I thought I was doing well.... but

I am getting discouraged, I have more energy, I am happier and generally a nicer person. I have seen some encouraging results within my exercise. When I started three weeks ago- I couldn't even run 1 km non stop, and yesterday I ran 5 km in 30 min. while pushing my daughter in the chariot (and we live in the mountains- so its hilly). Needless to say I am loving how much I have improved and feel that I am getting a little closer to accomplishing my athletic goals. I am biking lots with and with out my daughter attached, and swimming for 40 min, 2 times a week. My daily calorie intake is under my goal of 1600, plus whatever calories I have added due to exercise (which I dont usually do). So here's the problem, I love the fact that I am getting more athletic, but at the beginning I lost 5 lbs quickly and now I have gained back 4 lbs:grumble: ! I dont know what is going on. I understand the calories in has to be less then calories out in order to lose weight and I thought that is what I was doing, and I just feel like this doesnt make sense. I dont know what I am looking for here, my husband provides lots of encouragment and has told me not to get discouraged, and I wont completely, I am just annoyed that I am not losing more weight. has anyone else been in the same boat?


  • lscotch
    lscotch Posts: 40 Member
    I am getting discouraged, I have more energy, I am happier and generally a nicer person. I have seen some encouraging results within my exercise. When I started three weeks ago- I couldn't even run 1 km non stop, and yesterday I ran 5 km in 30 min. while pushing my daughter in the chariot (and we live in the mountains- so its hilly). Needless to say I am loving how much I have improved and feel that I am getting a little closer to accomplishing my athletic goals. I am biking lots with and with out my daughter attached, and swimming for 40 min, 2 times a week. My daily calorie intake is under my goal of 1600, plus whatever calories I have added due to exercise (which I dont usually do). So here's the problem, I love the fact that I am getting more athletic, but at the beginning I lost 5 lbs quickly and now I have gained back 4 lbs:grumble: ! I dont know what is going on. I understand the calories in has to be less then calories out in order to lose weight and I thought that is what I was doing, and I just feel like this doesnt make sense. I dont know what I am looking for here, my husband provides lots of encouragment and has told me not to get discouraged, and I wont completely, I am just annoyed that I am not losing more weight. has anyone else been in the same boat?
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    You are most likely gaining muscle...as long as you are making fitness gains I wouldn't worry too much about the number on the scale. Are you taking your measurements? I would be willing to bet you are losing inches (muscle takes up less space than fat does). Or you could be at a "plateau"...mix up your workout routine a little and see if that helps.
    Good luck and way to go!!:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The body is a frustrating and wonderful machine.

    Two pieces of advice:

    buy a tape measure, and take your measurements every few weeks. They may be going down consistently, even if the number on the scale isn't moving.

    (this is super hard) try to focus on the other rewards of feeling better, having more energy and feeling stronger. And forget the number on the scale. The scale lies. It's trying to make you crazy. (I have developed the theory that scales actually have personalities and are actually evil, so forgive my extremism.)

  • mmtarase
    mmtarase Posts: 9
    I know exactly what you're saying. I lost 13 lbs in a little over a month and have been at the same weight for the last 2 weeks. doesn't matter whether I eat more, less or what. I do step aerobics 5 days a week and try to add either a 30 minute walk or strength training on alternate days. Can't even say my clothes fit better (except my shirts...i think 10 of the lbs lost came from 5 lbs lost in each boob!). I"m getting frustrated too. :brokenheart: except as you say i have A LOT more energy and feel much better. my chloresteral has dropped from 273 to 200!!! So I keep trying to remind myself that even though the scale isn't changing I have definately made the inside much healthier! :heart: