Anyone here only using MFP? no exercise

Hi everyone,

Question, i've been on here now logging and what not for just a little over a week. I was curious if there are people only watching their calorie intake-not working out,that have lost quite a bit of weight? I am exercising as well as inputing cal's in but i was just curious.

Oh one more thing, do ppl usually just make sure their within their calories or do you look at every column and try to stay under ur carb/fat/sugar etc...intakes? Thnx for your responses in advance.


  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member
    No exercise here, only limiting cal intake, definately want to start doing some cardio + weight training soon though. I monitor the following macros: carbs, protein, fat and sodium. Don't really pay much attention to the other areas such as sugar.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Weighahead- good for u! You've lost so much weight already!!!
  • LazyDaise
    LazyDaise Posts: 48 Member
    I'm logging food and due to an injury only doing core strength exercise, for which MFP doesn't count towards calorie burn. I've lost 2 pounds this week since starting to keep an eye on my food.
  • jess_blonde
    jess_blonde Posts: 229 Member
    Logging since Nov 1st I've lost 12lbs, so about a pound a week (which is what I have it set to). At the moment I don't have a gym membership and I'm a freeze-baby so there is no way I am going outside for a walk (and I despise jogging). I would like to start the 30 day shred once I write my licensing exam (studying to be an RN) next month, but I just don't have time right now (MFP is sucking away too much of my study time as it is!!).
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    I started dieting right before I got some surgery done (Oct 31st). Due to pain both before and after the surgery I couldnt work out. I lost 20 lbs on diet alone with some walking. I was told 8 weeks after surgery I can go back to working out. Since exercising (14 days) I have felt awesome. My abs kill but thats because im working on rebuilding them after surgery. I recomend that everyone has exercise even if it is just a 30 min walk!
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    I don't actually log foods anymore but I lost most of my weight keeping myself aware of calorie intake and sodium intake without too much exercise. Maybe a Zumba here or a really long walk there. I only started exercising again when the weight refused to budge anymore.

    So long as you are calorie counting appropriately I don't see why it wouldn't work. I would indeed monitor your sodium intake though.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I like to do both exercising and watching my diet intake.

    As for what I monitor, I look at fat, carbs, protein, fiber and sodium. Those are the big ones for me. Especially sodium, since it can cause water weight gain. And fiber, because I'm trying to be more conscious of my fiber intake!
  • TracyJackson1969
    TracyJackson1969 Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't lost a considerable amount of weight only 22 lbs but I have lost inches too. I have had so many NSV in the past couple of months, that I wish I had started counting calories years ago. LOL
    Although, I am not exercising as I should, I am not a couch potato and so there are other ways that MFP allows you to get credit for moving around such as cleaning and walking upstairs. It is so ironic that I came across your post because I was just about to ask, what other items do others track with their calories. I was tracking sodium, fat, carbs, protein and I just switched the protein option to cholestrol because I thought that was more important. No matter what you do, take it one day at a time and you will be successful.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Since September, I was only logging food and not exercising, and I did end up gaining only 5 pounds back, but my body got bigger and mushier! I lost my muscle definition, and got my fat belly back! I now make room for exercise each (almost) day.
  • TigressStripes
    TigressStripes Posts: 33 Member
    I've only just started doing exercise to compliment my better eating habits - what I've lost so far has been from diet alone.

    With regards to what I track - I'm mostly calories, carbs/fat/protein, sodium, potassium. Though, I've found, by and large, they all balance out to where they should be, roughly.
  • I haven't started exercising yet due to bulding discs in my neck and the docs trying to figure out what to due but I have been losing 2 pounds a week with just watching calories I monitor my fat, sugar, chol, sodium and I do try to stay under those I usually have no problems except soduim gives me issues everyone once an a while
  • i haven't exercised at all because I hate it. When/if I plateau on my weight loss, I will probably start getting on the treadmill a few times a week. My joined date is in June 2010 but I've only really started 3 months ago.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    I'm not doing much excersise really, at first I did but it became infrequent once I got a job. I have lost a lot of weight without excersise though I'd really love to increase my physical conditioning besides losing weight.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I have only recently started some excersice, I had to get enough weight of to be able to do some light exercise. I have MS so there is a lot I can't do, but lost 51 lbs. so far. The exercise is now making me feel better.
  • I just started earlier in this week and I have been losing 1.5-2 pounds per day without working out! I am going to try to start an excersize routine soon. I have only been watching calories, fat and sodium. The sodium can make you retain water making you weigh more, so I watch that kinda close. I figure it is working out pretty good so far, if it stops working I will start adjusting my sugar.
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I haven't done to much exercise yet. One because I have had problems with my right foot and then after I got that taken care of I got a cold. :( I watch what I eat and try to stay within my calories. I have lost my weight within the last two months with 8 of those pounds lost thrum the holidays.

    I plan on getting back to my walking as soon as I can!!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    At first, I only used MFP and lost 12lbs. Then I started exercising to lose the rest.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    I joined in 2009 but just recently (this past week) just started taking this tool seriously. But I am slowly working up my endurance and doing some free weight training, but starting slow. :wink:
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    I try to stay in the green when tracking my food. Though my only two main concerns are calories or sodium. I had started working out 6 days ago, then twinged my back (an old injury) so have been doing light exercises to not hurt myself again. Funny enough, I do most of my exercising in the winter due to snow shoveling. I'm not a go-to-the-gym girl (I find it boring) but instead I try to do different activities outside (yard walk, hiking, agility with the dogs, etc.)
  • shalwilson34
    shalwilson34 Posts: 22 Member
    Right now I am not working out due to multiple injuries from being hit on my motorcycle a year ago. But, I did start MFP 10 days ago and watching the calories and keeping an eye on the carbs vs. proteins. I'd rather take in more protein then carbs because they keep me feeling fuller and if a person takes in too many carbs, the body will store as fat. I wish I had the exact info on that, but I do remember from way back when I was schooling, that the body can only burn so many carbs at a time and if there is too much it will store it as fat.

    I look at protein as being a big log on the fire that burns slower than the carbs that are more like kindling that burns more quickly. Therefore, feeling fuller longer.

    Seems like everything else falls into place. Oh, and I do watch sodium intake a bit. I don't eat canned soups anymore - way too much sodium! I'm cooking a bit more. Good luck!