Total Gym calorie calculations

Does anyone work out with the total gym? How do you track calories burned?


  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member
    I do and I just don't track them but will be watching this to find out if anybody does.
  • mg6773
    mg6773 Posts: 14
    i own a total gym and i just search in the MFP exercise for which specific exercise i did. mine came with little cards and pictures describing the exercise and how to do it.
  • Annadrews
    Annadrews Posts: 93 Member

    I searched because I use and love my total gym, hope it helps, I'm currently reading now
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    I would suggest a heart rate monitor if you want to be super accurate but otherwise, log what you can. Most things can be found in the MFP database, sit ups, push ups, stretching, strength training, those are all in the database. Everything else I just treat as bonus that can level out any errors. Just keep track of how long you worked out, and what you did. Then log it when you get done. :)