needing support

I have been doing insanity for 6 months and going to the gym, and wasn't getting results. I came to find out i wasn't eating enough food. I got very discouraged and frustrated. I have added about 900 calories to my diet and now I am starting to feel differences. I hope this is going to be enough. Anyone else out there frustrated as well?


  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Really? I typically have about 600 calories left at the end of the day to consume, and the more calories I have there, the better I feel (psychologically). How many calories do you eat and how much do you exercise?
  • DixieEcho
    YES!!! I started counting calories and exercising on January 1. I have stayed under my allowed calories and have been doing Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds," sometimes 2 miles, sometimes 3 miles, five times a week. I lost 2 pounds the first week and gained 1/2 pound on week two. I don't know what else to do!!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    that totally happened to me! Hang in there it will work. It's amazing that you have to eat more to lose...
  • gypsee13
    I really struggle with this as well. I am aiming hard at my target calories and try hard to balance these across a week's time - a little over one day, a little less one day...

    I know it will come. Getting the exercise routine down has probably made the biggest difference for me, but I am careful about what goes into my mouth as well. You definitely don't want your body to go into starvation mode though - at that point, it tries to compensate.
  • fancycat37

    The trouble with eating to few calories is that your body goes into starvation mode. Although in seems counter-intuitive to eat more to lose weight, you need to keep your metabolic rate up, to burn off the calories you eat otherwise your body will just store as much energy (fat) as it can to guard against future lean times.
  • lorrainesandoval
    It is amazing that eating more food is what our body needs. I was always told that to lose weight you needed to eat less. I was only eating 900 calories a day. When I joined my fitness I realized that my body was needing more food not less.
    I started lifting lights weights and noticed that I gained 2 pounds. Could that be that I'm buulding muscle. Anyone have this issue.
  • jobie4153
    What is "Insanity"? I also am one who feels great having leftover calories at the end of the day, but I am getting the warning that I am not eating enough calories after posting. I started to change my eating habits in October, but found MFP just by luck on January 1, 2012. Now if I could just get into the exercising piece of it. That is the missing link for me. Any words to motivate me to go???