Ain't that just a . . .

Okay, so I was sneaky and weighed early this week. My check-in day is Saturday; I weighed on Monday night. Weeeee! I had lost 3 pounds. :bigsmile: I felt so good that I got that emotional lift I needed and I went wild! I stayed outside for three days basically. I was enjoying the good weather, family, you know, the stuff we as overweight people hesitate about. So, by Thursday night, my WHOLE body starts turning bright red with these white splotches. You know how it feels when your foot is asleep and begins waking up? Well, my whole body was doing that! AND my legs were swelling. I didn't know what was going on. Guess what? I found out that due to a medication I was taking, I am chemically photosensitive. yay :sad: The doctor took me off the medicine, but it takes about 2 weeks for it to get out of my system. In the meantime, I checked in and showed NO weight loss (doc says the water weight will leave soon) because my body is storing water to counteract the chemical reaction. And on top of that, I went outside yesterday, stayed IN THE SHADE and when I came in that night my legs were so swollen I left 1/2 inch deep dents in my legs when I pressed on them. Not only that, there was a hole in my shirt and I now have a new fire red patch to go with the rest of me :explode: . Well, ain't that a . . . :cry:


  • PrincessSaraMM
    I am so sorry to hear that. Believe it or not, there are a lot of medications that you should not sit in the sun. On the bright caught it and got medical attention.

    I do believe that you will loose the weight back soon. Ya have to let your body play it out!

    Best wishes!

  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Sorry to hear you had the problem. I have done that before too. Drink A LOT of water. It will help clean your system much faster than anything else.

    Keep positive. The weight will come back down. :smile:
  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    Hey the positive thing is, is that you now know and are off the meds and you are going to be fine. If you have to, get up early and enjoy the early morning, it is my personal favorite. Great to walk and play in. Be well and my best to you!!
  • tonya1mt
    tonya1mt Posts: 16
    I feel for you. I've been on sulfasalazine for almost 4yrs. now. I've basically had to "hide" from the sun. It makes it difficult when you have 3 kids currently under the age 7. When we do go out, I will only go to places that have plenty of shade available. I have a nice big(7ft) umbrella for when my son has practice out at a park that has no shade.

    Always read the hand out that comes with meds you take. It is also good to check up on it on one of the drug websites. :smile:
  • nikkigullick
    Sorry to hear that, but don't let it get you down! The pounds will soon come down again (we all have ups and downs!) Don't let this get to you too much!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I can relate. Have been through the same thing in the past. Keep drinking you water. Flush your system. Use lots of Aloe to help you skin, I also found vitamin E oil helpful.

    When the water weight drops off you should be very pleasantly suprised. In the meanwhile baby your body a little, that extreme water weight is hard on your system. Spend anytime you are sitting with your feet up higher than your heart to help that fluid drain. Keep your great sense of humor handy it always helps.
  • mommyto2cuties
    mommyto2cuties Posts: 82 Member
    Oh my gosh, that is unbelievably frustrating!!! Hang in there!:flowerforyou: