So confused on calories per day



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The app on my phone told me 1200 but when I go under tools and do the BMR it says 1300. So I dont know what the difference is.

    I am eating protein, mostly grilled chicken and turkey and usually this is at lunch or dinner. I really dont eat any protein before that. I have also been eating sweet potatoes and cauliflower. I have been drinking about 5 bottles of water a day. I dont drink anything else usually. On occasion I like a diet coke. I try to stay away from alot of sodium but I really havent focused on that alot. Should I monitor that better?

    How can I tell if I am retaining water? I pee alot so I dont know.

    Also I have a hard time eating in the morning. I usually get my run in at about 9-10am and I dont eat anything until after my run. I have coffee in the morning then run, then shower, eat lunch and continue on with my day. I feel sick if I eat before I run.

    All of that is fine. You aren't doing anything wrong there, if that's what works for you. Except of course not eating back your exercise calories. :P

    As far as 1200 vs 1300. I'd go with the 1300 as the minimum number of calories to eat, if you are not running that day. if you run, you'll be eating probably another 4 or 500 depending on your pace.
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Like others have said, give it a month before you start worrying. When I first started, I dropped 2 pounds then "gained" it back the next week. I was up and down for three weeks before I started seeing a true downward trend. You just have to stick with it and not let the scale be your only source of encouragement or discouragement.

    Also, it may be possible that you are already at a reasonable weight for your height and it may just take longer for your body to be willing to give up the little bit. I've heard people here talk about the last 10 pounds being hardest to lose, so you may be starting out near that point already.

    But definitely don't let your total food intake go below your BMR calories and just be willing to give your body time to lose the weight. If you're eating around 1300 cals/day and you're exercising and you're eating healthy foods, then you're doing everything right. Give it time.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    I suggest eating at least half of your exercise calories. Sometimes I eat some, sometimes half, and sometimes all. You have to change it up. Good luck.
  • caveats
    caveats Posts: 493 Member
    Eat more.

    You shouldn't eat less than your BMR, and you should definitely NOT eat less than 1200 calories. Over the long term, this WILL screw with your body.

    Google "BMR" or even "basal metabolic rate" for some calculators that will explain exactly what those numbers mean. Get familiar with the acronyms (BMR, RMR, TDEE, NEAT, etc.), as they will all explain how to more accurately evaluate what your body needs and how to come up with a more appropriate caloric deficit. MFP works great for those who have a ton of weight to lose. You don't. So you need to educate yourself and get smarter on how to lose your pounds.

    Here is one BMR calculator to get you started:

    (And according to that calculator, your BMR is ~1400, so you are definitely eating too little.)

    If you insist on using MFP for recommendations, set your activity level to "lightly active". I also have a desk job, and "sedentary" is too low unless you're really tied to your desk for 12+ hours/day. There's tons of little activities like getting up and walking around (to talk to coworkers, take a break, go out to lunch) that don't get accounted for in the strictly "sedentary" activity level.

    Also, there is no way in living hell you will be able to lose 2 lb./week at your current weight and still be healthy and treat your body right. Slow down, give this time (aim for 0.5 lb./week). You didn't gain all of this weight overnight. You won't drop it overnight, either.

    For reference, I have similar stats as you (32 yo, 5'3", ~130 lbs.), and I can MAINTAIN my weight range (I fluctuate +/- 2 lbs. normally throughout the month) on 1800-2000 calories/day.
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    Any time I start trying to eat better and exercise more, I always gain a couple pounds first. I can't explain it, but I know that if I stick with it, the weight eventually comes off. Give it some more time before you start worrying or stop trying. Good Luck!
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Just a quick note on the app vs BMR: I would say both are probably correct. You are trying to lose weight? BMR is your base. The app is showing you your calories needed to lose whatever your goal is, ie. you need a daily deficit of 100 cals to lose your goal per week. Example: My BMR is 2400 and I have a goal of losing 2 lbs per week (I'm much larger than you), so my app tells me I need a daily deficit of 900, or a net intake of 1500.

    Hope that explains a little.
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    I have read all these posts, but my doctor has sent me to the dietician she put me on an 800 calorie a day diet and said this was my 4ft 10 needed? i have been about 1000 cals, only started so dont know if will be ok long term i have lost 11lbs but as first stone always comes of easy not sure, contacted doctor for another appointment but she is booked up for 3 months?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What about going by the MFP numbers for several weeks, then re-evaluating.

    I can guarantee you that you're way, way off at 800 calories. Try doubling that.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    What about going by the MFP numbers for several weeks, then re-evaluating.

    I can guarantee you that you're way, way off at 800 calories. Try doubling that.

    Sound advice.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i was sticking to the 1200 benchmark and working out and was noticing no changes. a friend encouraged me to increase my calories due to hard workouts. i am 46 years old and have always worked out and watched what i ate. over the past couple of years i felt like i was getting "soft" around the middle and i didn't like it! i have increased my calories to 1500 and then eat back at least half of my workout calories so i am usually eating 1600-1700 and am losing body fat. less is not always better!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    However this personally works for me. I do little exercise as I am a student and I have a very slow metabolism...When I stick to a diet of 800 cals a day I can lose about a pound a week. So i think it should be done by how you feel. One week is not really enough time to tell.....
    I eat lots of low calorie foods. so I tend to eat more but still stay at less calories.
    Popcorn is a great snack
    While it's true that everyone is different, it is NOT recommended to eat so few cals. Consuming so few cals long term is not healthy for most people.
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    also try eating something before your run. We have to eat something to get our body "to wake up" in the morning. even if its a banana or yogurt. something to say hey body wake up and start burning. Someone explained that to me and it made sense because i never ate breakfast in the morning. Now i have 300 calories in the morning, 100-200 for a mid morning snack 300-400 for lunch, 100-200 for an afternoon snack and then dinner is 300-400 and that averages out to 1250-1350 a day and your full all day IF YOU EAT THE RIGHT THINGS!