Chia seeds.

A few questions.

1. Do they fill you up and keep you full?
2. Do they help with weight loss?
3. Can you buy them at a market?
4. How do you normally use them?


  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 124 Member
    bump...just heard of this today & curious too
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    I bought some chia seeds at a health food store and was grossed out by the texture and taste. The bottle recommends to put one tablespoon in a glass of water and drink. "Bottoms up" You have to drink a lot of water because the seeds will expand and can cause you to choke. That right there scared the crap out of me. The seeds wouldn't disolved in the water and the seeds floated to the top of the glass. I didn't notice a difference with feeling fuller but sure did have good bowel movements. I know that was gross too. So I tried putting some seeds in oatmeal and cereal which was better then drinking the seeds. I still didn't feel full. I hear they are good for you so I did get something out of it.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    1. Do they fill you up and keep you full? YES. Not as much as GG Bran Crisps though. They are my "secret weapon". You don't really chew chia seeds and I sort of want something to chew up to feel like I've had a meal.

    2. Do they help with weight loss? Hmmmm.... Not sure. I would lean towards no. I use them for for the healthy fat.

    3. Can you buy them at a market? I live in a small town. Health food store might have them but I ordered mine from Amazon.

    4. How do you normally use them? Mix in yogurt or smoothie. I have done them "bottoms up" though. I've also put them in my oatmeal.
  • r4ndll
    r4ndll Posts: 1
    I got turned onto these after reading Born to Run - by Christopher McDougall

    1- I don't eat enough of them on their own to know - I always mix them in with something. This article gives a bit more details as to why it might help -

    2 - Not sure - I use them to increase my omega 3 and dietary fiber intake. In a one ounce (28 g) sample, dried chia seeds contain 9% of the Daily Value for protein (4g), 13% fat (9g) (57% of which is ALA) and 42% dietary fiber (11g), based on a daily intake of 2000 calories.The seeds also contain the essential minerals phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium and sodium in amounts comparable to other edible seeds, such as flax or sesame.(USDA SR-21 Nutrient Data (2010)

    3- I find them in the baking or natural foods section of our local supermarket (Australia)

    4 - Usually add them to something - home made bread, or sprinkled on salads, added to porridge, in casseroles, pasta sauces etc) I've just read about the Chia Fresca (chia seeds, water, leave for 5 minutes, add lemon or lime) Sounds yum - I'm going to give it a go.