Cheat Days.



  • NewYorker86
    NewYorker86 Posts: 1 Member
    I do "Fat Guy Fridays." This is the one day per week where I only track water and exercise, no food. This helps me keep my calories on target the other six days per week and also cuts down on that constant struggle of "I want to eat that but I shouldn't..." Instead that internal thought process is, "I want to eat that but I don't have enough calories left today. I can eat that on Friday." By the time Friday rolls around, whatever was tempting me earlier in the week sometimes is no longer appealing. Or, it is, and I eat it without worrying about it.

    Sticking to one day per week helps keep the "cheat day" from spiraling out of control and also plan a little better. For example, this is the day when I say "Yes" to co-workers or friends who want to go out to eat. I've thought about switching to only one Fat Guy Friday every two weeks but I don't think it's necessary at this point.

    I hope you find this helpful!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    How severe are you cheat days? I mean a treat every now and then isn't going to make you fail. But if you go out for every meal and binge eat and justify it by calling it a "cheat day" then yes you will fail.
    You should never deprive yourself of something. If you want it, have a small portion of it. Everything in moderation. That way it can become a lifestyle change instead of a temporary diet :smile:

    I pretty much agree with this.

    I will have the occasional cheat meal (maybe one evening per week) but I don't do it for the sake of doing it. Just because I fancy it that night and I still try hard to come in around target for that day.
  • Interesting short article on why a cheat day might work better than a cheat meal ;)
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    I had my first Cheat meal last night, and have decided to have one every Friday night, anybody else think this is a good idea or am I setting myself up for failure?

    I agree with a previous poster who urged you to try to work these cheat meals in to your overall plan. I have found that on gym days, I rarely come even close to eating all the calories I am allowed so that usually offsets anything.

    Last week I had my birthday party and I am pretty sure I still went over my daily calories but I made sure that was also a gym day, even though it was inconvenient. I think that's the best way to tackle these days where you may want to go for the bad treats. Sadly for females, it's much easier for a male since we are allotted far more daily calories and therefore have more wiggle room.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I have stopped cheating because I made myself cheat to many times... :s
  • my trainer tells me its ok to cheat one a week she does it and she is in awesome shape
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I tend to not do cheat days, perse, but like...if I want something, I'll just eat it in small portions.

    Add: It also helps me not binge, which I used to do a lot.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    On a weekly basis, no I don't. Then again, I don't really deprive myself of anything but instead make it work within my daily plan. If I want a hamburger, then I make one but I watch my calories on everything else that day. Same with pizza or going out to eat.

    On special occasions I might allow myself to eat up to maintenance though. When my birthday comes up, I'm going to go out and order what I want. I will still half my entree (mostly because servings in restaurants are insane), but if I want a big plate of pasta then I will. My mom already asked me what I want for my birthday dinner and I am having cubed steaks, pan fried potatoes, and cream gravy. I might even, gasp, have cake (told her to get the small one or the individual slices).

    The next day though, it's back to how I normally eat.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I would do what most classify as "cheating" multiple times a week, but I've built it into my calories. Wine, chocolate, pizza-I am giving up NOTHING-I love food too much and have come to learn that I will NOT succeed if I limit myself in the food arena. Portion control of these things also helps curb cravings and such.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    I find that having one cheat (I like the term "free" better) meal per week helps to keep me sane. I used to do an entire free day and have successfully lost 20+ lbs in the past when doing that, but I find it's harder to get back on track eating right after an entire day of splurging. Whereas with one free meal, I'm still staying on track with my other two meals, I get to have the treats I don't really have (or more accurately, have much of since I've no longer banned any food) and it's easier to pick up the eating program the next day.

    But again, it's only a good idea if it works for you. Some people do great with free meals/days; others find it a hindrance more than a help.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    In the past when I have hit a plateau I'll do a cheat day. Usually good enough to get the weight loss going again. I do plan on having one sometime this month when family gets around to celebrating my birthday (birthday was in December).
  • Lots of opinions going on here - but they are just that: opinions. Do what works best for you! If you crave the foods all the time, then allow yourself to have a small portion of them now and then before you dive in and indulge way too much!

    You could also consider lower your calories by 100 per day, then adding those calories to your cheat day.

    Be sure to continue logging EVERYTHING for a cheat/day or meal, as things add up more than you think!
    Also, be sure to NEVER allow yourself to extend your cheat... if you say that's a chreat MEAL, then NO extra snacking at night.

    For me, 1 cheat oftern leads to another, then another, then being off plan completely and regretting it!

    I prefer to burn any extra calories that I plan on eating, or accidentally ate! haha

    Just remember to take all of this advice, try out a few options, and do what works best for you! ;)

  • Uhmanduh
    Uhmanduh Posts: 85 Member
    I have a cheat day every week or every 10 days or so. I wait till I feel like I'm going to binge if I don't get something I really want and them I think it through about what day I'm going to go get it and I always have it for dinner. Then I eat very little calories in the morning and at lunch so that when I have whatever it is that I want for dinner I'm usually still under my calories! But be careful cause i know that for myself its really hard to just have one cheat day because i always want another the next day it seems.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you can feel good after the meal/day and stay on track, then more power to you.
  • say you have 3 meals a day, thats 21 meals a week, 1 bad meal after 20 healthy meals shouldnt effect your diet, I think sometimes its good as it can give you a boost, people who dont have a treat now and again genreally go off the rails unless they are so diciplinned it takes over their life, just enjoy your friday nights pal, do extra at the gym or what ever exercise you do if it makes you feel better, me personally i dont think itll harm your goal at all
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    The only way you know how a cheat meal/day will work for you is trying, tracking, and evaluating whether it's working for you. If it slows your progress but you are happy and you feel like it is something you can live with, I say that's a win.
  • bherbie
    bherbie Posts: 11
    Every Saturday the wife and I go get Frozen Yogurt if we have stayed under our goal for the week up to that point. We use it as a reward not as a cheat. SO think of it how you want but make yourself work for it in my opinion
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    I cant cheat it triggers binges buts thats just me others have self control. I dont.
  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    ive lost over 100lb altogether now and i have cheat days whenever i feel like i need one(maybe once every 7-10days). might not work for everyone but it works for me lol. I think it helps to keep ur metabolism going. when i have a cheat day i eat the foods i dont let myself eat all week, anything i want ill eat. and then the next day its back on the diet without a problem, i dont feel the need to continue eating these 'bad' foods throughout the week, if anything it motivates me to stick to healthy choices coz usually the food i eat on the cheat day makes me feel lethargic and just generally not very good haha. so yeah, id reccommend a cheat day, but dont plan it out, just wait until you feel as though you need it :) good luck whatever you chose to do :D
  • mtperry9
    mtperry9 Posts: 49 Member
    I absolutely have cheat days. But as with everything else it all depends on personal preference and ensuring you do not fall off the wagon all together.

    What are your goals? I want to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs a week, so if I am good throughout the week, a cheat day doesn't effect my weight loss at all.

    I am diligent with my diet Sunday through Friday. I have set it up so Saturdays are my long runs/workouts and my official weigh in day. Then its a 'no holds barred Saturday.' Last week may have been a little on the excessive side, but I stepped on the scale today and I am down 1 lb from last Saturday's weigh in. So it works for me. That's the key, find what works for you.