
Got my copy of 30DS today..nervous about starting it and sure could use a 30DS buddy to do it with..any takers? Any advice on doing it? Should it be done every day or every other day or should I just let my body guide me? Have many people had any success with it? I'm just so tired of my same old same old treadmill walking, cleaning to lose weight routine..I need some spice in my routine! LOL!


  • kimhere
    kimhere Posts: 35 Member
    I am starting tonight :) I have done it before but didn't finish it. I plan on doing it everyday.
  • TobyTimmyNala
    TobyTimmyNala Posts: 40 Member
    Let your body guide you! Because trust me...after the first day, you will need to rest the second day. I did the first level on Saturday and could not do the workout again yesterday and my body still hurts today. It is high intensity since it is only 20 minutes, but if you do it, I'm sure you will see results. There is no way not to...she kicks your butt!
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Hi Butterfly! I did Day 1 Level 1 yesterday! VERY sore today, but it's a good sore. I am going to do it every other day with some jogging on the in-between days. I like to be outside after being stuck in a classroom with kids all day. LOL I know I won't see results like those who do it consecutively, but I believe I'll be happy with my own progress.

    Good luck, and let us know how you do!
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    Because trust me...after the first day, you will need to rest the second day.

    Not true!

    The best thing for sore, stiff muscles is to get them moving again. Attack that second day! Maybe you won't be able to hit it *quite* as hard as the previous day, but getting yourself into that daily exercise habit is more important. Tone down the intensity if you must, but DO IT.
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    I started yesterday and did today too.... i am going to try to do it every day for the full 30 days... I'm sore...especially my chest from the pushups, but its a good sore if you know what I mean :)
    I have my Zumba tonight with weights so I'll see how sore I am tomorrow but plan on sticking with it
  • I'm super sedentary (except for the summer...imagine that), but I bought that about 6 months ago, and I think I did it for three days. I flaked out because the husband was teasing about how out of shape I am. Turnaround's fair play - he has to go on a diet required by the doctor since he's just been diagnosed with diabetes (and he's 31...). We're taking this very seriously, so I think we're going to start it again, and do it together.

    30DS GO! :)
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    30 day shred is fantastic. I dip in and out of it and alternate with that and 6 week 6 pack. Good luck :wink:
  • I'm on the 9th day. I know I'm seeing results, more than I believed I would see. I've lost 2-3 pounds and a couple inches on my waist in just this short amount of time, and I know once I finish 30 days, I will do it all again in a heartbeat!
  • JMFresh
    JMFresh Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on day 8. You do it everyday. 10 days on level one, 10 days on level two, 10 days on level three. It's designed to kick your butt... However, I'd recommend keeping your other cardio workouts in addition to doing the 30DS. It's only 20 minutes... it's only 30 days. Make the commitment and get it done!

    Oh, and I count it as "circuit training, general" for calories burned.
  • nanelis1221
    nanelis1221 Posts: 3 Member
    Im starting ripped in 30 today! walmart didnt have 30ds so i got this one instead..ill probably do 5-6 times a week with a day of rest.. we will see!
  • mjanet22
    mjanet22 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I started the 30DS last monday. Let me tell you, I was sore the first 3 days, but it's incredible how much stamina you build up. Today is day 6, (I felt like my body was asking for a break, so I rested a couple of days). I guess just listen to your body. It knows when you should take a break. Good luck.
  • rjtmum
    rjtmum Posts: 2 Member
    i've just done day 1 workout 1, starting to ache already. Planning to do it 4 days a week until I get to 30 days. Can't do it every day as I work 14 hours shifts the other 3 days. Counted it as general circuit training for 2 0 mins and had burned 200 calories!
    Good luck
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I am on Day 6 and have done it every day. I agree with others, and recommend that you do it everyday. I moaned and groaned when I moved (not working out) on Days 2 and 3 but I worked through the "pain." Just push through, if you need to go slower then so-be-it but still do. I have lost 7 lbs in 6 days. I haven't measued yet cause I am waiting on Day 10. Good luck! You can do it!! Each day past Day gets easier and easier.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I'm on day 2, aching so bad! But I love it.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    I seriously just completed my Day 1 Level 1 about 20 minutes ago! Jillian don't play around! It was fast and effective. I needed a changed after doing Turbofire for 6 months. I plan on doing it every single day for 30 days.
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    just finished my day 1 level ! Go me!! My muscles feel so weak already...I'm gonna try to do it every day if possible..Thanks everyone for the advice and support! We should all encourage eachother!
  • about to do day 2! can someone start a group for all of us that are doing this? i'm new to this site, but i bet it would be easier to keep track of each other if we have a group... feel free to friend me too! btw, my legs are on fire!!! :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • oops! just did a search and found a group that started on jan 9... guess i'll just join that one :)
  • HollyJanelle76
    HollyJanelle76 Posts: 21 Member
    Starting it today when I get off work. Can't wait. I'm actually using this as my "additional" evening workout. I do heavier weights in the morning and wanted something different in the evenings, so going to start today with day 1 & hope to continue daily for the next 30 days to see what happens. I'll check on here for more posts to see everyone's opinion.
  • I'm starting it today as well, as soon as I get off work. Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free to :)