80 more pounds before September!

Hi everyone, I'm Becca and I'm just starting out. Lost 6 pounds last week but I know it won't keep going like that, so I'm going to need some motivation! I'm planning to get to a healthier weight by the time I qualify as a nurse in September, as I was overweight when I came to uni and have put on even more since then! My boyfriend is also trying to lose weight, so here's hoping we both get healthy!

I would love to find friends doing the same thing, so feel free to add me :)


  • Kromero09
    how did you lose 6 pounds? i just started MFP and im on the 4th day i think and been to the gym for 2 days...according to MFP im supposed to intake 1200 calories, but that seems like a little to me. im still kinda hungry at the end of the day tho...but honey if you want to lose 80 pounds, you can do it! i think i need motivation...my goal is to lose 50 pounds
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I just stuck to my calories and did exercise, I never usually work out so I think that my body is in shock! I'm no pro at this, but for me I plan my meals to make sure I'm not going to be hungry, I'm pretty amazed at how many things I normally cook that I can make loads healthier! If you're getting hungry try and have some low calorie treats and snacks in the house?

    Hope that helps!
  • Ajmead
    Ajmead Posts: 56
    I only started Monday and have lost 2lb, I am amazed how many calories I was eating before this app. You will lose weight don't give up. Like the other person said have some healthier treats and drink plenty of water:smile:
  • sleddogger
    Good for you...Im all in for the support...I started to use MFP months ago then I slacked off but have now begun again...I have lost 30 lbs total, and then leveled out...so now here I am back...I started about 2 weeks ago to track my intake of food as I was just barely keeping track and slacking on the working out bit. I have lost 3 pounds since then & went back in & adjusted my goal weight...so the calorie intake dropped, it was telling me I wasnt eating enough, but I think that helped level it out a bit. Im on about 1200 calories a day..but try to limit the fats so I can eat more without the calories stacking up so quick. Im sure you will be able to reach your goal..& Im with you Id like to drop a total of 80 as well.
  • Kromero09
    I just stuck to my calories and did exercise, I never usually work out so I think that my body is in shock! I'm no pro at this, but for me I plan my meals to make sure I'm not going to be hungry, I'm pretty amazed at how many things I normally cook that I can make loads healthier! If you're getting hungry try and have some low calorie treats and snacks in the house?

    Hope that helps!

    hmm well its kinda hard at my house cuz my mom cooks a lot of homemade mexican food food and some of its greasy and fatty...and when i drink water i feel like that makes me hungrier :/ but im still trying!