New to this...

Hi everyone,

I just started my fitness pal a few days ago. i guess im supposed to intake 1200 calories a day...that seems like a little bit cuz at the end of the day im still hungry...or is this normal? does my body need to get used to it or what? help!


  • vujulia
    vujulia Posts: 2 Member
    Omg I feel the same I still eat anyways because I dont want to go bed starving..but I see that if you go workout and burn calories then MFP gives u more food calories to calcuate to eat:)
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just started my fitness pal a few days ago. i guess im supposed to intake 1200 calories a day...that seems like a little bit cuz at the end of the day im still hungry...or is this normal? does my body need to get used to it or what? help!

    The first week was rough for me as well, especially considering I was eating around 2000+ before. It got easier has my body adjusted to a lower intake. I originally set MFP for 2 lbs of loss per week and also had a 1200 goal. I adjusted to 1.5lbs per week and now have 1450. It is much easier to stick with and I feel less hungry. On the days I exercise I get 200+ more it is awesome! I honestly think its the only reason I do push myself to the gym.

    I also threw away all my old recipes. After actually looking at how many calories they were for 1 serving and realizing I was eating 2 servings on most occasions I was so mad at myself. I started new with some low calorie recipes I found at They have a whole section of healthy recipes you can filter by your dietary needs, low calorie, low fat, etc.
  • AylaishlyBecca
    alrighty....back in my mental kayak and start paddling to you get this site to show up on your fb the way I HATE the new profiles....anyway, I have clicked in all the appropiate places, but I am missing;-)
  • Kromero09
    the first day i was over about 182 calories then i was under the 1200 calories for 2 days and yesterday by 60 calories (i was hungry after working out) and i feel like its gunna be a little tough cuz im mexican and my mom makes good mexican food, which is mostly greasy and sucks! my bf is trying to lose weight as well. he burns more calories than i do..waaah! lol but guys burn more calories than girls because we have more fat in out bodies
  • Kromero09
    so you do get used to it is what youre saying? well i hope my body does adjust cuz i didnt realise that i ate 2000+ calories a day :( but hopefully this is worth it. i really want to lose 50 pounds. 3 yrs ago in high school when i met my bf i was about 150 i did cross country and track. 3 yrs later im 204 :'( but he gained weight as well. any tips anyone? id like to hear all of your opinions, especially those that have lost weight
  • Amazongirl
    I know exactly what you mean - go read this post by another member - it has saved me and my motivation!!
  • Kromero09
    wow thats really good! i been doing so far for the past 2 days 2 miles on the elliptical and working on my arms. so far i feel sore in my arms, shoulders, belly, calfs, and a little on thighs/butt, so im guessing somethings working
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    so you do get used to it is what youre saying? well i hope my body does adjust cuz i didnt realise that i ate 2000+ calories a day :( but hopefully this is worth it. i really want to lose 50 pounds. 3 yrs ago in high school when i met my bf i was about 150 i did cross country and track. 3 yrs later im 204 :'( but he gained weight as well. any tips anyone? id like to hear all of your opinions, especially those that have lost weight

    I was also very active in high school. Cheerleading and gymnastics, also I walked everywhere since I didn't get a car until I was 18. After high school I gained some weight as well, from about 130 to 180. I stayed around 180 for several years. I am now 29 and I'm at 230, started at 242 when I began MFP a few weeks ago.

    At a recent doctors visit, where she lectured me for about 30 mins. My doctor told me that from 18- almost 30 there is a drastic change in a women metabolism. You may also be experiencing some of this. Your body naturally changing as you age. Long story short, you can't eat like you once did.

    It does get easier, I struggle still on the days I don't make it to the gym and can only eat 1200-1450.
  • bulletprooff
    I think the more you exercise the more you'll be comfortable with your goal.

    For me personally, it was a bit rough starting out with an intake goal I thought was so much lower than I'd be able to continuously meet, but then as I continue I have a harder time getting ENOUGH calories especially on days that I work out because I would come home from work and go straight to the gym, i"d come back at 8:30pm and have to figure out what I could healthily eat to meet to get nearly 1000 more calories. I eat lightly for breakfast and lunch.
  • Kromero09
    well i havent weighed myself. im on day 4. ill prolly weigh myself next week or so. this is really helpful cuz i do want to get used to it. but it sucks being hungry at the end of the day!
  • Kromero09
    so what does this mean? as time goes by you try to intake what youre supposed to instead of figuring out how to be under your intake? im not used to eating like this...but i noticed now that i have to keep it at or under 1200 calories my meals and portions are smaller. i ate 2 scrambled eggs this morning with a peice of plain toast on wheat and a small cup of 1% milk. i was ok, not entirely full. another thing, is it ok to eat after working out? i eat something small and light afterwards and still try to to keep under the calorie intake, even if i have like 13 calories left to consume. i really hope MFP and excersing works! any other advice anyone?