Loving my new lifestyle!

Hello! My name is Kelly, and I started MFP a couple of weeks ago. My sw was 181. Current weight is 169.5. My goal weight is 115. I'd LOVE to be at least 130-135 by September. Not sure if that's a realistic goal or not. I'd love some feedback! Looking to give/ receive motivation! I'm 5'2". I'm trying to work out at least four times a week. It's amazing how good you feel after a good workout!


  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    How many weeks did it take you to drop the weight? I'm currently 186 and would love to be at least 159 by July! I'm hoping my fitness pal is able to help me in my weight loss journey !
  • Hi Kelly! I just recently started to try hard, too! We're on the right track! Way to go!!!! I agree, I was never much of a workout person prior to now, but it really does change my mood to excited and happy!!!
  • Love that feeling after a workout! I've been on for a little over a year and have lost 28 lbs altogether and gained back 4 due to a series of injuries and hurdles over the last 6 months of 2011. Everyone loses weight at different rates, for example I lose slowly but that's okay. =) Good luck with your journey, no doubt you'll love it here. =)
  • I think that is definitely a realistic goal! That's like losing about 5 pounds a month - which is a healthy goal!

    My tips:
    - Everything in moderation.
    - Consistency is key.
    - Diet is 75% of the work.
    - Eat simple, eat fresh, eat at home.
    - DON'T GIVE UP; even when you have a bad day.
  • I think its realistic goal. However, I would say set smaller weekly or monthly goals to help you get there. I think it helps in the long run to be metting the smaller goals that gets you to the long term goal. Please send me a request to add so that I can support you and cheer you on. :wink:
  • Vmbourg: on Dec.22 nd I weighed 181:) As of yesterday, I'm 169.5. So roughly 2 1/2 weeks:) I know the weight won't keep coming off this fast, but it sure is motivating!
  • I think the small goals definately help me! Drinking enough water is one of my " daily goals". I try and make daily/ weekly goals all of the time. I also find it helpful to not make the scale a part of them;)