15kg / 2 - 3 st / 30 lbs I need a weight loss buddy

I'm 5"2 and i desperately need a weight loss buddy, i lost half a stone then put on 4 - 5 stones then lost 1.5 stones then pout on the point 5 ... i'm 90 kg, I should be at 60 but I want to get to 70/75 by May/June.

Is it possible, i need advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 40 pounds in 4 months would be tough but not impossible. lots of cardio and hard work and you will reach your goal. Get a good diet and stick to what works for you. .
  • im just under 5 foot and lost 48 pounds over last year, add me as a friend will be more than happy to share tips, good luck x