new challenge!

Hey Everyone!

As some of you may know I started the Skinny Christmas Challenge back in June & since it's over now I really want to start another challenge for some of the skinny christmas members as well as new members to keep the motivation going!

I haven't been able to come up with a new for this challenge yet, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

We will have weekly weigh ins on Sunday & the "biggest loser" of the week will be able to set a mini challenge for the group to complete over the course of the week. For example drink a minimum of 8oz of water a day or do 25 extra crunches a day & so on. It doesn't matter what day of the week you weigh yourself as long as it's posted sunday for weigh in. Those who miss three consecutive weigh ins without letting me know ahead of time (in case of vacation, illness, & so on) will be removed from the challenge.

If you want to be a part of the challenge please leave your,
Starting weigh:
Goal weight:
Non Scale Goal:
& a brief Introduction about yourself:

Starting weight will count as tomorrows weigh-in & the challenge will go from January 15th to June 24th.
Non scale goal can be anything from fitting into a specific size or a specific pair of pants to running a long as it's not measured by the number on the scale!

I'm excited to get to know you all & hopefully we can all achieve our goals together!


  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    YAYYYYYY! I'm in!

    Name: Mel
    Starting Weight (for the challenge): 155
    Goal Weight: 140
    Non-Scale Goal: run 1 mile without stopping and lose 3+ inches off my midsection
    About Me:
    Well, as you can see from the info under my icon, I've been on MFP for a really long time. I struggled immensely because of numerous health issues and side effects of meds and just this past Spring + Summer, I finally managed to find my groove. I lost 40lbs (part of that during the Skinny Christmas Challenge!), but I've since gained 5 back. So, I'm looking to lose these stubborn last 15lbs and to get in control of my eating habits again!
  • Skmellyg
    Skmellyg Posts: 158 Member
    Name: Melinda (Skmellyg)
    Starting weigh: 193
    Goal weight: 173
    Non Scale Goal: Be able to run a mile without stopping
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I am about to turn 29 on Jan 25. I have 2 kids one 2.5 and the other 15 months. I work full time and take care of my kids the rest. They are my life. I am really doing this because I want to be active for my kids. I want to stop the bad habits with me so I can teach my kids great healthy habits. I live in Georgia. I am spuer excited about this! CHALLENGE ON!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Name: Laura
    Starting weigh: 217
    Goal weight: 175
    Non Scale Goal: to rock my dress at my bffs wedding
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I am 26 - married - and working towards a better life. I've lost 98lbs from my heights weight - and plan on 2012 being the last year I am overweight and out of shape. My husband and I are in the beginning phases of fertility testing, I am planning on going back to school in the fall for practical nursing and Im on a long journey finding out who is hiding under all this excess baggage: )
  • Name: Natasha
    Starting weigh: 160
    Goal weight: 125
    Non Scale Goal: Flat tummy & leaner thighs
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I am brand new to this, so bear with me please! I am turning 30 in June and want to not only look amazing, but also to be healthy!!!!
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in!

    Name: Emily
    Starting weight: 227
    Goal Weight: 157
    Non scale goal: Look great for my trip to Mexico this coming summer
    Intro: I have struggled with my weight/self image forever it feels like. I'd kind of given up, gaining 5-10 pounds a year steadily for the past 10 years. I just relocated from Chicago to MA for my husband's job in October and I feel like it's a great time to form new, healthy habits. I really enjoy activity and healthy food and so far (for the past 3 weeks) it's been going very well. I have a "treaddesk" so I walk while I work from home which helps a lot. I'm excited to be part of the challenge!
  • Name: Melissa
    Starting weigh: 169
    Goal weight: 130
    Non Scale Goal: fit into a size 10!!!
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I'm 27 yrs old and in the middle of a nasty divorce.. I have a beautiful amazing 3 1/2 year old and I just want to feel GREAT! I hate shopping for clothes and I can't wait to go shopping and feel great in everything I try on! :D
  • digitalcreationz
    digitalcreationz Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Denise
    Starting weigh: 167
    Goal weight: 130

    Non Scale Goal: I have a couple!
    Fitness Goals - Do elliptical for at least 30 minutes straight (can only do 10 minutes)
    Do an hour on treadmill at 4.0 (can do an hour on 3.6)
    Stationary Bike for 45 minutes on level 2 (can do 45 minutes on level 1)
    Other Goals - To get into a size 10 or 12 dress by my daughters 1st communion in the beginning of May
    Get into skinny clothes for our trip to Disney in November!

    About me - I am married to Anthony will be 10 years in October. I have 2 little girls Gabriella 7 and Gionna 5. I have a great job that allows me to work at home but it requires me to sit over 10 hours a day. So exercising is a little challenging. I go to the gym 4 days a week. Love Zumba class. I have never been over 190 pounds but because i am short i always appear extremely heavy. I always loved my sweets, but in September i changed my entire style of eating. Especially after i found out that i had high cholestrol. My cholestrol has come down since i started eating better and exercising. I am a fitbit user and am so glad that MFP finally links up to it. I am so excited about getting started with this challenge and meeting new friends with the same goals.
  • QuiteNice
    QuiteNice Posts: 35 Member
    I'm game!
    Name: Kellie
    Starting weight: 189(started at 204)
    Goal weight: 140
    Non Scale Goal: Climb to the top of High Dune at the Great Sand Dunes without feeling too much pain ;-) and getting in shape to climb 14ers with my son and the rest of our Boy Scout Troop.
    Brief introduction: I am ready to get back into shape, get healthy and really start living again without feeling like I am dying.
  • Name: Trisha
    Starting weigh: 233
    Goal weight: 165
    Non Scale Goal: To wear a non-maturnity bathing suite and shorts this summer!!! I also want to start biking!!
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I am 30 yrs old with three daughters 2, 4,& 6, I have always been in shape and active until pregnancy. I want to be fit and strong again and have a great healthy lifestyle that I model for my girls.
  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in!!

    Starting weight:155
    Goal weight:130
    Non weight goal: Running the Portland Marathon in under 5 hours

    A little about me: I'm 35 years old and currently applying to go back to school full time to be come a Medical Technologist. At my heaviest I weighed 225lbs, but after collapsing from a heart condition I decided I had to get in shape. Since then have never gone back to my highest weight but I never successful made it to my goal weight. So this time I'm going to stick with it and hopefully it will pay off not only in improved health but with allowing me to reach my goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
  • Sounds great

    Name: Ingrid
    Starting weigh: 208 (Highest 279)
    Goal weight: 170
    Non Scale Goal: To wear a size 10/12 jean, go rock climbing and go white water rafting (haven't gone since I was in high school
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I live in Michigan, 37 years old, August will be my ten year anniversary. My husband and I love hiking. Parents to a cat and dog. I have struggled with weight related self esteem forever, but wow if I could get back to the weight where I used to think I was fat I would be beyond blissful. How silly are we when we are young.

    Looking forward to new challenge and getting to know you all.
  • saffir27
    saffir27 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in!!

    Starting weight:155
    Goal weight:130
    Non weight goal: Running the Portland Marathon in under 5 hours

    A little about me: I'm 35 years old and currently applying to go back to school full time to be come a Medical Technologist. At my heaviest I weighed 225lbs, but after collapsing from a heart condition I decided I had to get in shape. Since then have never gone back to my highest weight but I never successful made it to my goal weight. So this time I'm going to stick with it and hopefully it will pay off not only in improved health but with allowing me to reach my goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon.

    I forgot my names Christi
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Yay!! I've been waiting for you to start the new challenge. I <3 you!!!!

    Name: Josette
    Starting weigh: 150
    Goal weight: 135
    Non Scale Goal: I want to be able to do at least 20 boy pushups without stopping. I also want to be able to slip into a size 6/8 jeans without a muffin top.

    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I'm a wife and SAHM to four. I'll be 35 on the 31st of this month and looking forward to it. I believe age is just a number and plan to be in better shape than I was at age 25. I am a runner. I never thought I'd say that about! I run 5 - 10 miles, 6 days a week and average over a 100 miles a month. I want start trail running but that'll have to wait until my youngest starts school.
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    My name is Tasha :)

    I want to play :)

    Starting weight: 161
    Goal weight: 140
    Non weight goal: put on a bikini and feel good :)

    A little about me:

    I'm a mom of 2 boys who are driving me crazy as I type this lol I have a wonderful husband who I have been married to for almost 13 years. Not to sound selfish but this year is my time to do me. I want to get in great shape and really focus on myself. Of course I mean dedicating about one to two hours a day to do what is important not let everybody fend for themselves lol
    I'm excited to start :)
  • Name: Jen
    Starting weight: 221 lbs
    Goal weight: 140
    Non scale goal: To run a 5k with my husband in the fall.
    I just turned 39 2 weeks ago and have decided that it's finally time to do something about my weight. I have 3 children, 9 year old twin girls, Jaina and Jordan and 6 year old boy, Jaxon. I just discovered MFP tonight and am excited to get started. Im in!
  • Savora
    Savora Posts: 25
    Hi, I'm Gina
    Start weight: 165
    Goal weight: 145
    NSV: finish a few beachbody workouts
    Info: 44 with two gorgeous daughters and one beautiful granddaughter, and a hubby I have loved for 12 years (we just married last year :) I started this journey a year & 45 lbs ago, stumbled onto ChaLEAN Extreme along the way and became addicted to exercise. I'm on a mission to complete numerous workouts by BB, they really make me feel stronger. Also enjoying the fitbit, have the older model but learning how to count nutritional info and calorie intake. I took part in a couple challenges at WW and would love to be part of one here.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    As some of you may know I started the Skinny Christmas Challenge back in June & since it's over now I really want to start another challenge for some of the skinny christmas members as well as new members to keep the motivation going!

    I haven't been able to come up with a new for this challenge yet, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    We will have weekly weigh ins on Sunday & the "biggest loser" of the week will be able to set a mini challenge for the group to complete over the course of the week. For example drink a minimum of 8oz of water a day or do 25 extra crunches a day & so on. It doesn't matter what day of the week you weigh yourself as long as it's posted sunday for weigh in. Those who miss three consecutive weigh ins without letting me know ahead of time (in case of vacation, illness, & so on) will be removed from the challenge.

    If you want to be a part of the challenge please leave your,
    Starting weigh:
    Goal weight:
    Non Scale Goal:
    & a brief Introduction about yourself:

    Starting weight will count as tomorrows weigh-in & the challenge will go from January 15th to June 24th.
    Non scale goal can be anything from fitting into a specific size or a specific pair of pants to running a long as it's not measured by the number on the scale!

    I'm excited to get to know you all & hopefully we can all achieve our goals together!

    Hey love, don't forget you introduction. You know we'd love to hear about your goals too. :flowerforyou:
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    I like this challenge!

    Name: Melanie
    Starting weight: 122
    Goal weight: 110
    Non Scale Goal: To look good in clothes without having to hide my belly.
    About yourself: I'm a wife and SAHM of two kids. My daughter will be 10 and my son will be 3 this month. I just turned 30 and made a big move from Detroit to New Hampshire over the summer. Moving put me in a depression and I'm trying hard to get used to my new life. My highest was 160 but I'm only 5'. I'm ready for this challenge so I can look good at a friends wedding in April as well as the rest of my life. =)
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
  • TGSgirl2017
    TGSgirl2017 Posts: 32 Member
    Name: cari starting weight 259 goal weight 150 non scale drop 4 pant sizes about myself im 24 a sahm two daightrs 4 &6 months