Hello from snowy Ohio!

Hi! My name is Emily and I started using fitnesspal 3 weeks ago. I'm looking for some buddies to help me stay motivated throughout because I have a really hard time sticking to weight loss plans. I get so Into at the beginning and then my motivation just falls off. I'm 22, 6' and have about 30 pounds to lose and once I lose that, I want to go on to drop about 20 more. So if you're interested just add me, or post here, and I'll add you! :)


  • Raach32
    Raach32 Posts: 20
    Awesome, a girl thats nearly my height (6"3) hahaha

    I'm the same, I'm uber interested at the start, but taper off after that,

    Good luck to you! x
  • Sweet200307
    Sweet200307 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey I'm from ohio too and It is freezing lol, I'm trying to lose between 80-100lbs this yr. I will definetelt cheer u on as u lose ur 30. Stay motivated u can do it
  • ehoward54
    ehoward54 Posts: 18 Member
    6'3! Wow! This is going to sound weird, but the only thing I've ever hated about being tall was that I could lose weight and fit into a smaller size, but I will always have trouble finding shoes! It's hard for tall girls with big feet to find shoes. Haha
  • Raach32
    Raach32 Posts: 20
    Don't even talk to me about shoes! It's a complete and total nightmare! I'm not what you'd call a "girly girl", so I spend most of my life in hi-tops and converse! :L
  • Hello Ladies! Fellow Ohioan here! Feel free to add me! Oh, and ehoward54, I have the same show problem! Lane Bryant has fabulous shows up to a size 12 ;)
  • shoe*
  • I'm from Ohio too! Add me if you want (:
  • wow your so tall! that or im soooo short (4'11 here)
    i feel the same way, im so excited and willing at the beginning but without others there to support you and do it with you its hard to keep motivated. i have about 20 to 30 pounds to loose :) supporting you all the way!
  • tag0829
    tag0829 Posts: 40 Member
    I am also from Ohio - on a journey to lose over a 100lbs. 38 gone so far. You are more the welcome to add me if you wish. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hyster1
    Hyster1 Posts: 75
    Hi i'm from NW Ohio, Best wishes, add me if you want!!
  • Raach32
    Raach32 Posts: 20
    I'm majorly feeling like the lonely little Brit on this post :/ Hahaha...
  • Rayman233
    Rayman233 Posts: 51 Member
    N W Ohio here too
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    Ohio here also...Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    Another Ohioian here :) Feel free to add me!