Special Event Splurge??

kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
So my sons 5th birthday is this weekend (the 20th) and we are having family over on Sat the 21st for pizza and cake. My question is, I am on the 17 day diet (currently on day 15 with a 9.5 lb loss!) and I keep wondering if it is okay to stray one day? I have been VERY strict and kept to the diet but I would love to have pizza and cake with my family. I am thinking one slice of pizza and a small piece of cake but I dont want to take any steps back which is my fear. What are your thoughts on splurging for special events?


  • jid314
    jid314 Posts: 71
    YES, absolutely. In fact, many people on MFP will tell you that even nutritionists and dieticians say you should have a "calorie spike" one day per week. I had one free day per week for 16 weeks and lost 55 lbs.

    Treat yourself - you're doing an excellent job.

    Oh, and I'm sending you a friend invite :)
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    thanks for your response! Makes me feel a little better.

    Its kind of weird tho, now that I have been doing so well, its almost not even worth it ya know!
  • mizzoulaxgirl26
    mizzoulaxgirl26 Posts: 21 Member
    Just stay withing your calorie range. Last week I had 3500 left over for the week so I figure if i go over one day it's NBD. Plus the 17 day diet is a good kickstart, but I don't think it's a permanent plan as much as just watching calories and exercise.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Enjoy the special day and have a piece of pizza cake with your family. :smile: I would just exercise that day and log the pizza and cake as accurately as you can. If you go over one day, it's not the end of the world!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Nope, treating yourself one day isn't going to hurt...as long as you get back on track.

    I did my first triathlon yesterday, and then had one of my favorite meals afterwards.....it was 3500 calories. But, back to eating properly today and for the rest of the week.
  • Kimberly874
    Good to know about the calorie spike and cheat day once a week. I was wondering if that was a good idea or not.