Starting Tomorrow. Honest.

Hello to all.

Finally decided it was time in Calgary to get busy and shave some lb's.

I love computers, so when I found this site and realized I can play as well as work hard at this, I was sold. It's so easy to add the foods and the exercise and keep better track of drinking the 'often forgotten' water.

My admission above that I'm starting tomorrow was heartfelt. A co-worker had a birthday today, and we had Vietnamese food.
Tonight we're having left over Moussaka I'd made on the weekend. There was no starting this day over! :o)

Tomorrow I'll begin with a fresh slate, and I wish success to all of us.


  • biologic
    good luck you could start right now, no reason to put it off until tomorrow.
  • MelloShero
    MelloShero Posts: 12 Member
    I second that, with blologic......You can start now, just cut your portion by half or so. I find that this is a great way to start. We always say we will start "tomorrow", then something always comes up......So go for it, and glad to see you here. Add me if you need support.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    NO, start NOW!!! Leave something on the plate when you eat today!!! It will be a start. Drink some extra water before you eat! Do it, do it, do it!!! You can do it!!! And, then tomorrow it won't be the first day, which is always the hardest!!! :)

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    You need to do what is right for you. Try writing down the reasons you want to lose and post them in the areas you eat most often.
  • SoftenBrownSugar
    SoftenBrownSugar Posts: 22 Member
    Didn't expect that many responses yet.
    Thank you all. I re-considered and started today. Yeep!
    It ain't pretty, but it gives me more incentive for tomorrow. :embarassed: