People. Seriously, wtf is wrong with them? Cheating is wron



  • willowfyre
    It's men's nature to be polygamous, do your research and you might learn a thing or two.

    While I don't think this is the best way to say it, it's fairly accurate. Human beings are not naturally monogamous. That term has fairly moralistic (read religious/spiritual) connotations. We (generally speaking) are just like most mammals. We procreate. Just as other animals will mate with multiple partners to produce offspring, it's inherent for us to do the same.

    That being said, I don't condone cheating. I do condone being open and honest with your partner. Communication is key, especially if needs aren't being met.

    Don't give up on women just yet. You'll find the one that is right for you. :)
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    It's men's nature to be polygamous, do your research and you might learn a thing or two.

    Actually, you need to do your research. Quit going by studies that were done in 1992. Times have changed. WOmen want to settle down later than ever. Usually in their 30s, men want to settle down in their 20s. Society trends, women are more career oriented now. Studies and statistics prove women cheat more than men before marriage and yes, men cheat more after marriage.

    You must be older, men were the dogs back in the day but now men are more caring, in alot cases being the only parent, and mosre sensitive than women. ANy woman who is single and dates online knows this, they meet guys who want to jump in a relationship or fall in love really quick. Most women want to have fun and date around. Generations change with each generation.

    But hey.whatever. Bottom line, people cheat. Also alot of good women go over bad boys and keep search for the same guy with a different name. I know many loyal guys and many of my female friends know many loyal guys I could hook you up with. But wait, never mind, I dont like you. My friend got really messed up so show some compassion.

    Keep in mind, this is not a contest on who cheats more. I just dont like seeing it. Cheating is not cool. Thank you to those who were nice and fair with your comments. Ask for the one about the good lover. Its not that simple, women dont cheat for sex. Its for attention due to insecurities. Some people work alot, are over seas serving our country, or on the road. Jeeez. Im just venting and im sorry. I just feel bad for him.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    So i take it you aren't into polyamory....

    Technically that should be either polyphilia or multiamory - 'polyamory' is grammatically incorrect! :laugh:

    But that, I think, is part of the problem. Although it's not something I indulge in, I truly believe that it is the way forward if some people want to have sustainable relationships. Our needs have changed so much, and as has already been pointed out, technology has given us access to the entire world, so we have far more opportunity for all kinds of relationships. Relatively speaking, monogamy is a pretty new thing, and while it's fine for some people, it's absolutely not fine for others. It's rare that one person can satisfy all the needs of another; I'm not talking about just physical needs, I mean intellectual, psychological, emotional, etc.

    Having said that, I don't think most of us are culturally ready yet for multiple relationships; they take absolute trust and understanding from both partners, and acceptance. While part of me is conceptually open to the idea, I do know that in reality I would have difficulty handling the fact that my partner was spending time with someone else, even if I had another person too! And how would I feel about my 'other' spending time with *their* other/s? So much room for conflicting emotions....yet I know people for whom this works incredibly well. I also know it is something my partner just isn't into, so even if I were up for it, it's never going to happen because what we have is far too precious to jeopardise....and we've both worked extremely hard to get where we are now. Despite my earlier comment about it working well for some, I've also seen far too many 'open relationships' crumble simply because the people involved were usually going along with what their partner wanted rather than lose them. That's no basis for multiamory - that's 'legalised' cheating IMO!

    I don't know that women are any more prone to cheating than far as I am concerned, people are people, and if someone has a propensity to play away, they are going to do it regardless. What I would say is that if someone finds this concept hard to handle in their friends, then perhaps they need to not be friends any more. I cannot imagine that any of my friends would cheat on their partners, and to be honest, if they felt a need to, then something must be very wrong in their relationship, and they'd have probably spoken to me first anyway!

    When all is said and done, my philosophy is that if I don't like how someone is behaving, and I find it goes against my moral compass, then if talking to them and trying to help doesn't resolve the issue, I make the decision that the relationship cannot continue. That goes for friends, partners, employers, even family in some is far too short to be hampered by bad relationships IMO, and I most certainly am not a martyr! :wink:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    Times have changed. WOmen want to settle down later than ever. Usually in their 30s, men want to settle down in their 20s. Society trends, women are more career oriented now. Studies and statistics prove women cheat more than men before marriage and yes, men cheat more after marriage. You must be older, men were the dogs back in the day

    I suspect that the reason more men than women played around 'back in the day' was simply because a) birth control was rarely available to unmarried women, and b) married women had their hands full with the daily drudge and child-rearing!

    Historically, it's generally been accepted that men will cheat because it was believed that men had 'needs', and women didn't (yeah right!). There was also the matter of offspring; a man, particularly a wealthy or noble man, absolutely had to be certain that an issue from his relationship with his wife was his own, and the only way to ensure that was for it to be socially and legally unacceptable for women to be unfaithful to their husbands. Of course, the higher up the social ladder one was, the less likely that marriages would be anything other than political alliances. Until very recently (and still so in some cultures), women have been nothing more than chattels, to forge alliances between men. No wonder then, that people had affairs...and yes, there have been many women who have defied convention...and lost everything.

    Something I forgot to mention in my earlier post is that we now live in a society where so many people believe they have a right to everything...little wonder then, that there are those for whom that 'everything' extends to cheating on their partners. :ohwell:
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    I agree, it's so wrong! If I started having any feelings for anyone other than my bf, I'd seriously look at my relationship first instead of going straight in for it. Not only would I be hurting my partner, I'd really hate myself. I just couldn't do it!
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