Moms with do you find time to exercise?



  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    my two younger kids are 5 and 3. After i dropped them to school in the morning i go to my morning aerobics. If i workout at evening, i will take them with me walking. My 3 yr old in the stroller and my 5 yr old loves to push her.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. It is practically impossible to work out anymore, because she barely ever takes naps anymore and follows me around all day. I can't even go to the bathroom in privacy (as I'm sure you all understand.) How do you ladies find time to work out? She used to religiously take naps and that was when I worked out and also I'd work out after she went to bed. Now, she is going through separation anxiety phase and even sleeps in my bed, so I have not one single minute alone, except when I go to class (about 3 1/2 hours a week). Any ideas, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Isn't chasing a toddler a form of exercise?
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old, and she used to be a real problem, climbing on me and bugging me. But now I have a system, I go to the basement with the touch-pad, or special toys. And make sure she stays on the other side of the coffee table. If she does then she gets a spoonful of peanut butter, or one of my protein balls with me. I also have a mini trampoline that she loves to jump on. I'm doing 30 day shred so she's good for the 20 minutes that it takes. She'll do some of it as well depending on the day. She uses her little foam balls as weights it's super cute.

    She also likes to Parrot Jillian ahhaha 'Push your butt MOM!' she'll yell out. Thanks babe.

  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    My daughters are 4 and 2 and I'm pregnant with #3. I get up at 4:30 am and workout at home while everyone is sleeping. Sometimes, I'll do it at 8:00 or later in the evening after kids go to bed - but morning usually works better for me.

    You just HAVE TO make it a priority or it won't happen.

    Do I love getting up at 4:30? No, but I hate the way I feel if I miss exercise more. So out of the bed I get....
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I have a 15 month old, 3 year old, 5 year old (morning Kindergarten), and a 7 year old in school all day. I don't exercise during the day on weekdays. I wait until the kids go to bed. I get in a run on the weekend during the day when my husband is home. Works for me.
  • aj11016
    aj11016 Posts: 65
    right now it's just my lil man and me, so we take walks when he gets tired I put him on my back and pick up the pace do hills ect but for the most part he "helps" me do sit ups and pushups he thinks its great :) good luck!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have 4 kids but 2 are toddlers (2 & 3).. at first they would ask for things or interrupt me doing a workout so I had to pause a lot. I have been working out at home for almost 2 yrs and now they know whats up lol. They sometimes join me which is cute or they sit and watch and soon fall asleep after (yeess!!! ;P) There are times they watch a movie/show or just play in their room w/ toys :)
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I wake up at 4 am to get a run and weight training in; yes, it's early, but it's great to get my work out done before husband and kids are up.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Everyone should take a walk with their children. They will benefit too and it's free.

    HA! There is absolutely no exercise benefit to walking with my daughter. She stops every few steps for anything and everything. It literally took us 40 minutes to walk around the block (1/4mile). If I'm walking just for the sake of being outdoors with my daughter, that would work, but absolutely in no way is it effective for exercise. And at 3 1/2, she wants absolutely nothing to do with a stroller. When she was a newborn-1 1/2 years old, I used to walk with her all the time. It's just no longer feasible for an exercise plan.
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    That's how I got so big! I did no exercising while my kids were very small. However, now that my son is 3 1/2 and my daughter is 5, it's a bit easier. I exercise on my elliptical usually before they get up, but if they wake up, they come in the room and play - I have a huge assortment of special toys in that room so they are quite content while I sweat it out.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Everyone should take a walk with their children. They will benefit too and it's free.

    HA! There is absolutely no exercise benefit to walking with my daughter. She stops every few steps for anything and everything. It literally took us 40 minutes to walk around the block (1/4mile). If I'm walking just for the sake of being outdoors with my daughter, that would work, but absolutely in no way is it effective for exercise. And at 3 1/2, she wants absolutely nothing to do with a stroller. When she was a newborn-1 1/2 years old, I used to walk with her all the time. It's just no longer feasible for an exercise plan.
    When my little ones stop to look at a bug, puddle, leaf, etc, I do jumping jacks, jump rope, squats and lunges.

    I have four under 6, and they are all home with me. I still find plenty of time to exercise, I just have to take it when I can get it, and however I can. Usually in 5-10 minute increments.
  • my 4 year old tries to jump on me while I work out, but luckily their is a gym in the next town that has I get a good 2 hours and am now in the best shape of my life..cause I get a break and get to improve myself all at the same time
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter. It is practically impossible to work out anymore, because she barely ever takes naps anymore and follows me around all day. I can't even go to the bathroom in privacy (as I'm sure you all understand.) How do you ladies find time to work out? She used to religiously take naps and that was when I worked out and also I'd work out after she went to bed. Now, she is going through separation anxiety phase and even sleeps in my bed, so I have not one single minute alone, except when I go to class (about 3 1/2 hours a week). Any ideas, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Isn't chasing a toddler a form of exercise?

    I suppose, but not really. I like HIIT and it's more comparable to do chores than any real exercise. I like to be sweating buckets until I am done. I have lost all the weight that I want to lose...a while ago actually. However, I have stopped exercising for a few months now and I am feeling soft. I want to get back into working out all the time. I have to bust my butt hardcore for an hour to even burn like 350 calories.......chasing her around is in no way equivalent..... (I wish though).
  • Minimomma24
    Minimomma24 Posts: 14 Member
    On the days I don't work...I work out during the morning..I tell my two year old mommy is exercising and that I will be back after her movie is over...I let her pick out her own movie..and go downstairs to my basement and do my eliptical for 20-30 mins. I come upstairs and do my little hand weights she likes doing them with me.
    On the days I work...Before dinner I go downstairs and usually my husband will keep an eye on her..If he's at work..I do the movie thing again. It seems to work for both of us.
    Also I set up bowling pins as an obstacle course and do that with her...It's great exercise and she seems to really enjoy it :)
    Good luck..It's so hard to find time with little ones.
  • mommyhas4boyss
    mommyhas4boyss Posts: 60 Member
    i have a 4 year old but he is in a private preschool all day. and my 3 year old either plays his ds, watches me and laughs, is eating lunch, or tries to do it with me... and i have a 6 month old that is ATTACHED to my hip. i usually sit him in the highchair and let him watch and he laughs at me, if he is crying i make him a bottle or do whatever it is that i have to and do stuff while i do it, like dancing while making the bottle or something of that nature lol.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    The only way I could ever do it was to get up a couple hours before my kids. Get a workout and a shower and face the day!
  • AbimpyMoschino
    AbimpyMoschino Posts: 30 Member
    I work out very early in the morning before my son wakes up and late at night when he goes to sleep.