
Hi, I want to begin jogging but not sure how to start. The only exercise I am doing at the moment is aerobics and I feel I need to mix it up a little..

I have wanted to jog for a long time but because I have not done it before I am feeling a lil nervous at how much I am able to do and I dont really know how to start,

Any tips would be great! Thanks Jess


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Options jogging
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    Options is a great blog, here she talks about how she got started running. I still haven't, I don't know if I will- I'm not really into it (I bike). Good luck!
  • lolemmerz
    bring your ipod & just run. i love it.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've just started jogging too. I started with fast walks and smart stints of jogging in my walks. I would do 2 minutes walking, 2 minutes jogging and gradually increased my time of jogging. It gets easier each time.
  • WanderLaura
    Do the couch to 5k thing!! :) I started out small and now I can do about 5-6 miles at a time!! :) You can do it!! Jogging is SO rewarding and so much fun!
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    The couch to 5k is a good way to gradually build up!
  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    I started by walking on the treadmill, a steady pace, then jog a lap then walk a lap and repeat. Then try and jog 2 laps then walk one, it's all about building endurance right. Good luck!
  • KimberlyWIOG
    I recommend a C25K program if you want some direction. Otherwise you can start by just jogging for as long as you can, then walking for a minute or too to recover, and start jogging again.

    But I love the direction of the C25k programs. If you have an iPod, you can find some great ones on iTunes that give you cues of when to jog and walk. Gradually increasing difficulty until you can jog 3 miles in 9 weeks. And if you don't have an iPod, you can just google some plans for direction. Good luck.
  • ellumi
    ellumi Posts: 90 Member
    I started with the C25K program - here's a link to a website with info:

    I also got the app for Android from the market. I've never been a "runner" but am now running 4 - 5 miles at a time about 3 or 4 days a week!
  • charzy25
    Start out with getting a good pair of shoes. There are several stores that can help you get the right fit and shoe.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    1. Get some running shoes. Cross trainers won't do.
    2. Look into Couch to 5K. It's a programme that will ease you into running for 5 kilometers non stop.
  • CROD1305
    Make sure you got good running shoes. Begin with walk/runs...or joggs in your case. Start with 5 minutes of power walking, then add increments of 30 seconds - 2 minutes of running/jogging alternating back to power walking, jogging, etc. Session will maybe last about 20-25 minutes for the first few weeks. Your body will adapt to it and you will want to run/jog more than walking eventually.

    Good Luck
  • BrandiParsonRNC
    BrandiParsonRNC Posts: 25 Member
    I agree with couch to 5k! I started that way and now run 4-5 miles at a time!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    First, get a foot evaluation at a running store and get a good pair of running shoes, then hit the road or the treadmill, if you prefer ( personally love running outside and the treadmill drives me crazy). Don't worry if you can only jog to the corner, do it then walk back tomorrow jog past the corner, add a little each day and before you know it, you'll be running a marathon! If I can do it anyone can! If you want a plan there are lots out there (lots of people love Couch to 5K, I don't have experience with it, so I can't speak about it) I found a free plan on Runner's World website it was 30 days to a Running Habit...I liked it! Have fun!!!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    A GREAT start is the Couch to 5k program. I did it years ago, I have several real life friends have success on that program, as wella s several MFPers. Google it, there are apps, podcasts, everything , it's a great program for beginning runners, even though who have never run before.
  • mylifex2
    i recently joined a gym. Prior to joining the gym, my main excercise consisted of the activity I get at work (hospital), changing elevator usage to stairs, and doing some strength training at home with weights. My first day at the gym two weeks ago I walked the treadmill for about 40 minutes at a pace of about 4 miles an hour. by the third day I tried a little jogging and was able to go only about 1 minute. i pushed myself a little harder everyday and now, two weeks later, I am running a mile without stopping, then walking at a fast pace for about 2 minutes, then jog another about 2 miles a workout with another mile of walking. I always start with a ten minute warmup. I jog pretty slowly...about 4 miles an hour, but it is the pace I am comfortable with right now. I usually don't get winded , i just get tired that is encouraging to me...I cant believe i have improved so drastically in such a short period of time. go for it!! just see how long you can go and then stop and slow down...grab your breath then start again...each day will get easier and you will go further. there are websites devoted to this topic, and most will tell you to only train 3 days a week. Most programs will only have you at 2 minutes by the end of your second week. but I felt my body could handle the increase, so I listened to my body. good luck!!!! I can tell you it is so rewarding...usually into the 5th minute i get into a zone....and the rest of the time is not so bad. I am aiming to do a 5K in 4 months.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Here to show more support for couch to 5k! download some podcasts so you don't have to keep an eye on a watch. best of luck!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Go for it!!

    26 months ago, I couldn't run 100 yards.

    I ran 10 miles for a morning run yesterday.

    Just keep plugging away at it - run just a little farther each time. Walk when you have to.

    And if you're body says "NO!" - stop. I've been held back twice from overdoing it and having to rest for weeks or months at a time.
  • tessa3r
    tessa3r Posts: 7 Member
    I just started jogging too. I have a smart phone (iPhone in my case) and choose the 5k runner app. There are several to choose from if you search for running. Find one you find interesting and go for it. I've never run before, but so far I'm enjoying it.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Another vote for C25K - its FANTASTIC. Get the app for your phone and it will tell you when to run adn when to walk