new challenge!



  • annfitfor40
    annfitfor40 Posts: 10 Member
    Name: Andrea
    Starting weigh: 173
    Goal weight: 140
    Non Scale Goal: To walk out in an outfit and my husband to comment, "damn you look good!" :)
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I am going to be 40 this year and I really would like to live a healthy lifestyle for me and my family!
  • fitwannaB
    fitwannaB Posts: 14 Member
    Name: Cindy
    Starting Weight: 210
    Goal Weight:160
    Non scale goal: Be comfortable playing with my kids at the beach this summer in a bathing suit.
    Brief Intro: I just turned 29 in December. I have two kids ages 2.8 years and 8 months. I work full time as a teacher and spend any free time I have with my kids.

    I'm excited about this challenge. BRING IT!
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    Woohoo! I've been waiting for this :) Here's my info:

    Name: Crystal
    Starting weigh: 192 :(
    Goal weight: 150
    Non Scale Goal: Being able to run a 5K
    A brief Introduction about yourself: Hi all! I am 28 years old, from the midwest, and I work way too much (for too little pay!). I've been overweight my entire life (quite literally). I started my weight loss journey December 1, 2010. In 1 year, I lost 114 pounds. Getting some bad news in December (my financee is being laid off) along with going on vacation (eating out almost every single meal) and having trouble getting back on track, I gained some weight back. I did well in the Christmas challenge and I think this new challenge is exactly what I need to get back in gear and finally get down to my goal weight.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • Name: Stacie Fish
    Starting weigh: 223
    Goal weight: 180
    Non Scale Goal: Eat healthy 6 out of 7 days
    run one mile without stopping
    get down to a size 9/10

    Hey! Im stacie and i am 20. I would love to loose this weight in order to feel better, be healthy and happy. I tend to gain weight when times get tough in life so i have been looking for healthy alternatives. I recently found that exercising helps a lot when i am having a bad day, so thats a plus!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!!
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    Name: Cindy Luo Luo

    Starting weigh: 199

    Goal weight: 142

    Non Scale Goal: 5K in June with some very fit friends (they runs races all of the time and are super fit and I'd like to run with them.) I've never ran a race before. It's on my bucket list.

    I'm Cindy, 27 years old. I have a beautiful 2 and a half year old daughter. I've spent a great amount of energy teaching her to be healthy (eating well, exercising). I remember once she begged for broccoli for breakfast! She is seriously amazing. I'd like to be more of an example for her. It's one thing to teach someone but another to show them. So here I am! My husband is amazing and helps me keep on track. I've just recently graduated with a doctorate in pharmacy and am currently studying to become licensed. This requires sitting on my behind 5-6 hours a day. Not the best for my health. It really helped push me into working out and eating less calories. I was not going to gain for weight.

    Cheers! and good luck to everyone!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Name: Florence
    Starting weigh: 185.8
    Goal weight: 145
    Non Scale Goal: pass the POST fitness requirements
    brief Introduction about yourself: looking to get fit for a better job and to be taken more seriously in my current part-time and voluntary interests.
  • Mashizou
    Mashizou Posts: 28 Member
    Name: Jessica
    Starting weigh: 150
    Goal weight: 130
    Non Scale Goal: To lose the love handles, have leaner thighs, and feel confident about my physical appearance.
    Brief Introduction: Hello! I'm Jessica, 20 years old, 5'8", and a senior at my local university. I joined myfitnesspal roughly 3 weeks ago and this will be my first time taking part in a challenge.
  • JennM874
    JennM874 Posts: 10 Member
    I think this is awesome!

    Name: Jenn
    Starting weigh: 186
    Goal weight: 135
    Non Scale Goal: I am going to Europe in June and I want to be fit to keep up with my husband! He runs marathons!
    & a brief Introduction about yourself:
    I am 31 years old, wife, and, mom to a 15 month old girl. I work full time as a nurse practitioner. I find myself eating when I am bored or stressed out.
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm game! This will be a great ongoing challenge to keep me going to summer.

    Name: Jessica
    Starting weigh: 192
    Goal weight: 150
    Non Scale Goal: Run the New Jersey Marathon on May 6, 6 days after I turn 30. 30 will be my fittest year yet!
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I started this journey last June. I met the man of my dreams last New Year's Day and finaly something clicked that I needed to get healthy, so that we could have a long, healthy life together. As of today, I have lost 80 pounds.
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    you have all been added!! (:
    since today is our first weigh in (im using starting weights) I will allow people to join for the rest of the day! I will also be posting this weeks challenge since there's no winner this week. so look out for that later tonight ladies!! good luck to everyone, im excited to see what this challenge will bring since the skinny christmas challenge was a success!!

    also about me (thanks josette for reminding me (: )

    Name: Samantha
    Starting Weight: 195
    Goal Weight: 140
    NSV: run a 5k
    & brief intro: im a college student & im tired of being unhealthy & unhappy. I am a little past half way to my ultimate goal weight & im excited to see how much closer i can get by the end of this challenge. this is a big year for me I had a lot of changes in my life last year & this year is filled with even more. Im trying to balance my life in anyway I can since my virgo perfectionist ways are not always the answer haha i would like to gain more muscle & maybe complete insanity (turbo jam looks like more my kind of workout though). cant wait to get to know you all!

  • whoiskat23
    whoiskat23 Posts: 103 Member
    Ok... i'm in. Pray for me y'all. LOL! :laugh:

    Name: Kat :flowerforyou:

    Starting weight and height: 215.5 / 5'6" Ugh. :frown: Although, i'm proud of myself cause my highest was 224lbs about 2wks ago, more than when I was 9months pregnant with my first child. :sad:

    Goal weight: ~165-170 (Really just want to feel back to myself at whatever number that is.) :blushing:

    Non Scale Goal: To fit into a size 10-12 comfortably... have no more pain in my knees and ankles... complete my fitness test at work in less than 6 minutes... generally, just be more active and really learn to run and complete the C-2-5K program including completing a 5K. :drinker:

    Brief Introduction about yourself: I am Mommy to two girls. My oldest heads off to college this fall and my youngest will be in 8th grade. In five years, it will be just me (unless I find a hubby or get a dog! Ha! :laugh: ) and I really want to enjoy that part of my life as much as I can. I promised myself last year that I didn't want to turn 40 and still be overweight. Well I had my 37th birthday this past November and instead of going down, balooned up to 224lbs. Very uncomfortable, joints aching, none of my clothes fit, uniform pants splitting... just sad. Anywho, i'm trying to get past all that and get control of my life again. :bigsmile:
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    by the way i just want to give a big shout out to all the skinny christmas dolls that are sticking together on this challenge!! i missed you all while i was on vacation & can't wait to reach more goals with you! it means a lot to me that you're still along for this journey with me.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    by the way i just want to give a big shout out to all the skinny christmas dolls that are sticking together on this challenge!! i missed you all while i was on vacation & can't wait to reach more goals with you! it means a lot to me that you're still along for this journey with me.

    WOOOHOOOO! Let's do this! I need the motivation to come backkkkk! Tomorrow is my fresh start... again! I can't let myself do more damage!
  • kroderick
    kroderick Posts: 46 Member
    Name: Kimberly
    Starting weigh: 218
    Goal weight: 130
    Non Scale Goal: I want to be the hot Army wife running into her soldiers arms when he returns sometime in May/June! (pretty vain, but it would really make me happy!)
    Brief Introduction about yourself: I am a 34 yr old SAHM Army wife and mommy of a gorgeous and vibrant 2 yr old girl, Giulianna and beautiful and ever changing 3 month old girl, Olivia! I have always been over weight since puberty! Its been an every day struggle. It was not until I was in my mid 20's that I was diagnosed with PCOS. Even after finding out, I continued to struggle with my weight and ballooned all the way up to 317! My lowest weight in my adult life was when I got pregnant with my first DD and that was about 179! I hope to get back there and even smaller. I am determined this time to be healthy not just for me but for my daughters and my hot hubby! Bring on the challenges!
  • nuttybuttersmommy
    nuttybuttersmommy Posts: 77 Member
    my name Deborah,
    starting weight 242.8
    goal weight for 145.
    nongoal weight be able to fit into a size smaller than 16

    i have 2 children. i have already lost about 31lbs
  • sbeckum91
    sbeckum91 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in!!

    Name: Shelby
    Starting weigh: 164
    Goal weight: 130
    Non Scale Goal:To fit into a pair of jeans not in the double digits.

    Intro: My name is Shelby, and I'm a college student so unhealthy options are aways lurking around corners. Always heard about the freshmen 15, but being the sometimes overachiever that I am, I ended up gained well over. Went from 170 something to 230lbs. Since then I have lost over 60lbs. Its been hard, but worth it. I'm turning 21 this May, and my goal is to be around my goal weight of 130lbs by then.
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    so far we're up to 31 people, lets keep it up!!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Name: Nika
    Starting weigh: 224.0
    Goal weight: 199
    Non Scale Goal: Fit in a size 14
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: I started MFP last September at 242 pounds. My major goal for this year is to hit Onederland! And I am so looking forward to it.
  • Name: Dani
    Starting weigh: 170
    Goal weight: 120
    Non Scale Goal: Go running with my dog
    & a brief Introduction about yourself: Im 22 and i want to look like i did in high school. I have a dog named Rio, and a foster pup names Roo. they are my every thing.