Weekend weight gain!

I do so well during the week and then BLAM! I can't control my eating on the weekend and end up gaining everything I lose during the week. Any suggestions?


  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    on the weekend my hubby likes to 'feed me "this weekend it was pizza[ I love pizza] SOOO I ate a tiny breakfast and lunch then I had enough callories saved to have the pizza and 2 bread sticks I drink a lot of water or a big glass of skim milk it helps fill me up so I dont eat as much .
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Yep, and then I "Weigh-In" with a group of friends on a Monday which totally buggers it all up!

    I don't have cheat days, but tend to eat more of what I want on a weekend, so im going to move this to a day during the week, so I have the time to drink loads of water and hopefully work it off again before the weigh in. I'm hoping though that come the weekend I can be strong enough, because I will already have had that cheat meal etc. back at the beginning of the week!

    It's a vicious circle :laugh:
  • Toshamullins
    Toshamullins Posts: 9 Member
    I have the same problem. I do so well during the week, but my husband is a truck driver and is only in on the weekends so when he is home we eat what ever he normally wants. I normally loose 4-7 pounds a week but I also gain about 3 back on the weekends so I am stuck on the same problem :(
  • louismetal
    I have the same problem and it always seem to start with my boyfriend wanting me to help him indulge his fast-food addiction! He's right in that everyone should have some of the food they really enjoy sometimes but he doesn't seem to understand that ploughing through a massive pizza will undo all the hard work I've been putting in through the rest of the week! If I try and explain, I get accused of being a kill-joy or anal or of having some sort of problem, my problem is that I'm fat and I don't want to be!!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I knew weekends would be where I struggled, so I weigh on a Friday, then have that day as a relaxed day, I don't like to call it cheating, as its a planned day where if I do go over my calories I don't beat myself up about it.

    I then find that on the weekend, although I may go over, because I've had my fill on Friday I tend not to eat as much, and by Monday I'm back on track and raring to go again..

    It works for me, may not work for everyone though.
  • carole456
    carole456 Posts: 121 Member
    Had this problem when trying to lose weight before weighed in on a Monday and before that on a Thursday, this time I weigh myself on a Sunday and I'm too focused on what I may have lost to eat too much!
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I knew weekends would be where I struggled, so I weigh on a Friday, then have that day as a relaxed day, I don't like to call it cheating, as its a planned day where if I do go over my calories I don't beat myself up about it.

    I then find that on the weekend, although I may go over, because I've had my fill on Friday I tend not to eat as much, and by Monday I'm back on track and raring to go again..

    It works for me, may not work for everyone though.

    THANK YOU!!! I think you may have helped me out massively here :flowerforyou:

    You are so right, once I have had what I want, I don't really want it again the next day, so this may just be the way forward! Thanks again x
  • KAHoff2011
    I too have this problem of wekend weight gain. It's so frustrating. I do so well during the week and then BOOM! the weekend hits and I feel like I can eat whatever I want because I have done so well during the week.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I like the idea of having a planned day during the week so that you kind of get it out of your system. Is there anything else that may help this vicious cycle?
  • KAHoff2011
    So I may have found my own answers at this website: http://www.weightloss.org/avoiding-weekend-weight-gain/:smile:

    It offers a few easy things you can do to avoid weekend weight gain:

    ■Keep stocked with healthy foods. If you don’t have food in your pantry to make a healthy meal on a Friday night, chances are you’re going to go out or to call the pizza delivery guy. Stop on the way home from work on Fridays to get loaded up on your staple healthy foods and snacks.

    ■Don’t save up calories. If you skip breakfast and lunch in anticipation of a night out in the evening, you’re going to face an insatiable appetite and you’re going to totally pig out at dinner. Eat your normal meals earlier in the day, and make sure you focus on counting calories as well as portion control at dinner.

    ■Start the weekend right. After work on Friday, take a moment to reflect on your weight loss progress for the week. This will help set the tone for the weekend, as you don’t want to spend all of next week losing those same couple of pounds.

    ■Keep busy and active. Avoid the temptation to lounge around in your PJs for the weekend. Go window shopping, visit a library or go somewhere else where you can spend some time (without, of course, the temptation of food).

    ■Get involved. Weekends are a great time to spend on volunteer projects. Join a neighborhood cleanup effort, or get involved in a home building construction project with Habitat for Humanity. Not only will you be helping others, you’ll be keeping yourself active and busy, avoiding the temptation to sit around and eat.
  • elguapo911
    Have the same problem. I can distract myself with work during the week, go to bed early to curb hunger pains, but on weekends its tough
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Try and just drink calorie-free drinks. I often go home for the weekend from college and my parents want to go out and eat and stuff. So I try and still get my workouts in and drink water or tea.
  • dancingqueen2013
    dancingqueen2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I have the same problem and it's usually to do with alcohol calories, wine or whatever. I try to save a few calories during the week for it but it's never enough. Anyway we cant be good 100% of the time, so try to make allowances for that.....so long as you dont do the dog on it completely you should still loose, especially if you are exercising.
  • candie33
    candie33 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes my husband is a truck driver too and when he comes home on the weekend we always eat out and I always see the pounds come back on when I get on the scale.
  • Psufilmgirl
    Psufilmgirl Posts: 93 Member
    Two suggestions: workout more so you can eat a little bit more, or just don't do as much on weekends. I've noticed that if I can say no to alcohol and other things, but it takes willpower. And you can still have a great time. I went out to a Mexican restaurant Saturday, and my weigh in was Sunday. It was a lunch meal, which I think can be easier to balance out, but I had some chips, salsa, and guacamole. I ordered fajitas and only had one tortilla, and I ate some of the rice, but not all of it.

    That night, I had some veggies and chicken. I drank a ton of water. The next morning, I was down over 2 pounds. It can be done, just in moderation. I know it stinks, but hang in there. Things will get better, and easier. I have the WORST will power, or so I thought, but if you decide to make healthier choices, it gets to be a habit.

    And don't listen to friends and family, if they don't respect your decision and support you, then there's something wrong with that, IMHO.

    Good luck! Hang in there! And if you need a friend, I am here for you!!!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I used to weigh in on Tuesdays and Fridays back when I had a problem controlling my cals for the week-end.

    Now I only way in on Tuesdays.

    What's helped me stay on track through the week-ends is making it a point to get in 2 workouts on Saturdays and Sundays- that way when I go over my cals (usually from alcohol.) I still feel like I did a good job.