College freshman needs support

I'm actually not new to myfitnesspal. The site helped me to lose 7 pounds but I gained them all back (and more) when college started..
I don't know much about college systems in America or England, but in Croatia we are very busy.
My day looks like this: waking up early in the morning, going to college and being there from 8 am till 7 pm with one hour break for lunch, going home, having dinner, studying (at least 4 hours), sleeping. I hate it...
When I was in high school I had so much time... I was working out, walking to school and walking home from school, walking my dog, rollerblading, running.... I don't do that anymore. Due to studying during the night, I eat during the night and have no time to burn that calories because after studying I have to catch some sleep :/

If there's someone who understands that way of living, having similar difficulties, or just wants to help me by supporting me and giving me motivation, be free to add me:)


  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Wow! That sounds like a challenge. I understand not having free time in college -- but you can start losing weight and keep your grades up as well :) Good luck!
  • KatelynnMDuggan
    KatelynnMDuggan Posts: 41 Member
    I am a Junior in College and I understand the stresses of college and not having time although my schedule is not as busy as yours. If you want any advice or just to talk and want support feel free to add me.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Wow! That seems like a long day! I am a college freshman as well in America and you are welcome to add me if you want! I can support and motivate you because I know how you feel :)
  • abrilvaz15
    WOW that is a challenging schedule! But the good thing is you want to do something about it and start working out again.
    I am also a full time college student and I help out at my church and also like to join clubs on campus because it looks great on your transcript, and I still have to juggle doing homework, keeping the house clean and feeding my family. Oh and sleep. That doesn't leave much room for working out or eating healthy.

    One thing that I have learned to do is find workouts that you can do sitting down while your in class, and carrying around healthy snacks, when your starving that apple begins to look like the best thing ever! LOL I also carry nuts in my back pack. They are great for energy.
  • Hoonooria
    Hoonooria Posts: 28 Member
    thank you all for your support:) Everyone can feel free to add me :)