Running NSV today

Today I had an opportunity to spend 1 1/2 hours doing whatever I chose. I decided I would run 3.1 miles - a 5K.

I've run many 5Ks in the past, but not since I had put on the extra weight. Being able to run a 5K again was one of my big goals, along with losing the extra weight of course. I started on MFP in mid November 2011. I have lost 14 pounds and have struggled with my willpower to resist temptation, as I love to eat, especially non-healthy stufrf. I have been running again, usually my lunch hour from work is the only time I can get away to run. I'm a single mom of a young daughter, so my mornings and nights are busy. Weekday lunch hours are mine and I run. In that hour, I change into running gear, warm-up 5 minutes, run, cool-down 5 minutes and stretch, shower and get back to work. So my runs are fairly short. I've tried longer runs on the every "other weekend," when my child is with her dad. The farthest I have run since Nov. 2011, without walking in-between is about 2.5 miles. I have done some longer run/walks (usually about 70% running and 30% walking.) I use the term "run" loosely. It is really more of a slow jog.

Back to today, my goal was to run 3.1 miles. I went out and ran the 3.1 and thought it wasn't so bad, I want to run a little farther. 3.1 turned to 4. 4 turned to 5. Soon I was creeping up on 6 and actually feeling pretty darn good. So I said decided in my head I would hit 6.2, which was double my goal - and I DID IT! Actually it was 6.3 according to my Garmin forerunner. I ran (slow jog really) 6.3 miles without stopping or even walking. Yay!

I don't have any fun before and after pictures yet. I only have my fat before pictures, eventually I will have the slim ones. The weight is coming off, slowly but surely. Slowly and surely, like my "run" today. Just have to keep my eyes on the goal! I can do this and you all can too!


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