Does anyone else have this problem?

I'm wondering if anyone out there has the same problem as me, and thats emotional/bored eating. When I feel alone and not doing something I tend to eat A LOT! My cravings are overwhelming and I usually always give into them. If I don't I feel a big sense of anxiety. Does anyone have or had this problem? Any reasonable tips on how to deal and handle this? This is one of my biggest struggles and why I gain weight so quickly...

Does anyone know why you gain weight while in a relationship?! I need this problem solved ASAP as well lol :)


  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Generally people are happier and content in a relationship.
    NNSSJSKR Posts: 30 Member
    When I eat meals with my husband, I tend to eat way more than I do when I eat on my own. I think social eating encourages some bad habits, such as cheating on your diet or mimicing what/how much the other person is eating. My husband can also eat whatever he wants and not gain a lb. He has a 6 pack without working out, ever. The jerk.

    We don't buy a lot of junk food. If it is something my husband wants, I have him keep it in his man cave so I don't see it in the pantry. If it is something I want, I break up the bag into individual servings and store them in zip lock bags (like Buffalo doritos. I just can't give those suckers up). I keep a lot of fruit on hand and reach for a banana or an apple if I feel like snacking. Try drinking a glass of ice cold water instead of reaching for the chips when you are bored or lonely. That helps me make the cravings go away.

    If it happens when you are bored, try and find something healthier to do with your time, like taking a walk or doing an exercise video.
  • KatieBug0522
    It's mostly when I am bored at work. If I'm not at work I'm constantly doing something! But being so busy that I can't find the time to make a meal so I grab crap to go doesn't help :)
  • TamarNaomi
    I definitly have this problem!! I have it at night mostly but i have found going to the gym or working out and even if i dont want to makes me feel better!
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I sleep walk allot and find that I have eaten peanut butter or who knows what else. Very aggravating. Going to have to put locks on cabinets or bell on bedroom door soon.
  • myuva
    myuva Posts: 67
    Since I got married almost 4 years ago I have gained 30 pounds !!!!! When I was single I went to the gym everyday, ate better and was busy with my stained glass. Now.....I feel guilty if I am not spending time with my husband. We are foodies !!!! Love pairing wines with foods and ALWAYS cooking up something fabulous. Not neccessaraly healthy.....but fabulous ! Think about the person you are in the relationship you go out, have friends over......most socializing is geared around food. I Do you have any hobbies ? Something that keeps your hands occupied ? Keep your hands busy with crocheting, knitting, crossstitch, scrap booking, painting or something like that. If you eat while doing these things you will leave oil from your hands on your work. It works for me ! I sat my husband down and said I was going to be selfish by taking care of me first !!! And he jumped on board with me ! Your significant other will respect your needs and help you on your journey. Not sure if this helps..........Best wishes !!!