ways to flavor water

Hey all, I am looking for anything product or something from the house, that is a low calorie way to flavor my water.... i want to try and get away from the crystal light as i prefer to get my aspartame from my diet coke. (i know i know, but i just cant give it up). So i looked at the nestea low cal crystals but again they have aspartame, the teatly infustions things look okay but for a bottle of water it would be 100 calories, and i was hoping for less... I realize at home i can just add fruit, but im looking for ideas for work/on the go, that can be used in water bottles rather than cups.
thanks :)


  • farberry
    farberry Posts: 71 Member
    Use sugar free squash. Don't know what you have over the pond but here Robinsons, or supermarket own-brand squash is really common and the sugar free varieties taste the same but less than 10 cals if you make up a 500ml plastic bottle in the morning. It's also really cheap - you can buy a litre of double concentrate squash for about £1.20, it doesn't take up much space, store it at work (school for me!) and dilute it as you need it and it'll last ages! My fave flavours are summer fruits, orange and mango or tropical fruits.
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    I some times use Mio.
  • meganmorsey
    I had a $1 off coupon so I just bought a Mio. It's so good and you only need a tiny squirt to flavor your water! I'll definitely be buying it again.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I some times use Mio.

    I'd never heard of Mio before, but I just checked out the site....looks good! I'll have to try to find some.
  • GMUPatriot
    I like Propel zero, I use one packet 32 oz
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just lemon.
  • Ladeda1
    Ladeda1 Posts: 68 Member
    I've used TruLemon or TruLime. They come in little crystal packets or in a small bottle and they are 100% real juice.
  • carlye14
    5 calorie crystal light on the go packets are my favorite!!! I keep a box at work :) raspberry lemonade is the best!

    Oops I just re read and realized you have already tried these. Best of luck!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I just add fruit to my water and let it sit overnight (but drink within a couple days). Try, strawberries, oranges, lemon, lime, peach, cucumber.

    Also crystal light has a PURE version that doesn't contain aspartame. I tried the grape. I'm not a fan of it. There's still a lot of food coloring and chemicals in it but, no aspartame. A friend of mine swears by it though.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I've used TruLemon or TruLime. They come in little crystal packets or in a small bottle and they are 100% real juice.

    These are great!
  • Mwhite522
    I like to slice some oranges and let it sit in bottled water over night. Or I'll add some mint leaves and let sit overnight. It's a refreshing summer drink. Good Luck!