us bassoonists can read three clefs....
  • Miriai
    Miriai Posts: 34 Member
    I love music! I play flute and piccolo as well as singing. I am teaching myself piano, harmonica, guitar and working on mastering recorder again ( I had it when I was little but then switched to flute). I am hoping to learn Violin sometime soon. I always have a song stuck in my head no matter what. I find that music changes my mood so I bring my most upbeat music to the gym with me (like Disney songs or catchy techno remixes) to keep me energized. I am hoping that when I get in better shape I will have better lung support since I have always had weak lungs, hopefully I will be able to hold that long note or hit that high note without wavering as much!
  • Unwndg
    Unwndg Posts: 2
    Hey as you can tell from my user name, I spend some time playing guitar. I work fulltime as a Physiotherapist, and usually find time to get a couple of jams most weeks, and gig abt once every 6 week or so. I enjoy electric guitars and decent low wattage tube amps the most, however acoustic guitars are always like a homecoming, so I flip flop.

    To be honest practicing and just playing guitar may have caused me weight gain over the tears, due to choosing it over a workout! That is no longer the case as for a few years now exercise has been part of my day.

    Have a good 'un!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    . I find that music changes my mood so I bring my most upbeat music to the gym with me (like Disney songs or catchy techno remixes) to keep me energized.

    Im not ashamed to admit but I am a BIG FAN of the instrumental scores of Kung Fu Panda... the arrangement is just breath-taking and always drives out an emotion...
  • OPC2011
    OPC2011 Posts: 17
    For four years I was part of the colorguard for marching band in my high school and I've been playing violin for nine years. I' trying to learn piano on my own now, add me! :D
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    i do screamo! i wanna be one of those super hot hardcore chicks! :) wooo lol
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello musician friends! I am a french horn player (started on the trumpet) that is now teaching middle school band. I've been playing an instrument now for 17 years (when I tell my kiddies that they just can't believe how LONG that is, haha). I play in 3 orchestras, a brass quintet and a small brass ensemble. As a band teacher, I had to learn ALL of the percussion, woodwind, brass and strings instruments and take a vocal class. We also had to take 4 semesters of piano (I'm not good at piano at all). Whoever said earlier the dedication required to losing weight is like learning an instrument is soooo accurate!
    I married my marching partner in college and he's a trombone player who also teaches middle school band. YAY musicians :)
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I USED to play..I haven't touched my instruments in YEARS! I did make a resolution to learn guitar this year. I started playing Clarinet in 4th grade, then Saxophone, Piano, and Flute, all the way until I left high school which was over 10 years ago. I have also learned to play violin, trumpet and attempted a few others that I wouldn't claim to be able to play at all.
  • sgm73
    sgm73 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi music people! I started on flute in 5th grade, switched to french horn in 7th grade and played in marching bands, drum and bugle corps, orchestras, etc. I've also played guitar, uke, and hand drums. These days I sing and play bass guitar in a little 5 piece swing band! I don't think I could live without music in my life!