Any moms out there that had c-sections?



  • I had three c-sections, my last one was 15 years ago. The most weight I gained during a pregnancy was 60 pounds (yikes)! I've never been serious about exercising till now and have not had a flat stomach since before I got pregnant. I've always been told by my gyno that it will never be flat because of cutting through the muscle and all that.
  • I've had 2 c-sections and my tummy is pretty flat. I'm 5'5.5" tall and currently weigh 123. When I was pregnant with my first I was just over 200lbs when I had her.

    Watch your carbs, eat lots of protein and work out. The tummy will go away. I proudly wear a bikini now - something I never did even before I had kids because I wasn't this weight or in such good shape.

    WOW! That is so awesome to hear!!!!! I had a c-section with my little girl Lucy 5/5/09. I'm 5'9", and I shot up from 150 (pre baby) to 250!!!!! 100 pounds gained. Oy. I'm now at 194, but need to lose abot 45-50 more pounds. My stomach still has a pooch, but the rest of my body is definitely starting to change (started Piloxing, running again, weights, Tae Bo, etc. in December and have seen so much difference in only a month! I forgot how much I loved working out --- hadn't done it regularly since before I became pregnant in August '08!)...

    Thanks for the inspiration! :)
  • I have had 2 c sections and I only have 10 lbs left to reach my post baby weight, my question is what did u do to loose the pooch? Any info will b helpful, Thank u
  • I have always had a little pooch but after my c-section it just seems hopeless that my stomach will ever be flat. Glad to know there is some hope out there though. I don't think I'd ever be able to afford surgery to get a tummy tuck, maybe it's something I should consider saving up for though. :-/
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    I've had 3 c-sections - in 2002, 2005, and 2008. My heaviest pregnancy weight was 210 (when I went in to have my last baby), and my heaviest non-prego weight was 167.5. I am currently at 156-ish, on my way to my goal of 140, and the only part of my body that I am completely unhappy with is my hangy belly skin. :/ I guess it will never truly go away without surgery, but hey, I love my sons, and wouldn't have it any other way. :)
  • Pilates will teach you to find all of your abdominal muscles. You will then be proficient and use your abs all of the time in all that you do. Go to a Pilates studio and take private lessons on a reformer, or a matt lesson. I had a c section. My abs are flat, tight, I have a 4 pack. You can too.
  • TIARAR247
    TIARAR247 Posts: 47 Member
    I had a c-section myself. I went from 165 lbs to 248 lbs with my pregnancy. With one of the diets I went on I got down to 180. The pooch really went no where. It shrank some but as others said, it became flab. One of the doctors told me that it is hard to loose the pooch. Not that it can't be done. Good luck to you.
  • had two c sections, one because of position of baby, second was an emergency. they had to make a second scar/ incision for the emergecny, but my stomach is almost flat, just has the two scars. both are low laying transverse insisions. hopeing for a vbac with baby number 3! you can do it! :)
  • had two c sections, one because of position of baby, second was an emergency. they had to make a second scar/ incision for the emergecny, but my stomach is almost flat, just has the two scars. both are low laying transverse insisions. hopeing for a vbac with baby number 3! you can do it! :)

    i forgot to say, my heaviest pregnancy weight was around 260, lost 100 lbs within 3 months of delivery, and i am around 150's right now, still have an almost flat stomach, i think it just depends on your body. i also had two ten lb babies! and my last baby was born at 33 weeks! :)
  • ChrissyLu723
    ChrissyLu723 Posts: 153 Member
    I had 3 csections...I have the flap still and I hate it, I don't know if it will totally go away because when I started here I was 263.8 I'm at 197 now and I still have a fat flabby stomach, I think my age has something to do with that too because I dont have the elasticity that the younger crowd has. I'm 46
  • I have had 2 c sections and both of my kids were Huge when they were born. I now have a flat stomach. I have done LOTS of cardio. The only thing I do is zumba. Its a great workout! I still eat what i want but i make sure i stay under my calorie goal each day and one cheat day either during the week or during the weekend. For me this has worked great. I have lost 23 pounds and i dont even know how many inch.
  • I've had 2 c-sections and a hysterectomy. Before I regained all this weight, I was about 15 pounds above ideal weight. Stomach wasn't flat, but just a tiny pooch. The same one I had at my ideal weight, so I was good with it. I think it really depends on your genetics. If you had a flat stomach before the c-sections, you should be able to get pretty darn close. Sue :)
  • I have had 3 c-sections and I have that "skirt" of hanging fat and skin. I am in the process of losing weight with diet and exercise. I really don't know if it will ever go flat. I truly hope so.Let me know what workouts do work for you. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Six pregnancies...3 of them c-sections. I am hoping to have flat abs but we'll see. I think you always have that "flap" where they have sewed you tight but I'm hoping to get rid of the layer of fat on my abs if nothing else.
  • Thanks for asking this, had my csection almost a year ago and my tummy is disgusting!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    2 babies, 2 c sections. Im nowhere near knowing if it will go away but my SIL also had 2 babies and 2 c sections and has lost a bunch of weight and looks thinner so Im hopeful lol.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections and 2 over 8 lb babies. I had my kids late in life too and didn't expect my tummy would ever be flat again. After my first child I weighed 163 and looked about 4 months pregnant. I continued to look about 4 months pregnant for years!

    But now I'm 114 lbs and I do a lot of ab work. My stomach is flat and I have just a slight amount of excess skin. It seems to be diminishing a bit as my ab muscles increase. There's always hope. Keep working at it!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I have 3 kids and had one section. I'm lucky I was able to get my abs back.
  • jeepingirrl
    jeepingirrl Posts: 29 Member
    I had two c-sections 22 months apart. I was fit prior to having kids, gained a whole lot of weight when I was pregnant with my first, never lost all of it and then had my second. I asked my doctor at my 6 week check-up after my second one if I could be hopeful to ever get my flat tummy back...he said "Sure, if you find a good surgeon." : (
  • You're weight is where mine is... my goal is 150 but in my head i tell myself i want to be at 130 i just feel like i "know" i will never get there... this is my first week towards my long journey but i am determined to lose weight. I am really new at this whole thing so lately ive just done the grilled chicken boiled chicken salads fish etc.. i walk 60 to 75 minutes every night on the treadmill and saturday i went to my first zumba class. If there is anything else i can or should be doing someone please let me know... i have 4 little ones and two which are in kinder and first grade so time isnt always on my but any pointers or ideas would be of great help. THANKS..
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