Starting P90 tomorrow :) Looking for others to join with!



  • Half way through my P90, took a week break over xmas, FYI for anyone on Sculpt 3-4, I had previously guessed I was buring about 400-600 calories in one session but after I got a HRM lately and measured it- turns out I burned 881... so I would definately recommend using one to get accurate results and to keep your heart in a safe zone...
  • IRISHSHADOWFA -- that is awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!

    UPDATE FOR ME -- well yesterday I hurt my knee while at work. I lost my footing on the snow and some how jarred my knee (I didn't fall..just really jarred it). So, I didn't get the sweat in last night b/c I wanted to rest it and truthfully couldn't life my leg up at all.

    So, today is sculpt 1-2 and I'm going to take it slowly. I know I have lunges to do tonight so I'll see how it goes. I don't want to damage the knee anymore otherwise I won't be able to work out at all!!!!!!

    How is everyone in the group??!?! Would love to hear how things are going for everyone!
  • Figured I'd join the ranks. Finished day 1 of week two this morning. Tomorrow AM I get to wake up to plyometrics...yay?
  • amaweb
    amaweb Posts: 1 Member
    we are on day 52 :) its amazing.. especially for a previously fit mom who gained too much while 10 bs away from my pre pregnancy weight and feel stronger then ever :)
  • Welcome Timarling and Amaweb!!! So glad you could join us :):)

    Amaweb - day 52!!! That's so awesome. What are the biggest changes you see?

    I am now on day 11/90 --- took the last two days off b/c of my knee. I tried the lunches last night and just could put that much weight on my knee but today it seems to be much better. I'm glad I took the two days to rest it up and heal. We have someone staying at our house for the next two days -- i'm not sure how I'll get the workouts in while they are here but I'll do it somehow :)

    How is everyone else doing? I hope we haven't lost anyone!
  • kenpo - check
    shoulders/arms - check

    At the moment trying to decide if I want to purchase some creatine to add to my gatorade/whey
  • Hello gang -- where is everyone at? On day 13/90 - missed the last two days b/c of a house guest here --- didn't feel comfortable sweating in front of peeps SO back on track tomorrow :)

    How is everyone doing?
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Got P90 yesterday in the mail. Did sculpting 1-2 today.... used two different resistance bands depending on the activity. My polar watch told me I burned 137 calories (first time using one), doesn't seem like a lot - interested to see what I burn tomorrow with the first day of cardio. Maybe I am not working that hard or the polar watch is not measuring what it needs to... not sure. Will keep tracking however.

    I sure feel my quads this evening however.
  • erinpj
    erinpj Posts: 12
    LOVED p90x - stuck with it pretty much the full 90 - did it with two others at work in the mornings before we started. Pretty much went full 90, last two weeks we just kind of did it at home and went to the gym and did routines that we learnt from the videos. I did enjoy all the videos thou - ab ripper X = love love love. The only thing was i found the yoga a little boring so on yoga days we'd go to a hot yoga class and WOW nothing better then pouring every drop of sweat you have in you on your mat!!!!

    The only thing is tony got a little annoying near the end so what id recommend is once your used to all the videos and know the routines - turn your favorite music on and mute the video - your own music motivates you to lift that weight one more time :D
  • erinpj
    erinpj Posts: 12
    oohh one more thing - in my pictures - the two body comparisons are before and after p90
  • dfeledichuk -- do glad you got the tapes :) I'm still waiting on my polar so hopefully it will come in the next few weeks (delivery to the NWT is sooo slow!!) Keep at it -- you will burn those calories!!!!

    erinpj -- that is fantastic!!! So glad you shared your results -- it's nice to see others having success!! SO motivatiing!!

    How is everyone else?!?!?! Really going to up the intensity this week to make up for my missed days last week!!

    Happy Sunday everyone! Today marks day 15/90 for me. 15 more days till my measurements :)
  • Happy Monday Everyone!! Sweat 1-2 is on the schedule for tonight!! What is everyone else doing?!?!?

  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Feeling abs from my first ab ripper workout two days ago.... have abs again today..... see how that goes!
  • ohhhh....i'm doing abs tonight --- i need to find mine again!!!!! We can be in pain together LOL
  • One issue I have with p90x is day 3, 4 & 5 I do abs in one form or another. My poor poor abdominals. Hitting up shoulders in arms in just a few minutes, then I will be halfway done with week 3
  • Hey gang -- how is everyone doing so far?!??!?!?! I am at day 23/90 and I'm super pumped for day 30 to get here!!!

    Anyone noticing any changes?!?!!
  • Changes...probably mostly mental. However, I do notice that my core feels firmer, in that I can feel all of the individual ridges of the abdominal muscles underneath the layer of soon-to-be-vaporized abdominal fat. Now that's some motivation.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hey all - how are you doing? I'm starting on Saturday.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    I did P90 for a month and noticed a lot of increase in my strength. When I went to get a tattoo on my bicep, my tattoo artist was like "Damn girl. What have you been doing?" Kind of made me laugh.

    I have quit doing P90 since I'm doing the 12 week trainer by Kris Gethin. I will say I hated the yoga portion of the tapes but for some reason I loved the Warrior pose while doing it.

    Good luck to all of those doing this, P90X, Insanity, P90X2, etc!
  • Hey everyone -- just checking in again to see how everyone is doing. I hit day 30 yesterday and tonight I'll take measurements :) SUPER PUMPED to see any changes.

    Would love to hear about all and any successes you've had thus far!
