What do you do to stay on top of your diet on the weekends

My biggest problem seems to be the weekend. Kids are around and eating, hubby is eating, someone always invites us to dinner. I have alot of trouble keeping to my diet on the weekends.


  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    You just need to look at the weekends as any other day and stick to your plan whatever it may be.

    My husband and I eat a low carb lifestyle, but my husband takes one day over the weekend and eats whatever he wants.

    Tonight is his cheat night and I am picking him up some Lee's Chicken Wings in crispy and spicy. That is what he wanted, just the chicken - no mashed potatoes, biscuits or anything else.

    He is able to do this as he is still able to lose weight effortlessly. I am not so fortunate and to be honest fast food smells gross to me so I will make myself something at home.

    It doesn't bother me to see others eating what they are eating. I just continue to eat the way I should for me.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    I have the same problem. When I go to work, I am scheduled and I eat well, but when it comes to the weekends, I don't get up as early and the everything seems to go out the window because we are alway running around and aren't scheduled. We plan to eat well, but I break down. While Sundays are my cheat day, Saturdays become cheat days too. It's frustrating. It's easy to say, just stick to your plan, but you wind up telling yourself, "I was good all week, I deserve this." I know exactly how you feel fink21061.
  • sunflowerjesss
    sunflowerjesss Posts: 29 Member
    Sunday is usually the hardest day for me because we do a lot of "visiting" with the kids. We see my inlaws or my parents, or my sister, etc. I try to eat a smaller breakfast. Before we head out to do errands/visiting I pack myself a couple of small snacks. Usually things my kids won't try to steal from me (raisins, carrot sticks, etc). That will keep me going throughout the day and I also try to eat a snack before we get to where we are going for dinner. If I show up not as hungry it is easier for me to eat smaller portion sizes and make better choices.
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    I went out to eat twice this weekend, and I still lost weight at my weigh-in this morning! Just look at the nutrition for the restaurant before you go, and choose something that will work within your calories. My two dinners at restaurants this weekend were 475 and 500 calories. You can still eat out and do well!