A call to all Paleo Eaters - Let's be friends!

I'm a recovering vegetarian (after 18 years) due to researching Primal eating and deciding it's the healthy way to go. With-in a couple of weeks my hunger has vanished and the scale is moving effortlessly in the right direction (body fat % too)!

My carbs all come from fresh, organic fruit and veg and I only eat organic, non-procesed meats and fish.

I'd love to befriend anyone else who is following this way of life (or anyone interested in finding out more).

Before anyone has a go at me I'm not cutting out any food groups, I just choose not to get my carb fix from grains, pasta, rice, cereals, refined sugar, processed foods or starchy veg.

I hope to find people who are further down the road on this journey than me who wish to share tips/experiences and offer support & encouragement.


  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! I try to stick to paleo as much as I can!
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    I should probably have said Primal but they're similar things. I follow Marks Daily Apple. Love it!
  • Derv
    Derv Posts: 84 Member
    I have just started week 2 (I'm doing one step a week) of this
  • Hi! Ive started the Paleo Diet for over 1 week now and already down 7.4lbs...Im trying to stick with it has much has i can but its all new to me...but so far the results are great and it's a great Lifestyle!
  • DH and I really want to transition to a Paleo diet. Any good, free resources online for recipe ideas and things like that?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I eat primarily paleo with a couple of little tweaks as per my needs :) feel free to add me, and be sure to join the Paleo/Primal group.
  • empresslove13
    empresslove13 Posts: 48 Member
    how to join the paleo/primal group?
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    I'm a recovering vegetarian (after 18 years) due to researching Primal eating and deciding it's the healthy way to go. With-in a couple of weeks my hunger has vanished and the scale is moving effortlessly in the right direction (body fat % too)!

    I am also a recovering veg... after 16 years. I did the same as you researching Primal eating and just this weekend subscribed to Marks Daily Apple.

    I hope to see changes in my energy, hunger and bf % too! ;)
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    I am just starting the Paleo diet, I am waiting for my cook book to come in the mail. I hope it works for me. But boy am I gonna miss bread lol it is my comfort food
  • I am also a "recovering" vegetarian. Don't have weight to lose but am looking for optimal health. I am 2 weeks into the Primal diet and finally through the carb flu.
  • sactosteph
    sactosteph Posts: 5 Member
    Hello from Sacramento!

    My kids went back to school today and today is my day one of the Paleo 21 Day Transformation from Mark Sisson's book.

    LOVE to share some recipes w/ y'all. And see how you're getting through challenges.

    Simultaneously, I'm reading a book about compulsive eating and binge eating that I recommend. It's given me tools to think about fueling my body and not indulging my tongue and (always hungry) brain.
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    I love Paleo. One trick is to be creative and plan ahead. Pinterest has really helped me in finding recipes. I have almost 200 saved on my board. I also make bread which is really good.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
  • would love to have access to your recipes
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    would love to have access to your recipes

    Send me an email.

  • I did paleo/primal (i prefer primal as well) for 3 months and really got into it. I,however, have changed up my diet to a Low-Gi and have begun to count calories (per myfitnesspal) as a change up. I've also gotten into a relationship, so it was hard to stick with just primal. My partner and I are into exercise (alot of strength training for me) and more cardio/dance for him, and are looking into dieting more often, for the better, and I think I may introduce him to Primal. Our love for grains and pasta,however, is a bit stronger than the love for Primal, so, I think a low-GI diet is a way to go for now. Good luck! It is a good diet.
  • this is my first reply... My hubby started a Paleo diet and dropped 30 lbs and has kept it off. We started the diet after my bf gave me the book “Primal Blue Print” to read in hopes to drop my new “flavor or the week ” diet, Adkins diet at that time I think! … I neglected to read it but to my surprise my hubby did read it. He wanted to drop his cholesterol (which didn’t happen as promised due to his heredity issue) but it did give him more energy, increased his alertness, regulated his bowels, and propelled him back to an active lifestyle (he also got a six pack back which I appreciated  ). I TRY to follow the diet but still struggle silly with emotional eating (so tied to carbs its sad!!!).

    We found Good Internet Resources are....

    • Robb Wolf
    • Mark’s Daily Apple
    • Nom Nom Paleo
    • The Paleo Diet
    • Easy Paleo

    We have used all these BUT I will admit that I found them from my local CrossFit site. If you also google CrossFit in your area they typically have links to Paleo sites and I steal a lot of good info from them! No I don’t even belong to Crossfit (due to the expense but I so love their workouts and training info) so it is not a shameless plug for them…I promise !!!
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    I am slowly trying to convert over to primal...for health and spiritual reasons...would LOVE some friends!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I follow a Primalish diet at about 85-90%. I've done it on and off, but I've committed to it since the 1st and plan to make it stick now. I also feed my 1 yr old the same way. He is very healthy :) I've already lost 7 lbs in 15 days. It really work for me b/c I'm insulin resistant and it keeps my blood sugar stable. and I feel great on it. I also have alot of friends on here that are paleo/primal so I'm sure they'll come say hi too just by me commenting in here!

    Good Luck!