How to get rid of this weight plateau?

I am doing regular gym (cardio and strength) 5 days a week. I am not eating any sweets because of some religious reason since last 10 months. So far I lost 23 pounds and currently I am 130 pound. My goal is to maintain my weight between 123 -125 but these last 6-7 pounds are just not getting out from my body. I am eating healthy food and generally the calories counts are within goal. Can anyone suggest me how to get rid of this last 7 pounds?


  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Switch up your exercise routine. For example, if your regular cardio is the elliptical, try taking a Zumba or spinning class.
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I just read a topic on the same thing, and the person said she upped her cal intake, and lost a pound overnight...... try that?
  • rbcobb
    rbcobb Posts: 1
    have you tried a partial fast...1-2 days per week?
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    You have to shock your system! Change up what you're eating, the times you're working out, the exercises you're doing and the intensity you are working out. It's a good time to try new things! And keep at it! Good luck!
  • 3DFitness
    3DFitness Posts: 12 Member
    Increase your weekly exercise, decrease calories slightly, or a combination of the too. Repeat until you get the desired results...
  • Increase your weekly exercise, decrease calories slightly, or a combination of the too. Repeat until you get the desired results...

    I did the opposite of this-I upped my calories and lowered my burn and FINALLY started to lose again. I lost over 1 pound this week by doing this. I used to end the day with a deficit of over 500-some days 1,000 calories (because of having huge cardio burns), and I've been coming within 50 to 150 calories a day lately and had my biggest loss that I've had in quite a while (after a couple months plateauing with the same couple pounds up and down).
  • Changing your usual workout routine and possibly increasing your calorie consumption could work. Try it! Also, if you don't mind me asking, what religious reason do you have for not eating sweets? I'm just interested.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I would go with the uping of the Calories by say 100, especially if you are at 1200. The body will fight you unless you feed it.

    That along with either changing up the exercise or you can do it a bit longer or a bit harder. When it comes to exercise...remember:

    F I T - Frequency Intensity Time.

    It will happen, be patient!!
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    TOPIC: Not losing anymore... that was the topic the person was talking about the pleatu
  • ssaoji
    ssaoji Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips. I will try the variations. The religious reason is very sad. I lost my dad this January and in my culture you leave something which you love for your lost loved one. Since sweets was my weak point, I gave up those. In other words i have to say now, my dad is helping me on my weight loss.
  • I'm sorry to hear that...hopefully it will fuel your motivation to stay away from the sweets. Best of luck to you :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you only have 6 or 7 lbs to lose, set your MFP goal to lose .5 lb per week.

    ETA: I'm sorry for your loss.