Need new salad ideas

karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
edited September 19 in Recipes
I need a recipe for a low calorie yummy salad! any ideas?


  • valegirl
    valegirl Posts: 1
    Today, I had a the spring green mix, and added red onions, mushrooms, cucumber, strawberries, pecans and one grilled chicken breast. and wee bit of goat cheese. Fresh cracked pepper and a drizzle of Ken's Steakhouse Fat Free Raspberry Pecan dressing.. It was around 325 calories. It was yummy!
  • lacieinthesky
    lacieinthesky Posts: 42 Member
    I really like the WishBone Salad Spritzers. My favorite is the raspberry vinagarette with blue cheese crumbles, craisins, and almonds. It's only 1 calorie per spray and the almonds help me feel full.
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    With a computer it's so easy to find different recipes so that you don't get bored with your food.
    Just type ..... Healthy low calorie salads ... into your search bar and bingo.

    I personally don't have any new ideas, but I've added several things to salads over the years.
    low fat or regular cheese
    summer squash

    If you like the taste of something, then you can probably add it to a salad
  • AtlantaSara
    AtlantaSara Posts: 91
    I roast veggies every few days and they keep well to eat cold, reheat, add tuna, throw on greens, etc. My favorites are new potatoes, eggplant, peppers (red, yellow, green and orange), Zucchini, and summer squash. Just wash, cut into 1 inch cubes/pieces. toss in EVOO or grapeseed oil, garlic, S&P and whatever fresh herbs you have on hand (I use thyme, lemon, rosemary, etc). Preheat oven to 400. Throw in veggies for 40 mins. Enjoy warm or cold.
  • AtlantaSara
    AtlantaSara Posts: 91
    I made roasted eggplant with red bell peppers tonight, (400 degrees for 40 mins tossed in EVOO and S&P). Let cool. put in food processor with some fresh parsley, 2 T tahini, 2 T lemon juice (I also add a little of the zest) blend. Makes perfect spread, pita chip dip, etc.
  • 3 favourites of mine:

    Baby spinach with dried cranberries, almonds and blue cheese with either steak or chicken. I top it with a raspberry vinaigrette.

    Snow peas, mango and red pepper with raspberry vinaigrette. For a full meal, I top it with portobello mushroom sauteed in teriyaki sauce.

    Taco salad! Iceberg lettuce, a little bit of shredded cheddar, one serving of cooked ground beef, a couple tablespoons of black olive slices and jalapeno slices. Then I top it with salsa instead of dressing. It's surprisingly low-calorie, considering how fulfilling it is.
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    Today, I had a the spring green mix, and added red onions, mushrooms, cucumber, strawberries, pecans and one grilled chicken breast. and wee bit of goat cheese. Fresh cracked pepper and a drizzle of Ken's Steakhouse Fat Free Raspberry Pecan dressing.. It was around 325 calories. It was yummy!

    i love kens raspberry pecan!!!!! i use it ALL the time!!! usually with lettuce, craisins, almonds (just a few, for protein if i dont use chicken), pear, and chicken if its for dinner... MMMMM!! i dont like cheese but my housemate loves to add feta or goat cheese to that salad too :)
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Today I'm having:
    Romain and spinich leaves mixed, grape tomatos, red onion, cucumber, a small amt of crumbled feta cheese, a small amt of slivered almonds topped with 1/2 package of stay fresh albacore white tuna. I put 1 tbls of olive oil/red wine vinegar mix on top. I put all this in a plastic container and when I drizzle the dressing at lunch, I put the lid back on and shake the container really hard so the tuna and dressing goes through the whole salad.

    It's really good, and satisfying as well.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    lettuce with half cut grapes (I prefer seedless green), light caesar dressing, a small amount of steak spice (no salt version if you are abel to get it), and some type of seeds. I like pumpkin seeds but have used sesame seeds, almonds, and sunflower seeds as well.
  • My favorite salad is mixed greens topped with chickpeas, sundried tomatoes, crumbled blue cheese, and cucumbers... sometimes I throw in carrots or green olives... but I top with about a teaspoon of local honey, garlic powder, dash of salt, and raw apple cider vinegar... yum....:love:
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I love this thread! There are so many great salad ideas out there. :tongue:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My salad usually consists of lettuce, celery, onion, tomato, carrots.
    Some chicken, and if they are in the house, I always cut up 1/2 apple , or 1/2 orange or cut up green grapes. Top off with Balsamic Vinegar and chopped almonds.
  • Jester5843
    Jester5843 Posts: 1
    I love this salad:

    Spinach and romaine mix with corn, black beans, red and green pepper, red onion, cilantro, tortilla strips, and just a touch of spicy ranch dressing. YUMMY! Sometimes I even add some chicken.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    This is my "Desperation Salad", created while in Walmart at 11:30p the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, when I realized that the person I was shopping for had requested potato salad, and there was no salad I could eat without regretting it later!:laugh: Since I was in charge of buying the food, I figured I could make an executive decision and add another option:

    "Barbara's Quick 'n Easy Mexi-Broccoli Salad"

    I got a package of the broccoli slaw mix (shredded broccoli) and a package of the pico de gallo that happened to be near it. About 30 mins before we ate I combined the two, and added a litte Lo Fat Italian Dressing. I added a little black pepper as well.

    I stirred it up well and let it sit at room temperature for about 30 mins to let the flavors get better acquainted. (If you are in a very hot place, you could probably accomplish this in the refrigerator.)

    When dinner was served, the others at the table started raving about this salad. I had to grab some quickly, and IT disappeared FIRST,:heart: while the potato salad had more than 1/2 remaining in the container when the meal was over.

    This was just something that I put together on the run, but I will definitely do it again. You could use any dressing you please, but I think something oil and vinegar based would work best. You could also add additional vegetables. I think some cherry tomatoes and English cucumber slices would be a nice touch.
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