What low-fat, low-cal, or processed foods do you rely on?

IF you, like me, try your best to eat mostly healthy, whole foods, organic, unprocessed, home made whenever possible, but yet find yourself short of the time needed to do it all home-made and unprocessed while also watching calories, what foods do you rely on -- especially for lunch, snacks, and recipe short-cuts -- that are either low-fat, low-cal, or just processed foods that are helping you stay within your calorie counts and keep you satisfied?

My current addiction for an afternoon snack -- if i've had enough exercise points -- is a Cliff Z Bar (120 or 130 cals).

I've also just gone back to a reduced calorie mayo for chicken and tuna salads, dressings, and such.

I confess that last week I bought a package of low-cal jello. Haven't made it yet. This feels like the ultimate in non-food, and yet sometimes I thought it might satisfy my sweet tooth.

Oh and I also use Truvia (my husband calls it "false-via:) when I eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Do you do reduced cal butter?
Protein bars or shakes?
Fat-free sour cream? Cool-whip?
Sugar free candies?

I'm curious as to what others are using on occasion or as staples that don't fall into the whole foods/homemade foods categories that you've found helpful.



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
  • jacobsonmandy
    jacobsonmandy Posts: 30 Member
    Stevia, walmart version of truvia. I put it on oatmeal or anything i need a small bit of sugar on it.
  • jnb803
    jnb803 Posts: 10
    I use the Jello-brand low fat low cal chocolate and vanilla puddings for my sweet tooths and I do the jellos as well. plus it fills you up quick. and of course you need to use 2% or skim milk when making it. :smile:
  • Hello,
    I do use splenda at work but, Stevia at home because its a natural sugar extract. I try hard not to do processed, but with a kid at home and a tight budget I can't afford seperate meals and snacks. So I do fruits, but will have baked lays or whole grain baked gold fish when I have extra calories. I stopped buying packed dinners, dinner in a box, and other things like that. I found a butter called Fleishermanns that is made with sea side salt and olive oil( taste yummy), and I also used extra virgin olive oil.
  • Plain unsweetened rice protein powder (vegan) by NutriBiotic - add to smoothies
    Silken soy tofu - use in smoothies, frozen treats, blended soups, pudding/custard
    TVP/TSP - textured veg/soy protein - reconstitute with hot water and use instead of ground turkey/beef
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I eat it all!! I love I can't believe it's not butter spray, spenda, brown sugar Splenda, fat free yogurt! Fat free sour cream, pure protein bars, special k bars, protein powder, walden farms calories free condiments.....I love them!! I can enjoy good w/o calories or fat....I don't care what people say about it. I am healthy, cholesterol low, low blood pressure, no diabetes....oh yeah, I drink diet soda and put crystal lite in my water! :happy:
  • I rarely skimp on the sour cream - I usually go full fat. Watery sour cream is not satisfying and I end up using more in the end.

    I measure out my peanut butter and mayo religiously. I also use reduced cal Mayo (50 cals per tablespoon).

    I'm addicted to Fiber 1 (100 cal bars). Theyre satisfying & filling.

    Popcorn 100 cal bags are a godsend. I`ve been known to pop them in the morning and then stick them in my bag for a midmorning or midafternoon snack.

    Laughing cow cheese (45 cals for 2 wedges) spread on 4-6 crackers is a satisfying snack.

    Special k fruit Crisps are 100 cals for 2, and they make for a nice sweet treat with a cup of tea or coffee (strawberry are yum)

    Reduced sugar oatmeal packs (130 cals) & lipton cup-a-soup (50 cals). I always have those in my purse. All you need is boiled water and a mug at any moment! :)
  • Stevia, walmart version of truvia. I put it on oatmeal or anything i need a small bit of sugar on it.

    I second stevia... french vanilla flavor is also yummy. I keep it in my purse and add it to my coffee. :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    None. I use the regular version of everything (sugar, dairy products, etc.) and just use less and/or indulge less frequently. I find that I enjoy all foods more and never feel deprived.
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    I eat lots of fat and while I watch my calories, I don't count them religiously. So my big "guilty-crutch" foods typically fall into the category of sugar substitutes:

    Splenda! I think its bad for me...but I do it anyway. With my eyes wide open!

    Diet soda. Because sometimes...you just want a pepsi. Not a "natural soda," or water, but a nice, processed, made in a factory, pepsi. But I'm not willing to guzzle 300 calories of high fructose corn syrup for it. And besides, I think its a toss up between aspartame and high fructose corn syrup as to which is worse!

    Frozen dinners from Trader Joes. They aren't really "diet" foods in the traditional sense, but they veer toward junky, with more salt, sugar, and low-grade vegetable oil than I'd use in my own food. But hey. Sometimes, you want to eat, but don't want to cook. What can I say? Its better than takeout!

    Oh, and Atkins bars. I'm allergic to wheat, and the peanut butter and chocolate Atkins bar is wheat free, high in protein, moderate in calories but heavy enough to keep me full...and I can grab it from the CVS. The ability to get it at regular, mainstream stores is what makes it convenient. If I weren't allergic to wheat, there are probably better choices, but there you have it.
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    I'm don't eat many processed foods but I can't live without ....Carbmaster Yogurt - 60 calories with 8g protein.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    Oh god yes!!! Splenda, lean cuisine lunches, diet hot chocolate.... actually, this list could go on and on and on.... lol
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I'm don't eat many processed foods but I can't live without ....Carbmaster Yogurt - 60 calories with 8g protein.

    Oh my how could I forget this??!!!! I eat like 3 a day!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Clif Builder's bars--specifically, the chocolate mint flavor. Low glycemic, doesn't spike my blood sugar, and totally fills the desire for candy.
