Im feeling very discourgaed =(

I just started doing my 30 day shred about 3 days ago, I know which isnt to long ago. But I am feeling discouraged already. Seems like everyone around me is loosing weight and im stuck I have been around 180-175 for about a year.I'm 23 years old, and i'm 5"9.I know it doesn't happen over night, but I would like to see some results already. I have the obession of going on the scale everyday to see, and I dont see a difference. My boyfriend actually is hiding the scale from me now.

I am going over seas in the beginning of March and want to be about 165 lbs when I go. When I log my food it says I should be about 165.00 in 5 weeks but I dont think its going to happen. I feel very bloated and I drink a ton of water.

Does anyone have any words of advice to keep me motivated. I am also doing jillian cleanse and burn i'm on my second day. PLEASE , help me get through this. Tell me some of your stories, or what keeps you motivated. Thank you!


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Start measuring inches rather than your weight :) Sounds like you're doing a very intense workout and you could well be replacing lost fat with increased muscle volume and water retention - which is natural for the muscle healing process. Don't panic, just try another way of gauging your progress :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    agree with the above. also make sure youre eating enough. i know it sounds weird, but if you dont eat enough it can stall your weight loss.
    when i did 30ds i didnt lose much, pound-wise but i lost close to 10 inches. its a great workout!
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I used to think just like you, and used to expect a 4 pound + weight loss a week, which was very unrealistic for someone of my size. You just have to be patient and persistent. Persistence is the only thing that's going to get you there in the end. One week, you might not see any changes, and the next week, you might see a loss on the scales and a difference in the way you look. That's just how it is. I recommend taking measurements as well as weighing as it really shows the way your body has changed. I've lost 23 pounds (something which I NEVER thought I could do, ever) because I found motivation and persisted. I haven't done the 30 Day Shred but I'm planning on purchasing it soon as people seem to be getting great results with it. Good luck! You CAN do this :)
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I'd have to see your diet to know for sure... eating the right things are just as important as working out is. The same thing happened to me because I wasn't eating very well. Once I got on track with my eating the weight dropped like bricks. You don't want to deprive yourself of eating either. It's all about proper balance.
  • n_soares3
    How long did it take you to loose the 23 lbs?
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    You and I are about the same height, so I can tell you in confidence-- you're not fat enough to lose weight in a jiffy.

    The more overweight you are, the easier it comes off.

    Keep working at it, don't weight every day, and don't get discouraged because of what is happening for other people. Everyone is different!

    I've been eating great and working out daily for nearly 3 weeks, and gained a pound. But my jeans fit better. My boyfriend has been eating great and being lazy for the same 3 weeks. He's lost 11 pounds.

    Just hang in there, and keep venting here! You'll get there in your own time.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Are you being honest with the portions you eat? Are you being honest with the calories you earn for activity?

    If I'm unsure if the thing I'm eating is 100 calories or 150, I put it down at 150.

    If I'm unsure if the exercise I'm doing burns 500 calories or 400 calories, I put 400.

    Always overestimate intake and underestimate exercise.

    Don't look for excuses to eat more or exercise less.


    If you are following these rules, definitely DO eat all of your calories for the day.

    I find it helpful to plan out my day when it comes to eating & my week when it comes to exercise. It's easy to eat too much if you sit down and eat, then record what you ate after the fact. I've gotten in the habit of entering all my foods before I eat, so I have a very clear understanding of when I need to stop - and if I really need to keep eating, which foods on the table are the ones that won't send me sailing over my limits.

    Only weigh in once a week - at the same time of day, under the same conditions (I weigh in on Tuesday & Thursdays after my swim workout at 7:30am, before hydrating, after a shower and before I get dressed - same way, same day each week)

    Those are my words of advice.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    It took me about 10 weeks, which is actually quicker than expected, mostly because I used to eat so badly (really badly, as in I had days where I would eat nothing but junk and probably consume 3000+ calories). I lost the first 10 pounds very quickly simply by changing how I ate and drinking plenty of water and tea :) I also didn't deprive myself of anything I love. If I wanted chocolate, I would make sure I had enough calories left to have some.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    As far as what keeps me motivated, I have a photo of myself from 3 summers ago, when I lost 30 pounds over 5 months and was in great shape-- in a bikini and looking hoottttt. I look at it when I want something awful.

    The other thing that keeps me motivated-- I'm a junk food junkie-- is reminding myself 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.' It's true!

    Maybe try to find a friend who you can 'compete' with, or at the very least, commiserate with.

    Make it fun! Find some low-cal, low-fat, new recipes.

    Try new healthy foods.

    Try bizarre new exercises.

    It doesn't have to be torture, and if it is, you're doing it wrong.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    Are you being honest with the portions you eat? Are you being honest with the calories you earn for activity?

    If I'm unsure if the thing I'm eating is 100 calories or 150, I put it down at 150.

    If I'm unsure if the exercise I'm doing burns 500 calories or 400 calories, I put 400.

    Always overestimate intake and underestimate exercise.

    Don't look for excuses to eat more or exercise less.


    If you are following these rules, definitely DO eat all of your calories for the day.

    I find it helpful to plan out my day when it comes to eating & my week when it comes to exercise. It's easy to eat too much if you sit down and eat, then record what you ate after the fact. I've gotten in the habit of entering all my foods before I eat, so I have a very clear understanding of when I need to stop - and if I really need to keep eating, which foods on the table are the ones that won't send me sailing over my limits.

    Only weigh in once a week - at the same time of day, under the same conditions (I weigh in on Tuesday & Thursdays after my swim workout at 7:30am, before hydrating, after a shower and before I get dressed - same way, same day each week)

    Those are my words of advice.

    I highly agree with what was said about overestimating calories consumed and underestimating calories burned.
  • sxyfitmomandwife
    sxyfitmomandwife Posts: 328 Member
    Its only been three days! This is a marathon not sprint stay consistent, patient and work hard. YOU CAN DO IT :D

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Its only been three days! This is a marathon not sprint stay consistent, patient and work hard. YOU CAN DO IT :D

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I PROMISE you if you measure instead of obsess over the numbers on the scale you will feel SO MUCH better.

    I'm on day 15 of the 30 day shred. I haven't lost a single pound in the last 2 weeks, but I've lost 4 inches.

    DON'T get discouraged! Keep on track and KEEP doing the shred! Never give up. YOU WILL see a difference! ^^
  • jeni_Giedd
    I only weigh in every ten days in order to see a difference. Every day would drive me NUTSO! I'm 5'5" and weighed 204, so I think these first twenty were easy ones. Now that I'm at 184, I know I'm still overweight, but I know it's going to come off slower. I'm trying to be realistic AND healthy. I believe that I have a great group of friends which makes a HUGE difference. I also drinks lots of teas and water in order to make me feel less hungry and to keep my body hydrated.

    You could just come over here and sit next to me on the couch for an hour, giving me hugs every two minutes or so. Then you'd have my flu bug and lose 5 to ten pounds easily in a week. It's horrific!
  • apple2107
    You can do it, I guarantee you that. I went through the same thing when I first started 30DS, it was so frustrating not seeing the result immediately, but after day 4 and day 5 you will definitely notice something difference, if you work out right and eat right :O
    Since you can do first 3 days, you definitely can do next 3 days, and by then you will see your weight loss, and it will be a HUGE motivator to continue exercising :O 30DS is an excellent workout!
  • CROD1305
    Not sure what everyone else said here, I wouldn't use the scale tho. I would use the mirror instead, or clothes. See if they are more loose. Especially pants. No need to be discouraged. Keep your mind set on that goal. Just because you aren't loosing weight now doesn't mean anything. Sometimes you hit a plateu and you just need to reconfigure your diet or excercise regimen. Go harder, lift more, eat cleaner calories/carbs, make sure you eat more often to keep your metabolism working. The more it works, the more calories you burn, the more fat you burn. Keep your head up. Im a HUGE fan of motivational quotes. There's one by Winston Churchill that goes.."Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts".

    Stay Motivated
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    Diet counts as much or if not more as working out!
    MEASURE your waist. I was working out hard and was not losing weight but lost 3 inches! Then the weight started coming off after.

    Personally, I do not lose weight when I eat wheat/bread/sugar. I had to cut them out to finally start losing.

    Look at your diet and see if you are eating healthy things. It is important too.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    3 days and you're fed up?? You need to change your outlook.

    When I started losing, it prob took 4-6 weeks before I noticed any change in my weight. Then it was slow yet steady, 1-2lbs a week. That was before MFP. I probably would have lost faster if I'd known portions etc. I've dropped from 165lbs to 110lbs.
  • n_soares3
    My diet has been good. I eat all bran cereal in the morning with fruit in it. Lunch I usually eat a salad or tuna mayo.. or whatever else is good for you . My snacks usually consists of baby carrots, laughing cow light cheese 25 calories, hummus, fruit, raw veggies. Yesterday for dinner i had half a turkery sauage, salad, 1/2 of rice. And water. Sometimes I will have a fruit smoothie for breakfast with avocato and mix with water. So I think over all my eating has been good.
  • Sarena3
    Sarena3 Posts: 49 Member
    Definitely check your inches. I went through same thing. Scale would not move. I felt like I was fighting it. I stopped weighing myself. Had my WW leader watch and warn me if I was gaining (my safety net) Then I joined a gym, upped my work outs to 5/wk, concentrated on nutrition. 90 days later I had lost two sizes. I don't know how it happens but I think if we get too fixated on the scale it can actually interfere with progress. Numbers do not tell the whole story. One person can be fit and trim and another overweight at the same height and weight!