Tired of the yo yo diets... Need motivation

Hey everyone! I am new to myfitnesspal so I am looking for friends and motivation. Both my husband and I are trying to lose weight together so I am trying to get him on here too! I have tried so many different diets and at one time lost 50 pounds. I have since then gained it all back and more so here I am.

I am 37 and have 2 boys. I work fulltime and go to school fulltime so I am faced with many obstacles. I know though, that I have to make time for this and that I will feel better in the end.

I have a silly goal. I would like to run a marathon some day! Hopefully I can make that happen.


  • Tcarreen
    Girl that is a wonderful goal! Don't sell yourself short! Keep a positive attitud. Find friends at work who have a weight loss goal and go for it. My advice to you is to make your meals ahead of time and take them with you. Knowing that you have your food with you eliminates the urges to eat out. Good luck!:wink:
  • tonyasmores
    Thank you for the support! I appreciate it!