Let's talk about Birth Control

I've been on 3 different brands in the past 3 years. From the time I started taking BCP, I've gained 15 lbs. It could totally be coincidental, but for the most part, my diet and exercise regimen has stayed the same.

I'm tempted to go off of it even though I'm in a committed relationship because I'm beginning to think that it's playing a role in my weight gain and inability to lose.

I always used to balk at girls when they'd say "OMG my BCP made me gain so much weight" because I have always been of the mind that weight is a function of a very simple equation: Calorie expenditure must be greater than intake, and no teeny pill could "make" you gain weight. But now I'm sort of thinking differently.... Thoughts/experiences?


  • nkziv
    nkziv Posts: 161 Member
    I experienced weight gain the first time I tried them, but I think that was because I used them as an excuse for my weight gain and turned a blind eye to my diet full of chocolate-fudgie-pie-fat-nuggets and related crap. :)

    Hormones play a huge role in weight loss because they can affect your BMR, which does affect the number of calories you burn a day. They can also affect your level of hunger. I used to crave carbs ALL the time. I can't say if it was the BC i was on or not, but it's up to interpretation. Maybe try a different brand? Or maintain a bigger deficit--that's all the advice I can think of!
  • mebutskinnier
    I've recently switched Birth Control's because my first pill was irregulating my period & causing me to gain 20 something pounds. I've since that one switched but the weight's still there. I wouldn't drop the pill because I am too in a relationship where in my case is essential to keep it, I'd try increasing exercise and cutting out sugary foods. Maybe lower portions if possible.
    Hope this helped! (:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Talk to your doctor first...I go to a gyno, she's my regular doctor and she just switched me for the 4th time...just go talk to a pro before you start messing with your hormones.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Don't take the pill. Use the ring if you can. If it doesn't have to go through your digestive tract then it's got a lower dose... thus, less side effects. This is what my doctor told me.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    The ring - Novuring. I highly recommend it. It doesn't go through your stomach, lower dose, and you are totallly NOT hungry on it. Not sick on it. You don't forget to take it, as it's just a once a month thing to put in. It's super easy to use. It is priced about $60ish a month. Their website usually has coupons to help.
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    Im on Yasmin, and I actually lost about 9 lbs when I started taking it
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i just switched from the ring to a pill. it was effecting my hormones too much, but i am over 40 too. lol
  • gunmetalsunrise
    I'm using an IUD, specificly Mirena. So far I haven't gained any weight because of it. *shrug* Plus, I think it's fantastic I only have to pay once every 5 years. :)
  • GoldEyes
    I stopped taking Birth Control for the very same reason. When I started taking it... I gained 15-20 pounds. I thought maybe I was just gaining weight as I was getting older, but all of the working out and watching what I was eating, didn't do a single thing for me. Kept the same working out/eating regime, but stopped taking the birth control and dropped the 15 pounds very quickly. I mean, I have been married for 10 years, so really, but we are not trying to have any kids. Thankfully my husband is okay on taking on the role of protection. ;)
  • sarah_boombah
    sarah_boombah Posts: 124 Member
    I went off my pill because I hated it, I must have had like 7 different pills since I started, none of which agreed with me. It mucked with my hormones and I definitely put on weight. If you can, and are happy to use something else/take a risk, do it. Of course everyone's circumstances are different but I have been a lot happier off it.
  • JulieBoBoo
    Hormones can definitely play a role in weight loss. During puberty, the release of hormones is responsible for changing the shape of girls into women by encouraging fat deposits in the breasts, hips and thighs. Also, any woman who's had a period can tell you that hormones can wreak havoc on water retention, cravings, stress and many other things that can cause weight gain. Birth control pills are artificial hormones so it makes sense that they'd play a role in weight gain.

    Unless you have an equally good form of birth control however, the responsible thing to do is to continue taking them and either push yourself a bit harder or accept your new shape as the price one must pay.

    Good luck whatever your decision.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    Love the Nuvaring. Had it for 4 years and then got the Mirena. I kept the Mirena for a year and then got it taken out and went back to Nuvaring. I love it because it is once a month, regulates your cycles, and I never experienced weight gain with it. Actually, the opposite. First time I got it, I lost weight without even trying. Since I went back on it, I'm losing again, slowly.
  • PediDocChicago
    PediDocChicago Posts: 26 Member
    The average amount of weight gained because of the pill is only 2 or 3 lbs. However, if its making you moody / hungry / etc then that might also be a factor. You could ask for a Rx for a lower dose pill, or else consider an alternate option - I know lots of people who swear by the Nuva-Ring. If a longer term option is appropriate for you, Mirena is also excellent and doesn't cause any hormonal changes.
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    When I went off the pill I gained about 20lbs and 2 kids. Just sayin'.
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I stopped taking Birth Control for the very same reason. When I started taking it... I gained 15-20 pounds. I thought maybe I was just gaining weight as I was getting older, but all of the working out and watching what I was eating, didn't do a single thing for me. Kept the same working out/eating regime, but stopped taking the birth control and dropped the 15 pounds very quickly. I mean, I have been married for 10 years, so really, but we are not trying to have any kids. Thankfully my husband is okay on taking on the role of protection. ;)

    Okay this is exactly my situation. I work out a LOT. I mean, like, 2 hours of cardio a day, and eat a very clean, zero processed foods diet that I would say is 50% Vegetable, 35% protein, 15% fruit, lol. I mean, I should not be gaining weight. I am always at a caloric deficit. I lift heavy 5x a week. It's frustrating because (sorry TMI) I really hate using condoms, but I hate being fat more. Part of me feels guilty for asking SO to buy condoms all the time, but I've been paying for my BCP all along so....guess I can give it a shot and see how it goes.

    How long did it take after stopping for the weight to come off?
  • BrwnEyedGrl1987
    The first BC I was on made me gain weight like crazy. I've been on Loestrin for the past 5 years and I haven't had any problems. My weight gain was because of my eating habits. I know this because the weight starts to fall off when I work out regularly and eat healthy. I agree of the other who have posted before that you should check with your doctor before stopping anything. Especially something that messes with hormones.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I am not on BC but... my advice is that if you are not ready for kids do NOT stop taking BC just because you gained weight. Talk to your doctor and figure out something that will work for you. There is a way to protect yourself from getting pregnant and preventing the weight gain side effects at the same time.
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    I've been on the pill for 7 years now & yes initially I did gain BUT after about 3 months and being put on the "Lo" version on my BCP I regulated out and was able to start losing all that weight...It all came off in about 6 weeks (15 pounds). Good Luck!
  • mommyoverboard
    Same, although its coming out this year (5th year). Long story short, if you don't want a baby, don't go off some kind of birth control, unless you don't plan on having sex.I loved my IUD, but hubby and I are thinking of doing some baby making :)
    I'm using an IUD, specificly Mirena. So far I haven't gained any weight because of it. *shrug* Plus, I think it's fantastic I only have to pay once every 5 years. :)
  • toabetterlifestyle
    im on the depo shot right now, and yes it has made me gain about 20 pounds in 9 months according to my gyno. i heard the ring helps with that, but i don't trust myself putting something in and having a chance that it could be deffective, plus my gyno told me its common for it to fall out during sex. so im sticking with the shot because i onlt have to remember to go to the doctor every 3 months.