Does anyone admit to cheating?



  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    Today was the only day I considered it. I had a super fun night out with the family last night. We were across town about an hour away near a restaurant we used LOVE going to. It's called Chino Bandito (it was showcased on Diners, Drive ins & Dives on Food Network) and it's Chinese/Mexican food that is to die for! I went into it knowing I was going to cheat once and do well the rest of the week. Normally I would feel really bad and down on myself. I am more serious about my weight loss now than ever before so I knew that this one meal wouldn't ruin the whole week for me. Even so, I was still nervous about logging things and having everyone see.

    I was really surprised that I was only slightly over my goals for the day! I ate really well yesterday (in preparation, lol) so that helped. I'm glad I fessed up and logged what I ate. I want to be sure that I'm accountable.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I log all my food, the good and the bad, no matter what. When I log the bad food, I overestimate the calories. But, I don't really allow myself many "cheat" days...I am committed to the whole lifestyle change of moderation, portion control, exercising, and eating throughout the day to obtain my optimal health!
  • No I don't know why anyone would to be honest. What's the point. Xx
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I log everything, the good, the bad & the binge days! It keeps me accountable to myself.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    If I eat it, I log it.
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    I don't see any point in it - I'm not on a restricted diet - so there is no way I can "cheat". I may eat more than I should one day, but so far I've figured out that I'll probably under eat another day and it balances out.

    I'm doing this to change my eating habits for good so that in a year when I'm at goal weight, maintenance will be easy (well actually hard since I'll have to add back about 500 calories a day to maintain).

    Good luck - and remember it's a journey and it's all about being true to yourself.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I have often had to calculate by guesswork, and admit that I might be a little hopeful in my guesses. I also omit some little additions if I lick the cooking bowl, or chomp a bit of cauliflower stalk. But I regularly stay below my 1200 calories, so I have to hope it doesn't hurt too much.
  • Yes, people cheat on their diets once in a while. We shouldn't cheat on our diaries. I allow myself a cheat once in a while by buying 1 cookie instead of a whole package. This way, when it's gone - it's gone. I don't have an entire package of Oreo's staring at me for the next week calling me to the pantry. If you log it on your diary, you can see just how often you cheat and what things are your weaknesses. Once you see it, you can take steps to avoid it.
  • your only cheating yourself if you leave it out, Every one should have a treat once in a blue moon, we are human afterall lol
  • Kate707
    Kate707 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't usually add my veggies. This way it doesn't stop me from eating lots of them, by making them count against my calories.
  • tessa3r
    tessa3r Posts: 7 Member
    I try to log everything, even the fudge and truffles I made for Christmas presents and tried little pieces of. I was absolutely shocked at the actually calorie count once I put the recipes into MFP. It's really good motivation for having only one :) I try to be as honest as possible since this is a tool for me to use while learning a healthier lifestyle. Don't feel bad if you binge every few weeks, it's not the end of the world as long as you track it and see if something is triggering the behavior. Good luck!
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I haven't been tempted yet but I've only been at this a few days. So far, when I want to eat something that's higher in calories or fat, I just make myself work out first to "earn" those calories. I don't think I'll ever cheat on the diary. And i'm sure I'll have some binge days here and there...most of us do.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I log everything. I figure if my friends (the only people who have access to my diary) can't deal with it -- that's THEIR problem. I am human and sometimes I have REALLY bad days. I log it all and start fresh the next day.

    I guess I don't see the point in trying to make it look better. This isn't about what others think - your diary is for you. It is for you to learn to be honest with yourself about what you're eating. Who cares what someone else thinks? "Cheating" your diary really only cheats yourself. Your body knows what it ate - regardless if you write it down or not.
  • kemeko
    kemeko Posts: 158 Member
    The diary is a way to record your successes and it help identify foods that may not contribute towards your long term goals. I log everything. Good and bad. In order to be successful, I have to be true to myself.
  • AmyVix
    AmyVix Posts: 12
    I don't see any point in it - I'm not on a restricted diet - so there is no way I can "cheat". I may eat more than I should one day, but so far I've figured out that I'll probably under eat another day and it balances out.

    I'm doing this to change my eating habits for good so that in a year when I'm at goal weight, maintenance will be easy (well actually hard since I'll have to add back about 500 calories a day to maintain).

    Good luck - and remember it's a journey and it's all about being true to yourself.

    At the moment, I'm with you in this mindset. I tend to see my calories as an overall amount for the week, so I could have some "bad" days where I am over. Then this could be cancelled out by my really good days. Although I always make sure I eat over 1200 calories a day.
    I never cheat with it though. There's no point. Yes at weekend I go out, and the alcohol takes me over my calories, but then during the week I pull it back, through my exercise and healthier eating. This is my second time on MFP and this mindset helped me lose a stone the first time, so even though I've only been back on here a few days, this is working for me at the moment!! Maybe later on down the line, I'll rethink this.
    If you're going to cheat, you're going to fail.
  • akjstyles
    akjstyles Posts: 75 Member
    Nope, I add everything to my food diary. When I go over I hope that my exercise calories help out but I don't ever leave anything out of my diary to make it look better. We all have our off days and logging them allows us to learn from them. I also keep my diary closed to everyone, I only need to be accountable to myself.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    No, bec ause I have scheduled in a weekly cheat day and that seems to keep me in line. The only thing I'm slightly embarassed about is my wine consumption, but hey - I'm doing better than I used to!
  • Marie294
    Marie294 Posts: 304
    Haha, I have been tempted! But no, my diary is for me to track what I eat. I want to be honest and accountable there. You could always make it private if you don't want anyone else to see :):) Good luck to you!
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I put it all out there, the good, the bad, and the ugly!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Shoot! I thought I was going to find some loose women on here but it's not that kind of thread!